Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 105: If you enter my immortal sect, you will become an immortal

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The recruitment meeting for the disciples of the Immortal Sect began.

In front of the Shenxianzong Valley, a huge high platform was temporarily built. There were several chairs on the high platform. The Great Demon of Xuansha sat on the top, and Ling Feiwu and other disciples sat on both sides.

Sect Master Wang did not come in person. His Immortal Sect is now one of the three major empires of Megatron, and a mere disciple recruits a conference. Is it worth his Sect Master Wang to come out? But Wang Feng was also watching secretly.

The entire Divine Immortal Sect looked calm, but in fact, all the elders of the Divine Immortal sect and even the Dharma-protecting elders were dispatched to set up a net of heaven and earth. Anyone who dared to destroy the first disciple recruitment meeting of the Divine Immortal Sect, Wang Feng would give him a taste of life rather than death. taste.

On the high stage, Ling Feiwu and the others were excited, whispering and chatting, this was the first time that the Immortal Sect had recruited disciples, and it was also the first time they had recruited disciples as brothers and sisters.

No matter where it is, the new recruiting meeting is sacred, not only because it is adding fresh blood to one's own sect, but also because of the vague sense of expectation.

It's like Ling Feiwu and others will think, what do the junior brothers and sisters look like, whether they are good-looking, whether they are talented or not, and so on.

An hour later.

No one has come to participate in the disciple recruitment conference of Shenxianzong.

Sitting in the first place, the Great Demon Xuansha's face sank, but he didn't move, and still waited quietly.

As for Ling Feiwu and others, the excited gestures have also decreased a lot.

Two hours later.

Still no one came.

The face of the Great Demon Xuansha was much ugly, but he still didn't move.

And Ling Feiwu and others were no longer excited, and their faces became serious.

Three hours later.

Still no one came.

The whole face of the Great Demon Xuansha was gloomy.

Ling Feiwu and the others sat upright with a deep expression on their faces.

The entire platform was dead silent.

The Great Demon Xuansha couldn't bear it any longer. He was about to move when a voice came from his ear, which made the Great Demon Xuansha hold back his anger and waited again.

"Don't move, keep waiting!"

The person who spoke out, Wang Feng, who was officially secretly peeping.

Wang Feng had already anticipated such a scene. Although he didn't speak, his subordinates were not fools. How could he just watch Tianjiao in his jurisdiction come to attend the disciple recruitment conference of his Immortal Sect.

How could such a small scene move the heart of his great sect master.

The sun rises in the east, the scorching sun hangs high, and then the sun sets in the west.

The Great Demon Xuansha and others waited for eight hours, but no one came to attend the disciple recruitment meeting of the Immortal Sect.

At this time, the Great Demon of Xuansha, Ling Feiwu and the others were already like a volcano about to erupt, raging into the sky.

The entire high platform was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

And many of the empire's big spies and imperial spies who were visiting secretly all sneered, and this was the end of offending the empire.

Even if His Majesty did not order, this immortal sect would be difficult to recruit alone. This is the majesty of the empire, and this is the deterrence of the Great Emperor Yaori.

They added oil and vinegar one after another, passed the news back, and said how the Immortal Sect was broken. After waiting for several hours, no one came to participate.

This was probably the most miserable disciple recruitment meeting in the entire empire.

It is foreseeable that if the Immortal Sect does not admit a single disciple today, the Immortal Sect will surely become the laughing stock of the three major empires.

The spies of the major forces hiding in the dark looked mocking.

Your Immortal Sect is powerful, awesome, amazing, and even the prestige of the empire has been suppressed by your Immortal Sect, but so what, at this moment, it is not so miserably oppressed by the empire.

Even that His Majesty has not ordered, the Immortal Sect has already broken down to this point. In the face of the peak power, strength is sometimes useless.


When the spies of the major forces mocked and sneered, a slight footstep sounded outside the valley of Shenxianzong.

The disciples such as the Great Demon Xuancha and Ling Feiwu suddenly sat up, staring at the direction of the footsteps.

Under the eyes of the Great Demon Xuansha and others, a dull boy in linen slowly appeared.

Whether it was the Great Demon Xuansha or Ling Feiwu and others, it was obvious at a glance that this young man only had the Foundation Establishment Realm.

If it were other major sects, the practitioners of the Foundation Establishment Realm would not even be qualified to become a miscellaneous servant.

But now, after a few hours of despair that no one came, the appearance of this young man is like a ray of warm light shining on the dark fog in the hearts of the Great Demon Xuansha and others.

"Please... Excuse me, this... This is... Immortal Sect?"

The boy in linen saw Great Demon Xuancha and the others at a glance, and asked nervously.

He, not only was his cultivation base low, but also stuttered.

Originally, the spies of the major forces were extremely gloomy and angry when they saw this young man appear.

Someone dared to despise the orders of the major city lords and come to participate in the disciple recruitment conference of the Immortal Sect.

But now they forcibly restrained their desire to laugh, and looked at the Great Demon Xuansha and the others mockingly.

A stuttering waste, this is a great shame to the Immortal Sect.

If the Immortal Sect recruits this rubbish, then their Immortal Sect will surely become the joke of many monks after dinner.

"Yes, this is the Divine Immortal Sect. This seat is the person in charge of the Divine Immortal Sect disciple recruitment conference. Are you here to participate in the Divine Immortal Sect disciple recruitment conference?"

The Great Demon Xuansha did not discriminate, but instead said to the linen-clad boy with a genial look.

Yes, it's better than nothing.

Moreover, according to the suzerain's disregard for talent, as long as this young man can withstand the test of his Immortal Sect, what if he stutters? His Immortal Sect photo is correct.

His immortal sect is not supported by the children of Tianjiao, but as long as he is a person, as long as he passes the test and can join his immortal sect, his immortal sect can cultivate him into a top Tianjiao.

Even if it is a waste, it can turn into a real dragon when it enters the Immortal Sect!

If you enter my immortal sect, you will become an immortal!

The words spoken by the Great Sect Master Wang resounded in the mind of the Great Demon Xuansha, and the whole person became calm, and the eyes of the young man were also very kind.

This may be the charm of Shenxianzong.

Everyone in the world seeks the innate talent that defies the sky, and everyone seeks the supreme arrogance. Only his immortal sect treats all living beings as equals.

The linen-clothed boy nodded and stood beside him at a loss.

"You wait for a while, and when everyone is ready, start the test!"

The Great Demon Xuansha said kindly.

The young man did not speak again, and stood silently on the high platform, his face was dull, but if you look closely, you can find that deep in his eyes, there is a look of determination.

This linen boy seems to be a fuse. With the appearance of this linen boy, in less than a moment, several young girls came one after another!

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