Fantasy Gold List Countdown: Self-Digging Supreme Bone was Exposed

Chapter 102 The nine portals are unified, and they become one world, surpassing the chaotic body!

At this time, the eight fleshly bodies and one soul portal have disappeared, replaced by nine pure essence energy essences.

Without Jiang Ran's deliberate control, the nine essences began to gradually attract each other, and they were about to automatically begin to fuse.

The nine essences continued to emit energy, and they began to entangle each other, until finally, the nine essences had merged into a vibrant ball;

The essence formed by the fusion of the nine portals is not as big as imagined, but as big as a baby's fist. But if you feel it carefully, you can feel the majestic vitality in it.

The spherical essence began to disperse to the inside of the body, and Jiang Ran's internal body began to be covered with a layer of energy essence on the surface of the internal organs, and even began to slowly penetrate into the internal organs.

These energy essences did not only stay in the internal organs, but continued to expand outward, extending to the limbs and head. The meridians of the limbs, bones, and bones of the head also began to "crystallize"


At this time, Jiang Ran's body began to slowly transform...

Soon, Jiang Ran's internal organs and limbs were all baptized, and a faint fluorescent light instantly appeared.

At this moment, if someone is watching Jiang Ran outside the body, he can see that Jiang Ran's whole body is full of milky white fluorescence, and he can even easily see Jiang Ran's five internal organs, the bones of his limbs, and the meridians that wrap around his body.

Jiang Ran at this moment, as if it was made of jade, is beautiful. If someone approaches at this moment, they will also feel a warm aura shrouding themselves, making people want to close their eyes and rest.

If it wasn't for the breath of Jiang Ran's life, it would be more like a flawless handicraft.

However, Jiang Ran's body began to become chaotic again, and various forces began to merge and even continue to sublimate.

This situation continued for a while, but Jiang Ran didn't care.

But everyone with discernment knows that he is sublimating. The soft light on the body surface has long since transformed into a chaotic atmosphere.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Ran suddenly opened his eyes, the depths of his eyes were clear, as if there were no obstacles or stumbling blocks in his eyes, which was a kind of incomparable confidence.

And Jiang Ran's body also opened the moment he opened his eyes, the original chaos was broken in an instant, the black clouds scattered, and gradually let go of the pale white sky below, and there seemed to be infinite vitality around him.

After Jiang Ran's body was fused by nine portals, it became a world!

This is the achievement brought by a mortal body, and the method of being a seed has brought unlimited potential to Jiang Ran,

A mortal body gives Jiang Ran more opportunities. Without the supreme bone, Jiang Ran will be even stronger!

The body roared constantly, as if to celebrate Jiang Ran's success again.

For a moment, Jiang Ran's cultivation roared, and the fluorescence reappeared all over his body, breaking through!

Jiang Ran's cultivation level has risen to the sixth level, the sixth level in this life, and his body is white light, blending with Jiang Ran's white clothes.

The state of the mortal body has improved! It has been adjusted to the peak again!

Today, Jiang Ran's mortal body will go a step further, and it is not inferior to the chaotic body (Li Hao), and even surpasses the chaotic body!

Jiang Ran smiled slightly, the white light outside his body had not dissipated, Jiang Ran's smile appeared so clean and neat under the soft light outside his body.

"". It seems that Han Qianjue's odds of winning are a little smaller, but I didn't expect that Beihai Secret Realm and his party would become the biggest winner. Now that my strength has greatly increased, I will rise up and overturn the Holy Land of Flushing Light."!

Jiang Ran is light on wheat.

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