It was not until a long time passed with this state of mind that Qin Hao gradually calmed down his mind and flew away towards the Broken Land.

He is looking for the reincarnation disk mentioned by the white-clothed Immortal Emperor!

After finally reaching this point, Qin Hao naturally would not give up just because of such a small setback.

Since the white-clothed Immortal Emperor said he could still catch up, it meant that everything was still turning around, and the things that the seven Immortal Emperors couldn't say might be able to stop him.

While flying in search, Qin Hao also thought about the great fortunes of those Dark Immortal Emperors.

Could it be that the seven Immortal Emperors in the past created the Immortal Realm and passed down the Immortal Dao inheritance just to continue the great destiny?

In this way, the nine-layer fairy tower in his body can absorb the luck of the Holy Land and can be exchanged for the ancient divine treasure. Everything makes sense!

The deeper he flew, the more Qin Hao discovered the vastness of this broken land.

Qin Hao even doubted whether this broken land used to be a big world like the fairyland.

In the blink of an eye, thirty years flew by.

Qin Hao sneaked all the way into the depths of the Broken Land. Perhaps it was because he had practiced the Hongmeng Law that he did not encounter any danger.

However, Qin Hao has never found the reincarnation disk mentioned by the Immortal Emperor in White.

After more than twenty years, Qin Hao stopped and pondered slightly.

It seems that it is difficult to find the reincarnation disk in this way.

After thinking for a long time, Qin Hao changed his hands into seals, and the shadows of the reincarnation seals appeared.

There are eight reincarnation seals in total. In addition, there is also half a reincarnation seal that has not yet been condensed.

After Qin Hao's mind sank into the Seal of Reincarnation, he immediately sensed a hint of special fluctuations from the Broken Land.

The fluctuation seems to come from the endless world. It can be sensed but cannot be caught.

Qin Hao's mind became more concentrated, and relying on that faint wave, he closed his eyes and drifted in a certain direction.

Qin Hao, whose mind was united with the Samsara Seal, did not realize that the world in front of him was already giving birth to mysterious and mysterious reincarnation methods.

Those samsara dharma rippled like water waves, vaguely forming a vague samsara disk.

In the end, the reincarnation disk was completely formed, and Qin Hao stepped directly into the reincarnation disk and disappeared.

Almost instantly, Qin Hao reacted and immediately opened his eyes and woke up.

Only then did Qin Hao realize that he had unknowingly appeared in a world of nothingness and stood on the avenue of reincarnation.

It is a true avenue of reincarnation, like an endless river of time, evolving the most original secret of reincarnation in the world.

In that avenue of reincarnation, there is a small reincarnation disk, like a millstone, filled with countless mysterious reincarnation scriptures, looming

"The breath of the Immortal Emperor... no wonder I can't find it!"

Qin Hao's eyes flashed brightly, and without hesitation, he sat cross-legged on the avenue of reincarnation, deeply comprehending the original aura of reincarnation. The eight phantoms of reincarnation seals that appeared around Qin Hao emitted a bright fairy light.

That first The nine yet-to-be-formed reincarnation seals are becoming more and more perfect.

In Qin Hao's retreat, time flies by.

It had experienced dark turmoil and invasion from foreign lands, and it was already a fairyland with great vitality. During this period, Immortal king-level giants are constantly being born.

This is not only because the forces of the Immortal Realm directly recaptured the resources of the Ten Thousand Realms controlled by foreign lands, resulting in the continuous increase of the foundation of the Immortal Realm.

There is also the theory of Immortal King launched by Qin Haoqianyu Immortal Lord and other Immortal Kings before. Tao, many immortal cultivators who were stuck in the True Immortal Realm gained enlightenment and broke through in one fell swoop.

After all, Qin Hao had already reached the level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. The profound meaning of the Immortal Dao he said could not be said by true immortals, even by Qianyu Immortal Lord and others. The Immortal King giants all benefited a lot.

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