Fake Extinction of All Mankind, and I Rebuild Civilization with my Bare Hands was Broadcast Live

330. One shot? I think wrong, I'll say sorry first! (Please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket

【This minister agrees! God Kui must have a big move waiting for us in the back!】

[Haha, now I open the Internet, and the hot search is Kui Ye Kui Ye, I feel uncomfortable if I don't watch Kui Ye for a day! 】

While making fun of Lord Kui.

They all admire him.

And this time.

Some kind of mobile game.

Again, I liked Jiang Kui's development this time.

Immediately update the game content inside.

Earn a lot of traffic.

Jiang Kui.

These two words have also become the representatives of traffic.

even many stars.

While supporting Jiang Kui.

You can also get a certain amount of traffic.

But Kui Ye's fans understand it.

Celebrities are Chinese.

Definitely support your compatriots.

Plus the ability of Lord Kui.

Great in itself.

No embarrassment required.

the next day.

Jiang Kui started to stay in front of the workbench again.

It was a habit for him.

The process of putting ideas.

Write it out step by step.

When to get started.

Don't be afraid to suddenly go blank.

[Good morning, family, model worker Kui Ye is online again. 】

【Looking forward to Lord Kui's diesel generator! But Lord Kui definitely doesn't need to do this, let me go there, and I can use my love for Lord Kui to generate electricity! 】

[That 927 must be several kilowatts of electricity!]

[Whose chicken coop forgot to close again, and said something shy early in the morning! He also used your love for Lord Kui to generate electricity! 】

Motor this one step.

Jiang Kui has also done it.

Just remove the motor of the hand crank generator.

And the shell.

It's even simpler.

He has iron ore.

And now there's oil.

If the casing wants to use plastic.

It can also be made by refining oil.

Otherwise, it will be made of iron.


Gold Diesel Generator!

"By the way, it is the golden diesel generator, this is absolutely! 55

Jiang Kui is mainly interested in its color.


How dazzling!

[Damn it, I have tears of envy again, the golden diesel generator, this operation is almost six or six, I never expected that Master Kui's brain hole could be so great! 】

[Let's not say anything else, I can put those leftovers in that sack... oh no, did I say plastic bags? 】

【You are too worried, I am different, I still keep my original intention and want to unclog the golden toilet of Lord Kui!】

Gold Diesel Generator.

Such a 'trench' way of building.

Only (bjfh) Kui Ye can do it.

If you can get one...

Wouldn't that make a fortune?

thought here.

Some viewers left a smirk.

Jiang Kui touched his chin.

Diesel generators.

As the name implies, it is mainly composed of diesel and generator.

Diesel as power.

It can also drive the generator to generate electricity.

It's like eating.

Requires bite force.

To be able to chew things up.

When Jiang Kui was learning this kind of thing.

Always use the simplest expression to understand.

For rote memorization this.

On Jiang Kui's body.

It simply cannot exist.

Hand forging clay.

First make the outer casing of the diesel generator.

thought here.

That's it!

For fabricated molds.

It's even easier for Jiang Kui.

A few efforts.

Diesel generator mold.

has already been born.


to shape it.

After watching the clay slowly take shape.

Take it out quickly.

If overheated.

Cracks will appear.


Passing the mold in Jiang Kui's hands.

There has never been a crack.

this ability.

It was also admired by many audiences.

Even the hands of Lord Kui.

Call it the hand kissed by an angel.

Otherwise how about everything.

Made from Kui Ye.

Not even the slightest mistake.

[If my craftsmanship is one-tenth of Kui Ye's, I won't be able to knead the clay of a cup. 】

【It’s funny! Is Master Kui’s hand used to knead the clay for cups? These are too childish, didn’t you realize that Master Kui doesn’t make these!】

【There are countless molds made by Master Kui. I feel that if Master Kui really made airplane cannons, the molds must have been made by Ou with clay!】

After waiting for the model to fully train.

Jiang Kui picked it up and looked at it carefully.

Make sure there are no flaws.

Also placed on the other side.

Wait for his other parts.

Also when they are made.

Finally pour again.

Wait for demolding.

That's it!

[Successful, I will say that Master Kui won it in one go! 】

[One hit? I think it's wrong, I'll say sorry first! 】

[You guys are really too much, every sentence can be understood to other meanings, I mean if Master Kui doesn't mind, head up! 】

【A chicken coop warning once a day!】

Now it's time to do another step.

is the cylinder.

Jiang Kui took the basic construction of the cylinder.

One by one in the mind.

emerge again.

The cylinder acts as a transmission.

It is an indispensable part of diesel generators.

Cylinder block, lever...

people's eyes.

They all stared at Jiang Kui closely.

From nothing to production appeared.

In addition to being awesome and admirable.

Can't find any other adjectives.

to express their feelings.

Lord Kui is really alone.

can be a factory!

Jiang Kui saw that he had also reached the step of making the sealing ring.

"The sealing ring... Most of them are made of rubber, but this loss is more severe, and there should be better materials..."

Jiang Kui is so small that the sealing ring must be made of the best materials.

to the greatest extent possible.

Reduce wastage.

is the most important.

Even knowing anything.

Use for a long time.

will be worn out.

Just use good materials.

You don't have to worry about loss.

"By the way, the metal rubber seal!

Jiang Kui almost forgot.

Metal can be used.


extensibility, etc.

is an excellent material.

"Oh, why did it short circuit suddenly?"

Obviously still thinking that the shell is made of gold.

Why didn't I think of metal rubber sealing rings at this time!

And the audience in the live broadcast room.

It's the start of a new round of envy.

Lord Kui is so embarrassed that even the sealing ring has to be made of metal.

[Damn! Lord Kui once again refreshed the inhumanity. 】

[No one thought that Master Kui would use metal to make this place, and most of them are not made of rubber? In the end, I still underestimated Master Kui's ability! 】

[There are more things you didn't expect! I'm mentally prepared. 】

It's just what the audience sees.

Still a little shallow.

They don't know.

Jiang Kui wanted to make a metal seal.

Look at the corrosion resistance!

Is the real function of fancy metal.

Not to show how rich he is.

In order to be able to make every part of the diesel generator.

It can be used longer.

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