Fake Extinction of All Mankind, and I Rebuild Civilization with my Bare Hands was Broadcast Live

251. Landing on the island! The bones and the mysterious cave! (For subscription, ask for a monthly

chapter 2.


The storm is still there.

The bright moon hangs high.

Drag the raft all the way.

Jiang Kui found a shoal at random.

With the help of the waves, the raft was pushed into the water.

follow closely.

He also sat up on his butt.

at the same time.

Barrages in major live broadcast rooms

They're all flashing fast!

The scene is terrifying!

【start sailing!】

【Our goal is the stars and the sea!】

【Celebrate! We have witnessed the birth of the great Captain Jiang Kui and his Kui Bishen!】

【God tm Kui will sink!】

[Since it was born to explore the ghost island, then let's call it a ghost ship! It's suitable for the occasion! 】

【There is only a fine line between greatness and madness! Obviously, this is madness, but if successful, it will be an epic moment of greatness! 】

【I really admire Lord Kui!】

[People don't live simply to survive, but to learn to live on their own forever! Lord Kui, this man, he did it! 】

【Kui Ye let us witness a moment that can be recorded in history! 】

Sitting on the raft.

Jiang Kui was silent the whole time.

His expression was calm and indifferent.

calm as if there was no worry

By comparison.

The audience was a little excited.

The mood is also very high!

the reason is simple.

Because of Jiang Kui.

Do what they can't!

Do what they dare not do!

【Kui Ye, yyds!】

【Apart from Lord Kui, who else?! I can do it as a Chinese!】

[Grass! I remember last time I watched it, didn't it say make a small raft? Is this tm a small raft? 】

【Kui Ye doesn't need oars to sail the boat, it's all about the waves! 】

【Good guy! With this momentum, I almost thought it was an aircraft carrier! 】

【Pirate spirit! Not just the yearning for gold coins! It is also the exploration of freedom and unknown mystery! 】

Inside the China studio.


The host Lin Xiao also rarely showed a burning expression.

Several experts stared at the feedback screen.

Exactly as the pop-up said.

This is a moment to remember!

one person!

A boat!

There is nothing like exploring the mysteries of the unknown!

More exciting!

I don't know if I will stay at sea for a few days.


before departure.

Jiang Kui brought almost all the equipment and sufficient supplies!


on the sea.

Think southwest.

sailed a distance.

The island behind him has gradually receded.

became blurred.

at the same time.

Sea at night.

A thick white mist rises unexpectedly!

As if floating on the sea.

The wind was wrapped in a strange sound.

shrouded between heaven and earth.

There is often a loud howling sound.

It seems that some large sea creatures are moving underwater.

Extraordinarily scary!


The sea revealed a dark and mournful turbidity!

see this scene.

The hosts and experts of the major live broadcast rooms all held their breaths!

It was almost in a state of being so stunned that he forgot to react!

The barrage rolls fast!

【It’s scary right?! Why does it feel so weird?!】

【I always feel that there is something under the sea! 】

【Damn! Was my eyes dazzled just now! How can I see someone behind Kui Ye! 】

[I lost it! I look like a ghost sitting on the bow! 】

[Wocao! Are you really timid!?!!! What is that? Where did the blue fire come from? 】

【I also saw blue flames! Burning on the sea!】

【Haren! Lord Kui, let's go back! 】

[It's so ominous! Now I see the sea water is so dark it's terrifyingly rich! 】

[I also want to talk about the bullet screen body protection, each of these bullet screens is scarier than the other! It's cold behind me! 】

【It won't be some water ghost or sea monster!】

[I can only say that Master Kui is really a master of art and daring! I've been scared crazy right now! 】

【I panic to death just looking at it!】

At this time.

Lin Xiao suddenly said:

"Why does Jiang Kui seem to stop moving〃"?"

【Master Kui? Why doesn't the boat seem to be moving! 】

[The fog is so big! It's too scary to gather directly towards Lord Kui! 】

【Master Kui won't be gone, right?】

The boat did not move.

Wandering back and forth on the sea.

Can't move forward at all.

This is similar to the experience of one of the captains in the records.

And this moment.

in the field of vision.

Except for deep waters.

There is nothing else.

In order to find the island as soon as possible.

Jiang Kui adjusted the sails immediately.

Based on memory and observations from the top of the mountain.

towards the target area.

start sailing.


at this time.

It's like seeing the bright moon through the dark clouds.

A lonely island.

Suddenly appeared in front of...


Jiang Kui was overjoyed.

Put your hand on your brow and look far away!

According to the memory of the direction and location.

It should be here!


Take a deep breath.

Jiang Kui packed his bags immediately.

Bring your gear.

and a certain amount of dry food.


The boat is on the island.

next second.

Jiang Kui also jumped.

Set foot on this haunted dry island.

After disembarking.

He fixed the boat on the shore for the first time!

Stand still.

look around.

What catches the eye is the sandy beach connected to the sea.

There are also some giant rocks.

Look at the geological formation.

It doesn't look like lava.

It seems.

own previous speculation.

should be wrong.

in sight.

on the beach.

Scattered with various algae, marine life, fish and shrimp carcasses!

There are also several corpses of large sea creatures!

But it has decayed extensively.

And the bones are dense.

Can't see the type.

Disgusting smell.

Not surprisingly.

This should be a tidal island.

Standing there for a while.

Jiang Kui left here.

Decided to go deeper into the island!


Inside the China studio.

Geologist on the line.

Found all of this too.

Immediately said:

|| Judging from the scene, this should be a tidal island. 35

"When the tide is high, it will hide in the bottom of the sea, and when the tide is low, it will surface again!

Lin Xiao curiously said:

"Could it be that it was once inhabited and then flooded by the high tide?"

"This possibility is not ruled out, but generally no one lives on Tidal Island. Of course, it may be inhabited in ancient times far away, and suddenly one day it was engulfed by sea water."

With the analysis of experts, the audience in the live broadcast room also understands!

[My Lord Kui will not discover an ancient civilization, will he?]

【Landing on the island! I declare that this island belongs to me, Kui Ye! 】

[I once said that Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire of millions of people with more than a hundred (King of Qian's) people. It is not a problem for me to conquer an island alone! 】

[Damn! I almost scared me to death just now on the sea, and finally landed on the island! 】

The barrage also relieved Jiang Kui.


Just when Jiang Kui started his search on the island!


Not far ahead.

A dark hole.

Impressively into view!

The hole doesn't look like it was born naturally.

The marks of the knife and axe are obvious.

It must be man-made!

On the edge of the hole.

Stacked with piles of bones.

The scene is terrifying!

【People?! I'm going!】

【Is there really an ancient civilization? Isn't this Atlantis, or an underwater city?! 】

[I have already figured it out, it must be a pirate who found this place for the treasure, and then died strangely! 】

【It looks unknown!】

【What does Master Kui think? Is he going to go in?】

【It's a bit infiltrating! Lord Kui should say goodbye! 】

(Second update, ask for votes!).

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