Fake Extinction of All Mankind, and I Rebuild Civilization with my Bare Hands was Broadcast Live

209. Poisonous sumac sap! Natural resin paint! (For subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)


Jiang Kui pulled out the dog-leg knife around his waist with a backhand.

Cut off even a piece of bark!

Carefully observe in the hand.

in sight.

Through the mottled texture.

You can clearly see a kind of jelly-like substance hidden in it!

Not very sticky.

with the usual resin.

There is a big difference!

Ordinary resin.

Such as pine resin.

Most are amber.

Whole body transparent.

But the inner sap of the tree in front of me.

But it's not transparent.

The fluidity is also stronger than other resins.

At the beginning.

Jiang Kui wasn't sure yet.

But look now.

It should be right!

This is indeed no ordinary tree.

But the rare sumac tree!

Sumac is one of the oldest economic tree species in the world!

"Eight Twenty"

Seeds can be pressed for oil!

Solid wood!

The sumac tree is full of treasures.

The bark can be used to make natural paint.

Tree seeds can make natural oils!

The trunk is a very nice log wood!

Known as the "King of Paint"!

This white, gelatinous substance hidden in the bark.

It's the raw lacquer of the sumac tree!

It is also the raw material for making paint!


In the raw lacquer of Sumac.

Often highly toxic!

during active growth.

The trunk of the sumac tree secretes a lot of lacquer acid!

Only after special treatment.

Such as high temperature stewing.

The inherent toxicity of lacquer acid.

to be completely evaporated.

If not.

this substance.

Once accidentally got on the skin.

will be in a very short time.

Cause skin allergies.

Painful and itchy.


It can even lead to whole body ulceration.

lead to death!

The folklore of "Sumac bites people".

It's based on word of mouth.

April to September every year.

This is the peak period for the growth of sumac.

Take paint during this time period.

Be extra vigilant!


Raw lacquer is poisonous though!

But it is a very good natural paint!

It is not easy to be oxidized, acid resistant, waterproof and high temperature resistant!

It is mostly used for painting buildings, furniture, wires, broadcasting equipment, etc.


Sumac seed oil.

Ink can also be made.


Peel can take wax!

Make candles.


The leaves can be extracted with tannin extract.

The leaves and roots can be used as soil pesticides.

Wood is available for construction!

From bark to seed!

From trunk to leaves!

Almost all are useful.

Very versatile!

In the western mountains where sumac grows in China.

Many villagers even use the young leaves of sumac to make vegetables.

Use sumac seeds to press oil as cooking oil!

Oil extracted from immature seeds.


And it has been scientifically confirmed.

Pure wild sumac seed oil.

Not cheap.

In some upscale local cuisine restaurants.

seen from time to time.


For Jiang Kui.

These are secondary.

the most important is.

Different from ordinary natural resin.

Raw lacquer is a rare natural paint!

Just the right amount of raw lacquer.

Add a little isinglass and beeswax.

Makes the perfect architectural paint!

this kind of thing.

Much more powerful than tung oil!

Raw lacquer paint.

It's been a long time!

in primitive society.

The ancient Chinese people have already discovered the sumac.

And learned to paint with natural lacquer made from the sap of the sumac tree.

To increase the strength and longevity of items!


Eastern barbarians.

Triumph every time.

All the skeletons they get will "paint their heads as drinking vessels"


Celebrate the victory of the war.

That means putting paint on enemy skeletons.

Serve as a cup for drinking.

And as early as the Spring and Autumn Period.

The China region has already begun to plant sumac.

They even set up officials to manage the lacquer garden.

For paint application.

China is better than other countries in the world.

Thousands of years ahead!

Stayed in place for a while.

Jiang Kui came back to his senses.

Throw away the bark in your hand.


Remove the frame saw immediately.

Aim for the sumac.

Saw it squeakly!

at the moment.

It happens to be the season when the sumac grows most vigorously.

The lacquer content inside the bark.

has reached its peak..

as the cut deepens.

A lot of Baise lacquer in the bark.

It poured out continuously.

after contact with air.

Raw lacquer juice.

gradually oxidized!

First it turned chestnut brown.

Then it turned black again.

It's getting thicker and thicker at the same time!

in the live room.

When this magical sight, the barrage rolled wildly again!

Some people even recognized Sumac's real body on the spot!

【Wood grass!!】

【What kind of tree is this?】

[It looks like a sumac tree! When I was traveling in Yunnan, I saw this kind of tree! 】

【It should be sumac!!】

[The sap of the sumac tree is said to be highly poisonous...]

【Isn’t Master Kui using this to make paint?】


【No wonder, so it is!】

at the same time.

China's studio!

After repeated confirmation.

Professor Zong said softly:

"Yes, it is indeed sumac."

"Sumac is a natural resin coating. The paint we know is made of raw lacquer in the bark of the sumac, mixed with various oxides!"

“The distribution of sumac in the world is not widespread, and most of them are concentrated in the southwest of China. 35

"Because of the unique natural conditions, as early as 6000 BC, Chinese people have learned to mix and bake inorganic compounds and organic pigments to make paints.

"During the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, some institutions even set up special lacquer officials to manage the royal lacquer garden."

5.7 "Looking at it now, Jiang Kui should be trying to use this sumac tree to try to refine paints and make related architectural paints!"

"The shark skin from the previous hunt also happens to be a very rare material for making fish glue. 35

"It seems that yesterday's hunting was also something he planned, all of which were to obtain architectural coatings and prevent rain from eroding the wood...

After listening to Professor Zong's reasoning.

The audience in the live broadcast room.

It dawned on me.

Nod like garlic!

【Wocao, so it is!】

【666! Got it!】

[Master Kui: Brothers, is this wave fine enough?]

【Haha! Too thin!】

【Master Kui's thinking is so clear!】

[It turned out to be for making paint! I've raised my posture!!!]

(One more, ask for votes!).

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