Fake Extinction of All Mankind, and I Rebuild Civilization with my Bare Hands was Broadcast Live

102. Precious wood, the melee has become long-range? (Please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass!)

There are many types of wooden recurve bows.

Athletics recurve.

Beautiful hunting.

Traditional recurve and so on and so on.

Combine your own situation and the hunting needs of the jungle.

Strong traditional style.

Make a simple beauty hunt.

It is undoubtedly Jiang Kui's first choice now!

Because of the competitive recurve bow and the traditional bow.

Regardless of production difficulty.

Still the required materials are very demanding.

Metal bows.


side pads.

Must meet the requirements to play the power!

And the production of these parts.

These are all tasks that Jiang Kui cannot complete independently at the moment.


Hunting is definitely the best choice.

Meihun is actually Meizhou Bowhunting.


It is the third largest bow in addition to the competitive recurve bow and the oriental traditional bow.

The technology comes from the Indian war bow!

An evolved version of the original wooden recurve bow!

Bow species history is not long.

Just decades.

But it is an improved version that combines the advantages of many excellent bow species.

Similar to Eastern traditional bows.

There are also no sights and balance bars.

But there are bow windows.

After taking the arrow and pulling the bow.

The hunting view is very good!

It's just that the depth of the bow window is significantly less than the competitive recurve!

But it's completely enough.

It's just for jungle hunting anyway.

Not to go to the competition.

Have a plan.

Finish breakfast.

Jiang Kui sorted out his thoughts.

Then I went out to find material 710.

Make beautiful hunts.

The choice of wood is key.

Likewise, wood is also the main material for the stem and limbs.


Resilience must pass.


Even if it works fine.

It is also difficult to achieve the desired power!

near the camp.

Mostly some oak and beech.

Or Sequoia.

Even if it is used, it can only be used.

Not the most preferred.

The power will definitely be much worse.

Really if applied to hunting.

It doesn't have that smell either.

"Big White!"

Pick up the battle axe.

Jiang Kui greeted Dabai.

Immediately decided to go to the depths of the jungle to see.

From the moment I decided to train this little guy.

Jiang Kui takes it with him every time he goes out.

Let it act as its own assistant.

Do what you can.

Don't say it.

have such a partner.

It really saved a lot of effort for Jiang Kui.

Wait a while.

It can carry heavier items.

You can basically let go of your own hands.

"Da Bai, hurry up!"


Jiang Kui made the way ahead.

walk aside.

While observing the trees in the jungle.

There are many kinds of trees in the forest.

Various shrubs and trees.



There are also many handles and blades that can be used to make bows (bjfh).

The flexibility is almost indistinguishable from the wood near the camp.


Can only give up.

Continue to go deep.

that's it.

Wandered around aimlessly.

Just when Jiang Kui was disheartened, he finally made a new discovery not far ahead!

Those are two very beautiful yew trees!

A full fifteen meters high.

The yew tree is also a type of fir tree.

But this guy is so much more precious than an ordinary fir tree!

It's not that the tree species are very expensive!

It's its hard and elastic qualities.

Just what Jiang Kui needs right now!

Yew wood is the best material for making recurve bows.

none of them!

This tree is native to the warm and humid Mediterranean coasts.

Such as Etli, Tyre, Crete and other places.

The best of Ui Castile!

Also distributed in the southern hemisphere.

Harder materials such as elm, ash, and oak are also available alternatives.

But the performance is always worse!

The world-famous Eagle Glen hunting bow is made of yew wood!

Cold weapon era.

Eagle Glen also specifically set tariffs on yew wood—a few yew billets must be paid for every barrel of mainland wine imported.

The British Isles are not without high-quality yew.

But the number is scarce.

It is strictly managed as a strategic resource reserve.

Not allowed to use.


When Ying Gran expedition to Xibanya, it was with the Ying Gran longbow made of yew wood.

Defeat the local primitive javelin.

For this reason, the Castilians were furious when they learned the truth!

He took his anger on the trees.

Legislation to eradicate all yew...

I can't help it, I'm afraid of being beaten...

It can be seen from this.

What a rare wood for bow making!


Jiang Kui didn't ink at the moment.

Picking up the copper axe is a slashing.

Just for a while.

Two yew trees.

It fell to the ground!

There are raw materials.

After returning to the camp again, Jiang Kui immediately began to process the materials.

First remove the bark and burrs with a knife.

Take one of them.

break off both ends.

Only the best texture in the middle of the trunk is left!

The total length is about forty to fifty centimeters.

It can be used as the original blank of the bow handle.

The recurve beauty hunt is not a one-piece bow!

It is very different from a longbow.

Not what the novels and movies say.

Just make a bamboo or wood as a bow.

Then use a bowstring from the beginning to the end.

can be used.

That's just a toy.

Not hunting bows!

A true recurve bow.

Bows and bows need to be made separately.

Bow first.

That is, the part that the left hand holds when pulling the arrow!

With bow.

Buckle out the bow window.

to start making bows.

Finally, the stem and limbs are attached together.

This is called living.


Look at it as a whole.

The production process is still very complicated.


The embryos were taken.

Jiang Kui picked up a small piece of charcoal.

Draw the outline of a crescent-shaped bow on it.


The long sculpting work began.

All he has to do is to use a knife to remove the excess outside the outline bit by bit.

This process is the biggest charm of handmade hunting bows.

It takes a lot of hard work.

Don't be impatient.


in the live room.

When the audience saw Jiang Kui holding a piece of wood and cutting it, they all speculated:

【Is Master Kui doing woodcarving?】

【Wood carving? Real or fake?】

[In the eyes of Lord Kui, wood + mud = invincible! 】

[Speaking of which, what kind of tool should Master Kui be doing?]


[You are also lacking in your imagination. You see that wood is a tenon and tenon? Be bold, I guess it is a fire sword! 】

【Brother steady!】

inside the camp.

Focus and patience.

It often makes time go by so fast!

Just for a while.

The long hour of carving is drawing to a close.

Wait until the audience sees it again.

Except for the sawdust all over the floor.

They also saw a small wooden handle shaped like a bow in Jiang Kui's hand?


With bow.

Jiang Kui took some red-hot charcoal.

Burnt a square wooden hole in it.

That's right.

The wooden hole is the bow window.

The so-called bow window.

The purpose is a design that allows hunters to see more of the field of vision when pulling arrows.

Nothing fancy.

But be sure to open.

If Meihun does not open the bow window.

Power and accuracy are lost by at least a third.


The bow part can basically come to an end.


Just make bows.

The routine is still the same as before.

Take fir and use charcoal to draw the outline of the "recurve bow" on it.

Then use a knife to carve little by little.

Fir is not a hardwood.

Only slightly harder than pine.

Even copper knives.

Can also be easily dealt with.

So soon.

The two bow pieces that are placed together in the shape of a "moustache" are presented in front of the audience!

And see here.

The audience finally noticed.

Lord Kui is making a ranged weapon?

Since then, melee combat has become long-range?!

(One more, ask for votes!).

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