Fairyland, big problem

Chapter 895: Team Galaxy

[Elf Paradise, there is a big problem] 【】

After clearing some of the scattered evil objects in the outer cities, the total amount of game gold coins won is no more than 500, which is roughly equivalent to a 3-star 'cause point'.

In a battle of this intensity, the giant winged flying fish did not upgrade, and the cursed doll only rose to 54 after eating a full stomach.

The mountain mouse has been raised from 26 to 34, meeting the evolution requirements.

In fact, the mountain mouse evolves at level 22, which is sometimes the case with wild elves. You can see some guys who are very high in level but haven't evolved yet.

Evolved into a mountain king.

The human's 0.6-meter-high body grows to 1 meter in height, the smooth nail plate on the back becomes the appearance of standing sunflower seeds, and the claws of both hands become longer.

This is a sand-hiding mountain mouse. There is also a sand-pushing mountain mouse in Dream Paradise that did not come today.

The race value of 450 after evolution does not seem to be very high, but the allocation is very fierce, and the physical attack and physical defense required are both above 100.

Comprehension Skill: Quicksand Hell

The power is 35 and the opponent enters a bound state, and the life value is deducted every round for four to five rounds.

Comprehension skills: digging holes

Hide underground to avoid damage for one round, and launch a ground attack with a power of 80 in the next round.

In Elven Canyon, digging holes can pass through some relatively short obstacles, such as thin stone walls.

The lantern fish is level 25, two levels short of evolution.

The lotus leaf boy is level 22, meets the evolution conditions, and evolves into the lotus hat boy.

Very, very standard Japanese-style contract shape, the appearance is definitely not as high as before the evolution, but it will evolve again soon.

In a sense, the final form... the appearance has reached the height of artistic level.

Wen Jiu took out the water stone from his backpack.

The special evolution requirements of the lotus hat boy, directly use the water stone to evolve.

The originally thin body with the big hat began to swell rapidly, turning into a pineapple shape...

If you insist on describing it, it's like Donald Duck wearing a big pineapple doll costume. The eyes and mouth are really similar to Donald Duck.

Lotus leaf duck!

Lotte Kappa, Nickname: Lotus Leaf Duck, Duck God

With a height of 1.5 meters, it is equivalent to a 1.5-meter big pineapple.

The aquatic plant attribute is just the attribute combination of 'Madam Qiansi'.

It is equivalent to complementing a wave of shortcomings, complementing each other's weaknesses of blind fire and grass.

The race value distribution of Lotus Leaf Duck 480 is outstanding and even, of which 90 is allocated to special attack, 100 to special defense, and 70 to 80 are evenly distributed in other items.

Features: rain plate

Recover 116 HP per round when it rains

"The rain plate is fine."

Another regular trait that may appear for the Lotus Leaf Duck is that it swims freely (brisk), and doubles its speed in rainy days.

When playing regular turn-based elf battles, briskness will appear much more ferocious.

Putting it in the Elf Canyon comes from fighting evil in reality, and battery life is also very important.

There was nothing left to do in this city, so Wen Jiu got on the giant winged flying fish and headed for the next outlying city of the Beeswa city agglomeration.

The semi-finals in the Outer Seas Division have been decided, and tomorrow it is time to select the order of the semi-finals by lottery.

Each team needs to play against three other teams to calculate the final total points.

Two points for a win, one point for a draw, and no points for a loss.

In the event of a tie, the organizer will give a more detailed score based on the number of kills, the number of kills, the number of towers pushed, the number of pushes and other data in each game, and there is no need for extra matches.

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[Elf Paradise, there is a big problem] 【】

Wen Jiu's goal for himself is to win two games.

In a four-to-three match, it is no problem to win two games in three games and get third place.

As long as you can enter the world championship, the results in the regional competition are irrelevant.


Outside Dreamland, a middle-aged man with a blue hedgehog head had sunken eyes, a gloomy complexion, and a very standard villain face.

"Isn't this the red sun?"

Galaxy group boss, Red Sun.

Wen Jiu is very used to these villain leaders coming to Dream Paradise as guests, the reason is nothing more than a major setback in the action and the failure of the plan.

"What's the big plan to overturn this time?"


Chiri sighed: Team Galaxy was eliminated.

"Galaxy Team" is the name of the team, Shen'ao Competition Area, Fairy Canyon, and the Galaxy Team represented by the Galaxy Group.

The small competition schedule for teams in the Outer Seas Division is slower than other regions, and the Shenao Division has already started the second round.

The Galaxy were eliminated in the second round.

"It doesn't matter, the Shen'ao competition area is ridiculously strong. Anyway, the Fairy Canyon competition may be held more than once a year. Let's work harder in the second half of the year."

Chi Ri: I know, I just want to adjust my mentality and come to the principal to relax.

Wen Jiu faintly felt that the blow caused by the game of Elven Canyon was more serious than the overturning of the Galaxy Group's goal of controlling the world.

Really play the game with your heart, use your feet to control planning and control the world.

"Which team did you lose to?"

There are too many strong teams in the Shenao competition area. It seems that five of the eight gymnasiums participated, and two of the Four Heavenly Kings also participated.

What's more, Zhulan's "Xiaobaicai Team", champion of the Sinnoh League, is also there this year.

Chiri: Hey, we met the Handsome Boys Team.

Handsome guy team... The team leader is Interpol, code name: Handsome guy

The main task is to arrest various evil organizations, investigated the Rockets, captured the Galaxy Group, and tracked the Plasma Team.

Unexpectedly, the plot of the police and robbers did not take place in reality, but instead, the winner was decided in the Elf Canyon.

After forty-five minutes of long games, the Galaxy and the Handsome were exhausted from fighting each other.

The canyon levels of the elves are all full, and the canyon gold coins obtained expand the equipment grid from only one to six, and the defense towers on both sides have been pulled out cleanly, which shows the anxiety of the battle.

In the end, an elf of the Galaxy team was forcibly singled out by the opponent because of inadvertent positioning, resulting in a four-on-five defeat.

The further the game progress is pushed back and the elf level is higher, the time to resurrect in the base will be extended accordingly.

Taking advantage of the long resurrection time of all members of the Galaxy team Jinling, the handsome team made great strides all the way, broke the crystal of the base, and won the victory.

"Ah...it's a pity that I didn't watch this game."

There are too many games in various regions, and no replays are given.

Wen Jiu should pay attention to the outer sea competition area, which must be his own, and practice as much as possible in the remaining time.

No matter how well you know the opponent against a strong enemy, if you don't have enough elves or the level of elves is not enough, it will be a disadvantage.

Chiri: What is even more depressing is that after the handsome team beat me, they will probably still be eliminated in the next round.

Now it is possible to predict which teams the handsome team and the handsome team are about to encounter.

Among them are Zhulan's Xiaobaicai team and Dianci's Flying Thunder team.

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[Elf Paradise, there is a big problem] 【】

"Kao, Dianci is the owner of the Binhai Gym, shouldn't he be the Binhai Squad?"

Chiri: Who knows why it is called Flying Thunder Team.

"Maybe because he looks like Namikaze Minato..."

What door?

"It's okay, go and relax."

Chi Ri sighed with emotion that the Dream Paradise was built better and better, and Wen Jiu had also reached the second outlying city.

This is a city that is estimated to have no one to clean up the evil in two or three months, and it should be able to produce game gold coins measured in tens of thousands.

By the way, bring the giant winged flying fish and the cursed doll to level 60...

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