Fairy Technology

Chapter 557: Weibo has a new wind

Isn't it specific capacity? If I changed to two or three months ago, I might still worry about one or two. Now, even if I let it go.

The ten puppet artisans who have returned from the African side are lonely and unbearable. They are bored every day and can only blend the gene fortification potions.

They are craftsmen! Not a pharmacist ...

As long as the ten puppet artisans start at full speed, it will not be a problem to get a few production lines a day. Anyway, the factory building in the industrial park is almost the same now. It is too easy to build a mobile phone production line with a few factories.

What's more, the acquired Jinli company also has its own factory area. As long as the equipment inside is modified, the main company will provide chips, screens and other main parts, and the mobile phone production can also be easily completed there.

"Boss, what do you decide to do?" Wang Sheng asked.

Shen Bing's mouth slightly tilted, and smiled: "I'll brush up on Weibo!"

After speaking, Shen Bing shouted Doudou, saying: "Doudou, use my Weibo to send a message, the content is: Meet about 7.3."

Doudou said: "Will you put the previous picture up?"

Shen Bing casually said: "No need, leave some suspense, let everyone guess."

"Uh ... okay!" Doudou smirked twice.

When Wang Sheng heard Shen Bing's words, he frowned and asked, "Boss, it's only one month now! Even if production starts from now on, we may not have enough stocks at that time?"

Shen Bing smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. In fact, according to the previous arrangements, we can't guarantee it. We can't stock too many goods. Although we have full confidence in sales, our products will surely sell, but No one knows exactly how much it can be sold. Maybe we think we have prepared enough, and the situation will still be out of stock. "

Wang Sheng asked, "But in a month, too few supplies can be prepared?"

Shen Bing smiled confidently and said, "I have my own arrangements in this regard, and the inventory must not be low. I prepared it based on Apple's highest monthly sales."

Wang Sheng suddenly felt dumbfounded and said, "This ... is enough, but can our output be achieved?"

Shen Bingdao: "You do n’t need to worry about the output. I had people buy a batch of equipment from abroad. After shipping it, it can be used as our mobile phone production line with a little adjustment. In addition, in chip manufacturing, we have already We have accumulated a lot of strength, and we have recently pushed out foundry orders to produce our own intelligent chips. "

Wang Sheng has no doubts about what Shen Bing said. Although his general manager does not know when Shen Bing purchased the equipment, Shen Bing's mystery has always seemed to be unacceptable. Wang Sheng also knows one thing. The Facebook company over the United States is actually under the control of Shen Bing. It is very easy to get some equipment in other countries.

He would never have thought that the equipment mentioned by Shen Bing was not produced abroad at all, and all were made by Shen Bing himself.


Shen Bing's Weibo was convulsing again, and came up with an appointment of 7.3, leaving everyone confused.

What kind of ghost is 7.3? Time? Length?

Most people prefer that this is a time, that is, July 3.

But what does this mean on July 3? This is your personal Weibo. Are you going to date someone on July 3?

Obviously, this is unlikely. If you want to date, you should get around 7.7.

According to Shen Bing's urine-like nature, people have habitually thought of the new product launch that Apple just prepared on July 3.

If this is a coincidence, it is also a coincidence.

Apple just announced that it will hold a new product launch on July 3, and you will make an appointment on July 3, this precipice is intentional.

As early as a few months ago, Magic Fairy Technology showed dissatisfaction with Apple, but this dissatisfaction was mutual, and it seemed that Apple was the last to suffer.

A few days ago, Shen Bing updated Weibo and suspected that he had entered the news of entering the mobile phone industry, but no one could make a conclusion.

But only a few days later, Apple announced the time for the new product launch, and Shen Bing came out to do something, which is probably a real hammer.

Magic Fairy Technology is indeed ready to enter the mobile phone industry.

No one would think that Shen Bing said that the appointment of 7.3 was to cheer up Apple, and it was most likely to be ready to do something.

According to Shen Bing's performance in the past, he does not seem to be a conspirator, so it is unlikely that he will use any conspiracy against Apple, and his appointment of 7.3 may not be directed at Apple, but he is prepared to say that his company There are new actions on July 3.

What can this action be? 90% is to make the company's new phone debut.

This is the rhythm that is just getting ready!

I have to say that netizens are still very smart. As the saying goes, there are three stinky leathersmiths, and the top one is Zhuge Liang. There are more than three stinky leathersmiths on the Internet, there are 300,000, 3 million, or even 300 million, and some people have a shot And then think of these.

As people think they have solved the mystery, many things similar to opinion polls have appeared on the Internet.

There are two options for the survey. If two companies release mobile phones at the same time, which one are you going to buy?

At one time, there were various sounds, but more of them supported Apple phones.

The reason is because in the company's publicity, its newly launched Apple 10 will be equipped with Apple's own operating system, and this system can be perfectly compatible with the original program, and greatly improved in intelligence.

And Apple also claims that their new phones are also equipped with many black technologies ...

As a leader in the mobile phone industry, Apple does have its heritage.

Although its sales have fallen sharply now, it is because it has been crowded out by major Android phones, such as Huawei, OP, and other Chinese mobile phone manufacturers.

These companies can do this. In addition to the assistance provided by the Dragon Scale system of Huaxian Technology, there is also a reason that cannot be ignored. That is, these mobile phone companies have strong strength and the quality of the mobile phones they manufacture is very good .

Now it's a magic phone to make mobile phones, which is hard to say.

Although Shen Bing posted the photo on Weibo before, many people said that they were looking forward to the mobile phone of Huanxian Technology. But looking forward to expectation, if you really want to buy real gold and silver, many people may hesitate again.

In the final analysis, although the magic fairy technology is all black technology, but this phenomenon may not continue to the mobile phone field.

"If the illusion phone is cheaper than the Apple phone, I will choose the illusion phone."

"I am a Huaxia person, and I support domestic production! If the mobile phone of Magic Fairy Technology Co., Ltd. really uses the Phantom display technology, I would definitely choose a Phantom phone."

"Did you wake up dreaming upstairs? Think about the price of the Phantom TV. The price of a phone equipped with a Phantom Display is definitely exploding for Apple. Thousands of mobile phones just for one screen?"

"I guess that Magic Fairy Technology will produce high- and low-profile machines. Naturally, high-grade machines are prepared for rich people, and there will definitely be phantom display technology. It ’s hard to say with low-profile."

"I still think that Apple's mobile phone is more reliable, after all, the technology is excellent. Magic Fairy Technology has been established for less than a year and has never been a mobile phone before."

Although these remarks can also see people's admiration for magic fairy technology, especially the magic display screen, is the symbol of the perfect screen in the minds of countless people, but who buys a mobile phone and only looks at one screen?


Zhang Zi'an led the team to Lao Guo, and the first stop was Tokyo.

As Asia's largest city, the annual power consumption here is staggering.

Tokyo's power supply is completely monopolized by Tokyo Electric Power Company, and this company's power structure is nuclear power in addition to thermal power.

Its three major nuclear power plants are all famous nuclear power plants in the world.

The fundamental reason why the Lao people want to eliminate nuclear power so fiercely is because of a nuclear leak at the Fukushima nuclear power plant owned by TEPCO.

It can be said that if the Lao government wants to make nuclear power history, the first thing to do is to build a large power station near Tokyo to replace Fukushima's power supply.

To complete this project, it is natural that Tokyo Electric Power Company cannot be bypassed. The two parties need to negotiate on such aspects as the voltage, frequency and power generation.

When Zhang Zi'an came to Tokyo, the first thing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ was to let the government come forward and invite the senior management of TEPCO to meet.

The group came to the headquarters of TEPCO in Fukushima, and surprised Zhang Zi'an. TEPCO executives said that they were busy and had no time to meet.

What's going on?

Zhang Zi'an looked at the Lao government staff responsible for receiving and coordinating related matters, and said a little bit dissatisfied: "Mr. Yamaguchi, didn't you say that you had been contacted before?"

Yamaguchi Masako smiled and said, "Zong Zhang is not in a hurry. Tokyo Electric Power Company is a large company and its business is normal. They didn't expect you to come so soon."

Zhang Zi'an sneered, "Hehe, he Dongdian is a big company? Then our magic technology company is a small company. I haven't done many projects in China. I came here to deploy this project, but as a result, you got into a problem. "Co-authors, do you think that our people at Xianxian Technology are busy?"

"No! No!" Yamaguchi Masahiro was anxious. If he offended the grandfather, he patted his **** and walked away, and he would not have any good fruit to eat.

But he is only a head of a department in the coordinating organization of Lao Guo ’s wide-area system. How can he offend the senior management of TEPCO?

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, the other person just said that today is very busy! Tomorrow, tomorrow you will definitely organize a meeting between the two of you."

Zhang Zi'an said coldly: "No, according to our contract, I don't need to coordinate with your power company. As long as you specify a place for us to build the power station, what will happen after the power station is completed? Transmission, that's your own business. "

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