Fairy Tail’s Passive Invincibility

Chapter 130 Dividing the spoils? dismembered

"Why aren't you a member of the Dark Guild?" This was the first time Ur had such an idea in his heart since he traveled.

If you are a member of the Dark Guild, you only need to put the knife to the front now, and the matter of "splitting the spoils" can be solved "easy and easy" immediately, ensuring that there will be no "disputes"!

Instead of a knife fight like it is now, although the others couldn't help shivering overnight, they just gritted their teeth and didn't let go.

【╯^╰ Hum! 】

These guys know how to bully good people.


"Our azure Tianma needs a ton of dragon blood, and we can make concessions in terms of treasure~~man!" He said overnight.

"Impossible." The night was interrupted as soon as he finished speaking, "Elephant King" pulled his neck and blushed: "A creature like a dragon hasn't appeared in the world for hundreds of years, even if it's just a Yalong, how can it be ordinary? Common things can be compared."


"Elephant King".


This means that the guys from the three camps are arguing with each other, and the spittle stars fly straight.

In the face of such interests, whether it was a night that looked very rude, or the super-big muscle tyrant "Elephant King", or the gentle Elijah, all of them had completely lost their former image and became preoccupied with each other.

Ur did not participate in it.

It's not that he doesn't want to participate, but his share has been fixed from the beginning.

Fifty percent!

Ur alone holds 50% of the interests.

In all fairness, this is indeed a very fair distribution. After all, other people have also made great efforts in this battle. If there is only Ur alone, there is no way he can defeat Citgua.

The only thing that makes Ur feel a little regretful is that he is not a member of the Dark Guild!

Everyone: "..."

Why do you feel a little cold all of a sudden?


Besides Ur, Natsu also did not participate in the debate.

One is that Natsu is not very old now, and he doesn't quite understand the truth of "baby who can cry gets milk", and the second is that he really has no interest in these things.

But even if he doesn't earn it, Natsu won't suffer too much in the end.

After all, his strength is obvious to all. Here are all the mages of the regular guild. Everyone is watching, and it is impossible to even lose the guild's face for pure interests.

This is also a major advantage of a regular guild!


For Natsu, it's an advantage, but for Ur... it's not so easy to say.


This battle also allowed Ur to see the wealthy side of the major guilds. The gains from this battle mainly came from two aspects, one of which was naturally the treasure left by the powerful magician, and the other was hope. The dragon corpse of Teguya.

The amount of this treasure is not small, all kinds of gold coins and gems add up to two small wooden boxes.

And there are various other magic scrolls, research materials and a small amount of magic materials.

This is definitely a huge amount of wealth. Anyone who gets this wealth can instantly become a famous rich man in the whole continent, enjoying inexhaustible glory and wealth in a lifetime.


When this wealth was placed in front of everyone, no matter whether it was Elia or the "Elephant King", everyone didn't even look at it, but all focused on the dragon corpse of Hitegua.

Obviously for them, this treasure is far less precious than a Yalong.

Not only that!

When these bastards were negotiating the price, they would subconsciously choose to exchange treasures for the materials on Sitgua, and the tone of their voices was so disgusting and disgusting.

Almost out of breath, Ur drew his sword and slashed.


It's amazing to be rich!



A full day of quarrelling.

The sun had already wandered from just out of the mountain to Zheng Kong, and everyone finally came to a conclusion.

Regarding the "treasure" part, the various gold coins and gems Wuer alone accounted for 70%, which he exchanged for some of the corpse materials of Hitegua, although the dragon materials were indeed much more precious than these "vulgar things", But Ur just loves this shiny kitsch.

The remaining 30% Natsu took 10%, and the remaining 20% ​​was divided equally by others.

After all, Natsu didn't participate in the debate. Although it wouldn't be too bad, there would still be some small problems, but Natsu didn't care about it.

There are not many magic materials in "Treasure", and Ur chose two materials.

Mithril and Adamantite!

These two materials are common but rare in number, and have a wide range of uses. One can increase the conductivity of magic power, and the other can enhance the hardness and sharpness of weapons.

The two pieces in Ur's hands are the size of fists, which are definitely rare items on the market.

It can be seen that other people are also a little moved by these two materials, but when Ur inadvertently pulled out the dark dragon blade, everything became logical.

As for the magic scrolls and research materials in the last part of "Treasure", there is nothing to say, just copy several copies directly, one for each person.

The sorcerer was a powerful man with high attainments in wind magic, and his most contented magic is "storm", which is a "super-superior magic", among which the strongest magic. The move is "Destruction Storm".

That is the trick used by Hitegua.

It's just that as a dragon, it has not fully grasped the power of this magic.

Speaking of which, these magic scrolls and materials are equally precious, but the value of magic is not judged in this way. After all, no matter how powerful magic is, someone can learn it before it can exert its power.

This kind of "super-superior magic" has no magic talent above A-rank, and it is completely wishful thinking to master it.


The division of the "treasure" is very fast, and everyone seems to be very generous, and they don't care about the little things.

But when the material of the corpse of Hitegua began to be divided, the atmosphere of the whole scene instantly became solemn.

"Next, let's start according to what we discussed before!" Ur said.

He should be one of the easiest people on the scene.

When everyone heard the words, they nodded and said, "Okay, then, let's start dividing the body!"

Dividing the dragon corpse is a big project. If this precious existence is slightly less, it is a huge loss.


Before everyone divided the dragon corpse, the mad general had already woken up from the frightened Kallen, and then she shivered and summoned a Protoss with the ability to measure precision.

When everything was ready, everyone started to divide the dragon corpse.



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