Instead, he ran to a place to repair, found two source beasts and ate one.

He rested on the spot until evening, then carefully dragged the other one back toward a canyon.

Lin Shi and the Demon King followed until dark before finally discovering the lair of these giant pandas at the edge of the spiritual range.

However, Lin Shi was not in a hurry to enter the canyon.

"Don't go over there yet. You watch here while I go take a look around."

Lin Shi warned the Demon King on the side.

After knowing the cleverness of the sixth-level beast king, Lin Shi would not act rashly again this time.

It is currently known that the Beast King has mental power and may have a very sensitive sense of smell, so Lin Shi did not use his mental power to penetrate into the canyon to avoid alerting the snake.

He first observed the terrain around him.

Just on the outside, Lin Shi found that this canyon had several exits.

It looks like there is only one passage from the outside, but in fact there are many branching roads inside.

The terrain is complex.

If you want the Demon Lords to surround all the exits of the canyon, it won't work.

However, Lin Shi's goal was not to capture all the source beasts, his goal was just the beast king.

Looking around at the terrain, he quickly thought of a solution.

Although the terrain of the canyon is complex, there is a lot of snow above.

And the surrounding area of ​​the canyon is deserted.

"Unexpectedly, in the morning I stopped others from triggering an avalanche, and in the evening I will trigger an avalanche myself. This time, it depends on where you run."

Returning to the Demon King, Lin Shi patted the Demon King's prickly head and leaned into the Demon King's ear:

"Demon King, I have a task for you..."

After half an hour.

A neat wolf howl suddenly sounded above the canyon.

These wolves howled one after another, waking up the giant panda Lanhua who was about to rest.

It alertly used its mental power to see the wild wolves above the canyon, thinking that these wild wolves were preparing to attack them at night.

Unexpectedly, the wild wolf stood at the top of the canyon and kept howling, showing no intention of coming down.

Just when Orchid relaxed her vigilance slightly, a huge piece of snow suddenly slid down from the top of the canyon.

Like a chain reaction, one piece was followed by another, and in just a few breaths, more and more snow rumbled down from the top of the canyon toward the canyon.

No matter how smart the giant panda orchid is, it doesn't understand the principle of avalanches and doesn't understand why the snow falls.

He could only roar loudly to let the beasts escape.

When the beasts saw this kind of power, they immediately panicked and ran around in the canyon.

However, during an avalanche, the weight of the snow accumulates layer by layer, causing it to fall quickly.

The complex terrain would have allowed them to avoid enemies and escape easily.

At this time, it has become a prison that restricts their escape.

The giant panda Orchid was blocked at a fork in the road by the panicked herd.

Looking at the snowflakes falling from the sky, there was a look of fear and terror in his round eyes.

This is the instinctive fear of all beasts towards the unknown power of God.

The orchids watched helplessly as the avalanche engulfed them.

The moment before it was submerged, it seemed to see the face of the human that it had particularly hated since Sichuan Province.


Lin Shi stood above the canyon and watched the herd being submerged in the avalanche.

The Demon King walked to Lin Shi and stared at the soft snow below in confusion.

"Don't worry, this avalanche is nothing to a high-level source beast.

The origin beast's body is strong, and the height of the canyon is not too high. As long as a third-level origin beast can withstand this avalanche.

They will dig themselves out soon. You shout a few times to position them. "

After being buried by an avalanche, if you survive, you will have to find the right direction to dig yourself out of the snow in a short period of time.

Many people who survived being buried by avalanches struggled to find a way out of the snow, but lost their way and died of suffocation or hypothermia.

The devil did not know this, but he obeyed.

As soon as Lin Shi finished speaking, it started howling below.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the snow in the canyon to move.

Then one by one, the source beasts heard the sound from above and emerged from the snow like gophers.

"It's time to welcome our new companions."

Lin Shi stepped on his skis and controlled his balance as he floated down.

The Demon King and those wild wolves were taken into the space by Lin Shi.

Naturally, those wild wolves were just subdued by the Demon King today.

In order to chase the giant panda, the devil hurriedly beat the wolf king away and chased the giant panda.

But he gained the recognition and surrender of the Wild Wolf King.

Maybe in the world of the Wild Wolf King, following a stronger wolf is the best way to survive.

Lin Shi had already determined the location of the sixth-level beast king, so he waited above the snow where the orchids were buried.

To prevent his enemies from becoming extremely jealous when they met, Lin Shi took back the demon kings and then released the tyrant Xiaocun, mother and son.

Maybe the existence of the same kind can give me extra points in the eyes of the sixth-level giant panda?

The giant panda orchid soon emerged from under the snow.

When she saw Lin, Lanhua immediately screamed angrily.

At close range, Lin Shi found that there was a trace of mental fluctuation in the Beast King's cry.

The surrounding source beasts that had crawled out of the snow heard Lan Hua's cry and immediately gathered around Lin Shi.

Lin Shi's expression changed. Could this be the ability of this sixth-order source beast?

He ignored those source beasts, but stared into the eyes of the giant panda Lanhua and said:

"You're smart enough to know that I can kill you in front of your men if I want."

Lan Hua let out a threatening growl, seeming to show Lin Shi that she was not easy to mess with.

"You are a source beast that is good at mental power and intelligence, right? Attack should be your weakness."

This is the smallest sixth-order source beast that he has ever seen. Coupled with the strangeness of this source beast, Lin Shi had already made a guess.

Otherwise, this giant panda would not have run so decisively in Sichuan Province.

Lan Hua could understand Lin Shi's words, and she immediately felt as if she had been poked into a weak point and became angry.

He screamed and rushed forward.

Other source beasts that were watching eagerly also swarmed up.

Lin Shi's eyes turned cold, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of fragments of the source weapon were suspended in the air and shot towards Orchid.

Orchid's eyes widened and she closed them in fear.

But there was no unexpected pain. I opened my eyes and took a look.

All the fragments were suspended around it without damaging it at all.

Lan Hua's Yuan Beast men had been stopped by Lin Shi's Yuan Beast army that suddenly appeared.

However, even so, there was still a threatening whine coming from Orchid's mouth.

The beast king never surrenders!

Lin Shi frowned.

He wanted to keep this beast king and his men subdued by him, so he didn't want to go on a killing spree.

But seeing that this sixth-level source beast refused to surrender, he had no choice but to use the Law of the Strong.

Just when Lin Shi was about to kill him, the tyrant suddenly shouted.

Lin Shi seemed to think of something, and patiently tried to say:

"I sincerely want to be your partner.

As long as you fight with me in the future, I can provide you with food, fruits, steamed buns, and pots of milk every day, and I can satisfy you without limit. "

Orchid's eyes widened.

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