The climate of the floating island is actually like this.

However, although it is a bit colder, at least the location and height of the floating island make the players feel very safe.

Some players even sat down and said, "It should be safe now!"

"No! Even here, it is inevitable not to be discovered by those strange black smokes. They seem to have their own thinking and consciousness."

A completely frightened player came to the floating island, apparently only feeling a little more at ease.

Didn't exactly feel safe.

As someone spoke.

Other players also followed suit.

"That's right, I want to leave this game. I don't want to come back to this hellish place in my life."

"Yeah! What a bullshit reward for completing the game. Who cares about it? I just want to survive."

"I watched with my own eyes as my companion was enveloped in the strange black smoke, and then he quickly cut off his own head as if he was crazy."

A crying and emotionally broken player spoke in a very desperate tone.

During this day, he felt as if he was living in hell.

People who were fine a second ago will suffer from various horrific self-harm situations once they are shrouded in strange black smoke.

No matter how you try to stop it, it is useless, even if you touch those people, they will still be infected.

Boom! ! Two strong-looking telekinesis users fell from the sky and pushed away the crowd as soon as they landed. "Um...where's Rocky! I want to get out of the island, leave this game, and let him come out."

"Come out! Rocky, aren't you called a god? Give me a reasonable explanation for the current situation."

The two were emotional.

“Everything is gone from me.

All friends, and family are dead. "

The man's eyes were wide open and covered with red bloodshot eyes.

It looks very hideous and terrifying.

The killing intent in his eyes was very strong.

"If it weren't for this damn game, my family wouldn't be dead if I couldn't leave them."

A family with the ability to read is not just about beating up enemies.

In many families, the ability to read can be passed down.

This man was not lying when he said that his family and everything was gone.

Originally, the first batch of people to enter the floating island were not so excited.

As more and more players arrive.

Everyone's target is directed at Rocky.

Blocking the game resulted in so many deaths, and it’s no wonder that the players turned from awe of Rocky to hating Rocky.

Everything happens in a blink of an eye.

All the benefits that Lodge had bestowed upon these men were now forgotten.

Some of it was just that Rocky blocked the island and killed countless people.

He even wanted to trap the living people to death.

Cutting off people's way of survival makes these players extremely crazy.

There's no way to deal with that... strange black smoke.

They were all going to die anyway, so they might as well choose to deal with Rocky together. At least Rocky was a human being, and he would bleed even if his head was cut off.

But the black smoke seemed to have no weaknesses to deal with.

It cannot be eliminated at all.

Watching the crowd become more and more excited.

Some people have even begun to cause trouble for Kurapika and other hunter associations.

"Your president, why do you want to trap us here? Does he want to kill us all?"

One player seems to be suffering from persecution paranoia.

"Could it be that... Rocky wants to use our lives to practice a certain ability? He needs to use black smoke to devour everyone on the island! He is your president, and your Hunter Association is also with him, right? !”

After one person said this, the others didn't care if it was true or not, and they all came over to Kurapika and others.

Saw the menacing crowd.

Kurapika and the others didn't look good.

If they were about to take action, it would be a big melee.

Even if they are quite strong, facing hundreds of red-eyed telekinesis users is no joke.

Just when the crowd rushed towards Kurapika and others.

A voice suddenly appeared in the crowd.

"Calm down, please."

Kurapika was stunned for a moment when he heard the voice, "Leorio"

Leorio, who was roaring in the crowd, seemed to blow the air out of his lungs with a roar.

Now he was breathing heavily and holding his eyes.

"It is absolutely impossible for the Hunter Association to do such a thing! As for why you are locked up here and not allowed to go out, there must be a reason."

Leorio was right.

But no one thinks about whether this statement is right or wrong.

When life is threatened, who cares whether others are doing right or wrong? After all, survival is the most important thing.

And what Rocky did was not to let them live.

"Your Hunter Association is indeed in the same group as your president. That's right. He is your president in the first place. You idiots are being taken advantage of."

"Now you are here and can't get out. You are just like us, just lambs in the sheepfold to be slaughtered."

Chapter 750 Bi Yangde’s perfect plan

After that, the man rushed towards Leorio and punched him.

It was completely confirmed that Leorio and other members of the Hunter Association were with Rocky.

Leorio himself did not expect that these people would be so crazy.

Completely indifferent, and don't want to hear anything.

There is probably only one thing on their minds.

Leave this scary island.

Leave this hell on earth.

Defeat Rocky and leave the island.

Regardless of whether he is Rocky's opponent or not, staying here means death, so he might as well give it a try.

What if you survive! There is great strength in numbers, so if everyone takes action together, even Rocky, a god, cannot deal with tens of thousands of people! Even if he is the God of War, there will be times when his mental energy is exhausted. Wait for him to run out of mental energy.

Then those who are lucky enough to survive until that time will be able to leave the Island of Greed.

This is what most players think.

As for doing this, what are the chances of surviving to the end.

Be the lucky one, no one will calculate it.

Perhaps subconsciously, they believe that they will be the ones who survive in the end.

It was definitely someone else who died.

The moment Leorio was about to be hit.

Kurapika, who was well prepared, directly used the chain to pull Leorio out of the crowd.

The chain suddenly appeared, and all the players were stunned for a moment.

They had not seen any chains before.

"Chains will make you invisible"

one player exclaimed.

However, the player beside him looked at him with disdain, "Idiot, how can a chain be invisible? That chain is a weapon of the materialization system, and the one just now... was invisible."

After saying this, some players with low strength suddenly realized.

There was nothing Kurapika could do about it. Could it be that he was watching this idiot Leorio being beaten to death by these players?

In order to save his life, there was no other way to expose his ability system.

After pulling Leorio to his side, Leorio looked shocked.

Apparently he was also frightened by the scene where so many players gathered around him just now.

This is different from ordinary people fighting.

The Qi of those with mental abilities contains their own spiritual will.

A person's thoughts and emotions will be infinitely amplified through Qi to a terrifying point.

How many, hundreds, or thousands of mental energy shocks Leorio suffered in an instant! And these people all set out to kill him completely.

The powerful killing intent that broke out made Leorio feel like he had experienced an entire winter in an instant.

When he came to his senses.


Everyone from the Hunter Association gathered around Kurapika.

Hanzo, Baokuer, Pengsi, Mo Laowu, Xiutuo, and Nakulu rushed to the floating island after receiving the news.

And still there: the twelve groups of people on the island.

The number of people in the Hunter Association is not too large.

There were probably only about fifty people.

In the past, a team of fifty people was still a team of telekinesis users, with so many top telekinesis masters.

It is more than enough to overthrow a small country.

And now! Although they gathered together, they faced hundreds, thousands, or perhaps even nearly 10,000 players.

The momentum of gathering together.

It's not just astonishing.

Even Kurapika feels frightened now.

‘Is this the plan of that guy Bi Yangde! ''Use players to deal with Rocky, and then use this opportunity to encourage so many players to attack Rocky. Even if Rocky cannot be killed, Rocky's energy will be consumed.

''Then Biyande took action at the end and killed Rocky! ’ If that’s really the case.

So it is indeed a good plan.

Biyande's timing was perfect.

Due to the sudden changes on the island, the only thing the players want now is to leave the island.

But Rocky blocked the island for unknown reasons.

For some reason, players no longer fear Rocky.

Taking advantage of people's desire to survive, players are encouraged to think that instead of dying here, they should try their best to find a way to leave the island.

Have the players attack Rocky.

Although the individual strength of these people is to Rocky, it is like a small earthworm shaking a tree and overestimating its own capabilities.

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