There was something strange in his expression.

It seemed like they were thinking about something.

"He is the miracle of this era!"

Chidor said slowly.

Kang Zai was stunned for a moment and shook his head, "No! It should be said that he created the miracle."

Suddenly Potter said, "Legend."

Everyone looked at him.

Potter gave an ugly smile, "This man is already a legend! He has surpassed the legend of President Netero."

Chapter 534 Legend Rocky


Crook, Sa Qiu, and Gailu looked at each other.

Such words are indeed appropriate to describe Rocky.

Throughout Rocky's experience.

From his participation in the Hunter Trial.

After being accidentally activated by President Nitro.

First, it took only a month to learn all the techniques for applying Nen ability.

You can also develop your own abilities in a short period of time.

Destroy the Phantom Troupe.

Destroy an entire building with violence.

That was the first time that a telepathic person was shocked.

Then challenge the world.

Anyone who dared to arrest Rocky was killed by him with thunderous force.

Raid Hunters Association.

Injured President Nitro.

Later, he even completely defeated President Netero in a fair duel.

Solving chimera ants.

Destroy the Ant King, the strongest mutated creature ever seen.

Block the natural disaster that erupts in Kulu Mountain.

Even because of Rocky's power, the climate there was permanently changed.

It became the first wonder of the world.

The volcano and the snow city restrict each other to form a balance.

It is now a famous scenic spot.

Relevant personnel are working on turning it into an attraction suitable for human travel.

And now! Greed Island remake.

Create something like a god as a reward for completing the game.

This kind of thing is no longer possible for humans.

One hand is fire, the other is ice.

This guy is known as a monster kid.

Now a living legend.

His power is something that even top telekinesis users look up to.

Chidor smiled helplessly, "It seems impossible for him to return to the Hunter Association and fulfill his duties as president."

The others looked at Chidor.

Forget about letting Rocky fulfill his duties as president.

Predictably so.

From today onwards.

Rocky's status among human beings is unique and precious.

Except that Rocky himself has super strength.

That... God's power can even resurrect the dead.

Once something happens to Rocky, no one knows whether this ability will continue to exist.

But with Rocky here, as long as you clear Greed Island, you will have a chance to realize a wish.

Who dares to let something happen to Rocky?

I'm afraid anyone wants to protect Rocky.

Don't let him encounter any danger.

Rocky is now more than a legend.

It is still a treasure of the entire human race, a treasure that cannot be harmed at all.

Let such an important person handle the affairs of the Hunter Association.

What if someone with blind eyes hurts Rocky? Although the probability of this is very low, there is a chance that it will happen.

Chidor looked at Rocky, "He probably won't leave Greed Island."

Although he hadn't asked, this was how Chidor felt when he saw Rocky this time.

"That's fine. Although we can't take the general back, having him stay on Greed Island is the best outcome."

Potter rarely spoke much.

As he spoke, Potter looked at Chidor and said, "I want to stay and practice beside the president."

Everyone else was stunned when they heard this.

Potter White actually wanted to practice with Rocky.

He is several rounds older than Rocky! Although Rocky is very strong.

But at such a young age, Potter White was actually able to

Determine to practice with someone who is younger than yourself.

This is simply incredible.

The grand gathering of those with telekinesis ended in the excitement of all those with telekinesis.

Rocky is gone.

He reaches the top of the floating building in the center of Greed Island.

That is the legendary temple.

Jin and Xiaojie spent several days alone, communicated a lot, and experienced Xiaojie's death.

Jin cherishes the time spent with Xiaojie even more, even though he is shy.

Qidore and others left, and except for Potter who stayed, everyone else went about their own business.

Hisoka stayed on the Greed Island.

There is no need for him to look for prey here, the prey will come to you on its own.

Of course you still have to wait for a while.

Pakenoda and Fei Jie left because they understood that Rocky didn't seem to need their power now.

Fei Jie got her reward.

And Paknoda was freed.

She also witnessed Rocky's legend, although the way Rocky lived may not be what Chrollo wanted.

But Chrollo, who entrusted everything to Rocky, wouldn't feel any regrets about such a life! Kurapika returned to the Nosla family and met Pak Noda.

Rocky asked him to make his own decision, but he ultimately chose to give up.

Perhaps it was because Paknoda had no intention of resisting.

Or maybe Kurapika had let him go in his heart.

revenge! It's probably done.

And now Rocky has only one last task left! The final hunt.

There is one more character that needs to be defeated.

The showdown between King and Rocky will take place soon.

Although Jin said that he was no match for Rocky and wanted to admit defeat, Rocky still held on to a glimmer of hope.

I hope Jin can meet the system's standards and be counted as a level 1 character.

There is no alternative but to accept it.

But the requirement was to let him prepare for three months.

Since there is a formal duel, Jin must be prepared when he knows that his strength is no match for Rocky.

At least find some way to restrain Rocky's abilities.

He takes duel gold very seriously.

Rocky said it didn't matter.

Three months is not a long time.

However, during these three months.

Rocky! Human legend! Worker of miracles.

But it has spread throughout the world.

"A game created by God. As long as you clear the game, you can realize a wish. Is this true?"

"Can even ordinary people enter?"

"But why hasn't the game been released on consoles? How should we enter?"

"I heard that there seems to be an invitation card. As long as you get the invitation card, you can enter the game."

Ordinary people are talking.

The people with telekinesis abilities were also discussing.

But those with telekinesis abilities naturally know the method of entry.

Meanwhile on the other side.

Pariston has left the Hunters Association.

"The news is indeed true. If you clear the game, you can make a wish. This wish doesn't seem to be particularly restrictive!"

Pariston somewhere, speaking to the figure in the shadows.

And the man smiled and said, "I didn't expect that I would encounter such interesting things when I came back!"

“Want to try it?”

Pariston smiled.

The other party suddenly turned around and said with certainty, "Of course!"

Chapter 535 Greedy Heart

"Congratulations to the three of you, you have officially become professional hunters."

Chidor and the passers of this year.

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