They all started to make small calculations.


It's not...a partial patent.

As long as we are human, we will have greed.

But can you restrain yourself from just looking at whether it is attractive enough?

Jin didn't seem to care about this, and just said lightly, "I'm telling the truth! That... card just now, indeed anyone holding it can use that ability, but it's just within the scope of Greed Island."

Hearing this, everyone in the twelve branches had the urge to vomit blood.

Why didn't you say the second half of the sentence just now?

That sentence can at least make a large number of people give up prying eyes.

But it's too late to say anything now.

In the audience, those with telekinesis stood up one by one.

A fierce look in his eyes.

I totally planned to grab it head-on.

Although the terrain here is unique, there are buildings floating in the air.

This is true for the huge platform in the center, and so is the grandstand.

The same is true where Jin and others are.

Not too far away, but definitely not close either.

Kang Zai was a little nervous.

Just kidding, with hundreds of powerful telekinesis users staring at you with glaring eyes, everyone would feel stressed.

"These people shouldn't be able to get through!"

He asked with some uncertainty.

Jin shook his head, "It would be fine if they had flying prop cards."

"Flight prop cards, have you ever made such a thing?"

Chidor was speechless.

The expressions of the other twelve branches were not much better.

Especially Tang De, let alone compared to the Twelve Branches, even a person with not very strong telekinesis ability.

Tang De also had to spend a lot of effort to deal with the other party.

Compared with top-level telekinesis users, he is a total loser.

"Jin, please use your previous ability to take us away! It will be bad if we stay here any longer."

Tang De's panic made the faces of the other twelve branches even paler.

So many people here watching.

As a member of the Twelve Branches, if you act so fearfully and cowardly, aren't you disgracing the Hunter Association? Jin didn't pay too much attention to Tang De and just said lightly, "Don't worry, those people shouldn't be able to get through. They can't find flying props so quickly."

However, Jin had just finished speaking.

A telepathic person in the stands grabbed another person's collar.

The person caught should be from Greed Island.

"This is the flight prop card."

Bang! After a burst of white smoke appeared.

What appeared in this man's hand was a bamboo dragonfly.

Bamboo dragonfly with suckers.

"how to use"

He looked at the other person, who said solemnly, "It should just be worn on the head."

After putting the flying bamboo dragonfly on your head, it began to rotate gently.

Sure enough, this man gained the ability to fly.

"This game looks interesting, but now"

He looked in Jin's direction, "Well... the prop card should be more precious!"

The veteran players on the ground nodded with sweat profusely.

Head: "That's right! I think those are prop cards that are unique to the creator of the game. Otherwise, general prop cards can only be used once and then they will disappear."

"Game Maker"

He looked up at Kim "Kim.

Fulis, one of the five people with great telekinesis abilities, has long wanted to meet you. "

At the same time, dozens of people with telekinesis abilities who obtained flying props appeared.

Watching the telekinesis users flying up one after another.

Kang Zai's face instantly darkened, "This is what you said about their impossibility of obtaining flying props."

Jin shook his head helplessly, "You saw it too, they robbed it! This doesn't count as obtaining props!"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched slightly.

The key issue now is that the other party has been able to come over.

That's all.

Watching the telekinesis users flying constantly towards Jin.

These people landed firmly on the platform where Jin and others were.

"Game! I thought it was something boring, but now it seems quite interesting. You should still have a lot of cards like that just now!"

"Be careful. Since he is the creator of the game, he may have some powerful attack cards."

Upon hearing this, Jin waved his hand, "You can rest assured."

"We, the game makers, do not have any item cards that can attack players."

Chidoer, Kangzai, and the rest of the people are still here at this time: Introduce this damn game of yours, Jin, are you smart?” Hearing Jin’s direct words.

These people were stunned for a moment.

Then he laughed wildly, "Really! That's great, hand it over!"

The rest of the people also stretched out their hands, "Yes! If that's the case, then just hand it over, and we won't make it difficult for you."

"The tricks you pulled are quite amazing, but we don't have time to play house games with you."

"The Greed Island game is ridiculous!"

"It's okay to say that after clearing the level, you can make a wish and have it come true. It's okay to deceive ordinary telekinesis users or rookies. If you say such big words to people like us, you underestimate us."

These people are of extraordinary strength.

Definitely a first-rate telepathic person.

It can be seen from the most basic form of Qi.

They are all in perfect form forged through countless efforts.

In terms of combat effectiveness, it is understandable that these people are first-class strong men.

Even if it is Jin or everyone in the twelve branches, it will not be easy to fight against them.

What's more, there are a steady stream of ability users waiting and watching behind, ready to take action.

"Jin! You have indeed tricked me again."

Cold sweat broke out on Chidor's face.

We always encounter this kind of trouble every time, so Jin and Rocky shouldn't be left alone.

Jin didn't seem to be listening, he lowered his head and counted the time.

"Don't worry. If you want a card, wait a moment. It should be almost time."

Wow wow wow! ! ! "what sound"

Wow wow wow! ! "over there"

Someone suddenly looked to the sky and said, "In the sky."

Everyone look up! A red light fell from the sky.

Bang! ! Suddenly he landed on the huge platform in the center.

It set off a violent fluctuation of thought energy.

The burst of thought energy caused a roaring wind, which made the person unable to open their eyes.

On the floating mountain behind Jin and others, the black giant spread its wings and roared.

A roar echoed across the sky.

A figure appeared on the huge floating platform in the center "Welcome everyone"

"Island of Greed!"

Chapter 529 Display of clearance rewards

The center of the floating platform.

Rocky stood there straight.

He raised his eyes and looked at the people in the stands around him.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, "Welcome everyone to the Greed Island!"

The sudden appearance of Rocky, the way he appeared from the sky, was a bit shocking.

There was no other reason, it was just that Rocky fell too fast.

Everyone present knew what a terrifying impact such speed would cause.

However, the moment the person in front of him landed, he didn't use any energy to protect himself.

It seemed that it relied entirely on the physical strength to withstand such a terrifying falling impact.

Even more surprising.

That central platform.

It didn't move at all.

The square stone slabs had no cracks at all.

What kind of material is this? It had such a huge impact just now, it was comparable to the explosion of a smaller cannonball! It actually had no impact at all.

Not only is it floating in the air, but it is also so tenacious that there is nothing special about it.

I thought it was an ordinary slate.

Greed Island seems to be full of weirdness! Rocky appears.

It was very quiet all around.

At this time, Jin suddenly spoke and looked at the people in front of him, "Okay, the preparations are about to begin. You should go back quickly!"

These people on the platform they’re on.

The twelve tribes, as well as the ability users who planned to snatch Jin's maker's card, all looked at Jin blankly.

The Twelve Branches ‘Are you an idiot! It's so easy to make these people obedient, why are we so worried?" All the ability users looked at Jin strangely.

Jin's tone just now seemed to be coaxing a child.

Anyone who hears this feels extremely uncomfortable.

The corner of the telepathy user who was the first to rush out and grab the card twitched slightly.

He looked at Jin "Who is that kid?"

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