"It's a perfect physical skill."

Movement methods include shaving and moon walking.

Attack methods include finger guns and languid kicks.

Defense methods include iron blocks and paper drawings.

It's just six different skills that, when combined, can turn a person into a perfect warrior.

According to personal preferences or physical changes.

You can focus on training one of the six styles and integrate the six styles into your own fighting style.

There is also the secret of the Six Styles, the return of life.

Simply not inferior at all.

But in terms of growth and developability, it is naturally better.

After all, thoughts can be transformed into various abilities.

And unique.

No matter how magical the Six Postures are, they are just physical skills.

"Did Rocky put such an important thing into the level and still let others learn it?"

Chidor was also surprised by Rocky's generous approach.

"Strictly speaking, if you are not still learning, it is impossible to solve that...level if you don't have enough strength. And if you can't learn it, you won't be able to solve the following levels."

Jin thought for a while, "It's like forcing others to learn!"

Is it mandatory? It's really a combination of Rocky's character.

But no matter what, Rocky's contribution to this decision was huge.

Chidor looked at Rocky and said, "The president can always see further than us."

"President, are you talking about Rocky or President Nitro?"

Chidor didn't answer him, just looked at Rocky silently.

Rocky looked at the remaining candidates.

"Why have you all given up?"

When asked about such a topic, the candidates didn't know how to answer.

I want to continue, but how.

More than a thousand people were killed inexplicably.

have no choice! Rocky: "Since you don't plan to come over, then I'll go over! It's the same anyway."

After speaking, these candidates were not given time to react.

Rocky walked over directly.

They couldn't feel what the candidates in front of them were going through a second ago, but when Rocky started to move.

They feel it.

The strong sense of oppression emanating from Rocky's body.

It feels like a violent shock to consciousness.

Rocky just took a step forward.

Several candidates fell to the ground.

Then Rocky walked over step by step.

The picture is extremely strange.

Every time Rocky took a step, a large number of candidates fell down.

Ten meters! For Rocky, it only takes about a dozen steps.

But Rocky had just taken five steps.

There are only a few hundred candidates left.

step! step! Seeing the distance of ten meters getting closer.

Candidates who are still standing there carrying the pressure.

There are already less than ten.

Ten meters away.

finally reached.

There are only three people left! Still awake.

One is Dongba and the other is Pengsi.

There is also a new face.

Rocky looked at the three of them and said, "Very good, you are qualified!"

The bodies of three persons 3 were already soaked with sweat.

Just standing ten meters away from Rocky, it was completely impossible to stay awake.

It's hard to imagine what kind of impact he would suffer if he continued to get close to Rocky.

Don't even mention taking action against this person.

'horrible! ’ Dongba felt like he was almost out of breath.

‘Even if he doesn’t take action, it’s extremely difficult to get close to him! ’ This is the president of the Hunter Association

Chapter 525 The Jade Fragments of the Four Souls

"Want to continue challenging your limits?"

Hearing such a question, the three of them shook their heads simply.

If you continue to challenge, isn't it asking for death? If you can persist until now, you have already tried your best and are close to the limit.

If they continue even a little further, the three of them will faint in an instant.

Since they were unwilling to continue, Rocky would not force it.

"You are qualified."

The terrifying power pressing on them suddenly disappeared.

It's like it never happened.

Three people 3 looked up and Rocky was gone.

It seemed like nothing just happened was real.

But the thousands of candidates lying on the ground in front of them actually fainted again.

Three people 3 looked at each other and showed relieved smiles.

Although his face was covered with sweat, he passed the test at least.

Rocky's trial is over.

But Chidor is confused now.

There were thousands of people, but after a trial, only three people were left.

this! Will the next trial continue? There seems to be no need for a trial if there are only three people left.

Pyorn stuck out his tongue and looked at Chidor, "I don't think the next trial is necessary! It's better to let them pass directly."

Chidor sighed.

That's all it can do now.

However, the qualified candidates selected using Rocky's method are indeed qualified guys.

Whether it's Dongba, Pengsi, or this year's newcomer.

The talents of the three people 3 are all very good.

Dongba won't make too many comments, but Pengsi and this year's newcomer, Chidor, were originally very optimistic about it.

Rocky's method may seem a bit unbelievable, but it is truly a way to select geniuses.

Otherwise, why couldn't people who were stronger than the three of them 3 not persist even for a second in front of Rocky's domineering power, but instead these three 3 geniuses who had been noticed by her long ago persisted! Now it seems that whether one can block Rocky's domineering impact does not all depend on the strength of the individual.

There are many more factors that they cannot understand.

Even having the corresponding talents is one of the key factors in whether one can block the domineering force.

Rocky who has completed the hunter trial.

Get out of the duel.

"The domineering overlord color is really useful."

"If I had acquired this ability earlier, I wouldn't have had so much trouble before."

Talking about the domineering look of overlord.

The reason why Rocky was able to obtain this ability.

Thanks to Chidor.

The bet between Chidor and Rocky.

Triggered a special task given by the system.

The mission to repair the special item Dragon Ball Shenron.

After completing this task, you will get a special chance to draw the reward.

The reward for this mission is Rocky's current domineering aura.

The special drawing will randomly select three characters from different worlds.

Then extract a certain ability from three people.

Rocky didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky, but he drew the super figure, the Yonko red-haired Shanks' overlord-colored Haki.

Although it is the power of a super person.

But it feels a little tasteless to Rocky.

The Overlord's Haki seems to be in addition to dealing with some smashing.

Against truly powerful enemies, there is no special help.

Overlord color

Rocky hasn't realized the benefits of domineering yet.

He will gradually discover it later.

The benefits of Overlord's domineering energy are not just about smashing and smashing.

There are now three 3 missions left.

Remake of Greed Island, resurrecting Gon, and the final hunt.

The last hunt among the three 3 missions, let alone the battle.

The main goals now are to remake Greed Island and resurrect Gon.

And this time the task of hosting the hunter trial.

It's just a level one reward.

Moreover, the prerequisite is to select candidates who are qualified enough to become hunters.

’ It seems that Rocky completed the mission well.

Dongba, Pengsi, and that... newcomer should be the candidates recognized by the system as being qualified enough to become hunters.

‘Drawing in’ but I got the highest reward for this mission.

But it's just a first-level extraction.

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