Sighing, he released the thought on his hand

"It's useless to continue to follow you. You are indeed a monster-level genius. I am no match for you. I have no interest in facing a target that I can never hunt."

"But you are still my subordinate!"

Hearing this, Hisoka threw a card over and said, "Contact me at any time when you need it. You don't need me to follow you at ordinary times! Lord Rocky"

Looking at Rocky's situation now, the Hunter Association will not cause trouble for Rocky.

In other words, there will be no more trouble for him.

Then Hisoka no longer needs to follow Rocky.

Just when Hisoka turned around to leave.

Rocky spoke.

"Go find Xiaodi and bring her to Greed Island."

Hisoka gave Rocky a confused look, "What if the girl doesn't agree?"

"She is a smart person. If you tell her that I will kill her if she doesn't come, she will agree."

After a pause, Hisoka smiled and said, "I understand, Lord Rocky."

With that said, Hisoka disappeared.

Turning around, Rocky looked at Kim.

Just when he was about to speak.

Chidor was helped up by someone.

"President, thank you for taking action!"

I heard the word president.

All the hunters present were stunned.

Even Kim himself was stunned.

Rocky didn't understand what Chidor was doing. He looked at the seriously injured Chidor and asked, "What did you mean by calling me 'President' just now?"

Chidor blinked, "You are already the president of the Hunter Association!"

She glanced at the hunters around her.

"The new president is definitely Rocky, does anyone object?"

Who could object at this time.

The association building that stands tall.

If it hadn't been frozen by Rocky, it would have collapsed long ago.

Once this building collapses, even if it defeats the enemy Hunter Association, it will be disgraceful.

The two enemies who defeated the Association Hunters did not last even five minutes under Rocky's hands.

With such a strong strength, who else would oppose it at this time.

Even Pariston didn't speak and chose to acquiesce.

Rocky frowned, "I don't want to be the president."

"But everyone supports you."

"I don't even want to be a hunter anymore."

"It doesn't matter. You can abandon your identity as a hunter and choose to remain anonymous, but you will still be the president."

Chidor was acting rogue, as if he would definitely put the title of general on Rocky's head today.

As for why Chidor did this.

That is inevitable, if there is no way to determine the identity of President Lodge today.

When is the next hunter gathering?

In the president election, Rocky is even less likely to show up.

Now is the best time. We must use all means to make all hunters recognize the identity of President Rocky.

As for whether Rocky himself agrees or not, Chidor doesn't think it matters at all.

Anyway, I don’t expect Rocky to be the president honestly.

Rocky looked at Chidor.

He smiled coldly and said, "Whatever you want!"

"Jin, I have another way to save Xiaojie."

Chapter 511 Using the power of games

Chidor didn't have time to be happy yet.

Rocky acquiesced in his identity as the president.

Rocky's words stunned Jin and others.

There is another way to save Xiaojie! Everyone thought the matter was over.

Rocky's whimsical behavior was over.

Jin also returned to normal.

But now Rocky's words gave everyone in the Twelve Branch a headache.

It turns out that Rocky hasn't given up on his completely impossible plan.

Even ordinary hunters knew about it before.

Rocky wants to save his dead companion Xiaojie.

But this kind of thing is completely impossible without even thinking about it.

Chidor's face instantly darkened.

Although she never thought that Rocky would seriously become the president, she had just confirmed his identity as the president and ran to do such an unrealistic thing.

There is an urge to vomit blood.

Jin was stunned for a moment, looking at Rocky's serious look, it didn't look like he was joking.

Did Rocky really find a way after thinking hard all night? He didn't have time to speak.

Some people just can't wait.

Tang De laughed coldly, "This is our new president."

"As expected! A brat is a brat. Although he is strong, he is still too unrealistic. Is there really no problem for such a person to be the president?"

I originally thought that if he said this, someone would agree with him.

But the hunters around him just had weird expressions, but didn't say anything.

For Rocky.

Hunters are very tolerant now.

A genius with great strength and unlimited potential.

Now he is on top of the world, and he will be the strongest guild leader in the history of hunters when he is trained in the future.

So now considering Rocky's age, the hunters in the association are surprisingly tolerant of Rocky.

When he found that no one spoke, Tang De's face instantly darkened.

At the same time, Rocky's eyes also glanced at him.

Tang De felt as if he suddenly came to the edge of a cliff.

Behind you is a cliff.

In front of them is a huge mountain that is constantly pushing over.

He could fall off the cliff at any time and be shattered to pieces.

However, this impression disappeared in an instant.

Rocky withdrew his gaze.

It's a waste of time to argue with such people.

Rocky looked back at Jin "Let's go!"

Jin was stunned for a moment and wanted to ask Rocky what to do, but it was obviously inappropriate now.

'It's better to leave with Rocky first and then ask him! ’ After saying that, Jin planned to leave with Rocky.

When the two were about to leave.

Chidor stood up and said, "Can't you be so stubborn? Rocky, do you really think it's possible to bring people back from the dead?"

He looked back at Chidor.

"Why is it impossible!"

It's simply unreasonable.

Chidor was helpless. She still expected Rocky to stay in the association for two days, so that she could find a way to lead him to the right path according to President Netero's wishes.

But it seems that there is nothing that can restrain this guy.

Rocky couldn't make sense.

Chidor looked at Jin: "Jin! Do you want to join in the mischief?"

Jin smiled sarcastically, "Even if there is only a little hope, I will never give up."

Hearing Jin's words, Chidor wanted to accuse him but had nothing to say.

"Two idiots."

Chidor's angry mind was in a state of confusion.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration occurred.

Rocky turned around and said, "Is there anything else?"

Chidor smiled and said, "Make a bet."

Chidor staggered a little, and was stabilized by the hunter beside him.

Then he said, "Bet on whether you can save Xiaojie."

"Ha! Why should I be so boring?"

‘Ding dong! ''The corners of Luo Qi's mouth twitched slightly.

He raised his eyes and looked at Qidoar again.

Chidor originally thought that Rocky would not agree, but as soon as his words changed, he actually agreed.

After speaking, Rocky planned to leave.

Chidor was stunned for a moment and then said quickly, "Don't you want to hear the conditions? If you lose, you will be punished."

"I can't lose, so I don't want to hear the conditions, but what will you do if you lose?"

Chidor was a little surprised by Rocky's confidence, but this was not to deal with the enemy.

If divided according to the mission levels of the Hunter Association.

Resurrecting a dead person should be a + degree task.

Absolutely impossible to accomplish.

However, Chidor still spoke out about the bet.

"In two months, if you lose, you will return to the association and learn from me to be the president."

"If you win, you don't need to worry about the president's work."

"The same goes for Jin. If Rocky loses, you will still have to stay in the Hunter Association and work honestly."

Rocky thought it was some interesting condition, but it turned out to be just this.

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