Chapter 464 Supplementary Candidates for the Twelve Branches

"According to the process, shouldn't the twelve missing members be replenished first?"

The smiling Pariston makes people feel even more dangerous.

Chidor was concentrating on thinking about Pariston's purpose in bringing up these two things at this time.

"Now that you said it! Then we should indeed add more members to the twelve branches. Do you have anyone to recommend?"

‘Are you testing me? ’ Pariston smiled and said, “Why don’t you let Mr. Lodge join the twelve?”

Is it possible for Rocky to join the Twelve? Chidor's expression changed. This proposal would have been impossible to pass before, but now it is really possible.

Because Rocky solved the chimera ant incident.

And he showed his unrivaled power to hunters all over the world.

Now Rocky has almost taken over President Netero's position among telepathic people.

If it were announced that Rocky would join the twelve teams, I believe the hunters would be very supportive.

Despite Rocky's many crimes.

But the chimera ant incident alone is enough to negate the merit.

Thinking of this, Chidor was a little moved.

Being able to let Rocky join the Twelve Branch will allow Jin to continue to guide Rocky onto the right path.

At the same time, it can also greatly strengthen the prestige of the Hunter Association.

But just when Chidor was about to express her agreement, she suddenly noticed a problem.

So, after the twelve branches are replenished, the next step is the election of the new president.

If Rocky joins the twelve branches at this time, wouldn't it mean that he has no chance to become the president? This does not mean that Rocky must be the president.

But Rocky lost the qualification to run for president.

If Rocky becomes one of the twelve, then the credit for defeating the chimera ants will make up for the sins he has committed before.

He has no part in the president election.

Credit is such a thing.

As long as the reward is given, it will be offset, regardless of

This reward is well deserved.

If Rocky is unable to participate in the presidential election, then Pariston is likely to become the next president.

"I see, Pariston, are you interested in the position of president?" Chidor raised his head and looked at Pariston calmly, "It is impossible for Rocky to join the twelve branches."

"Oh why"

"There are many reasons. The association has not yet decided how to deal with his current matter. How can we let him easily join the 12th team?"

"What a pity. Is there any good candidate for Chidor?"

Chidor just thought for a moment and then raised his head and looked at Pariston, "Mo Laowu is very good, and he also shined in this chimera ant crusade. Joining twelve is enough."

"Mo Laowu!"

From an objective and fair perspective, Mo Laowu does have twelve members.

But that’s it! Pariston's eyes were full of smiles. He didn't think Mo Laowu would agree to become a member of the Twelve Branch.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that the association's power is now divided into two, half of which is in the hands of him as the vice president, and the other half is in the hands of Chidor.

And because the Twelve Branch supports Chidor, Pariston is even shorter than Chidor. Now there are only two vacancies for the Twelve Branch members.

Chidor recommended someone, so Pariston can naturally do the same.

Recommend someone.

"Mo Laowu is good, then let Mo Laowu join the twelve teams!"

Pariston actually agreed directly, which made Chidor feel strange.

"Then let me recommend another person!"

Pariston squinted his eyes, "This person is also very good!"

"Tang De."

Chidor asked loudly.

Isn't Tangde Tangde that... self-righteous guy who almost died and caused Jin and others' plans to be completely disrupted? Based on these points, Chidor instinctively wanted to reject Pariston's proposal.

But once she refutes Pariston, then the same Pariston will definitely refute Mo Laowu's joining.

If the stalemate continues like this, it will be of no benefit to anyone.

Compared to Pariston, Chidor will be under much greater pressure by then.

After the incident with the chimera ants, the election of a new president is imminent.

Can't delay.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay!"

Chidor agreed to Pariston's proposal.

The supplementary candidates for the twelve branches were thus determined.

Exited Chidor's office.

Pariston shook his head boredly, "It's so boring."

His purpose has been achieved.

This time, from beginning to end, it was not for Rocky to join the Twelve Branch, but for Tang De to join the Twelve Branch.

Pariston also knew that his time in the association was running out.

Someone needs to take his place.

People who are too smart can’t do it.

On the contrary, an obedient person is enough.

Tang De! A clown.

This time he must have been ruined. His clown-like behavior was seen by all the hunters.

From now on, I guess I can only withdraw from everyone's sight and live quietly.

But Pariston has a way to turn Tang De, who looks like a clown, into another image.

For example.

Brave and fearless, he dares to challenge unknown powerful creatures even if he is weak.

The leader of the new generation of hunters! As for the choice of president.

On the contrary, Pariston still hopes that Rocky will take this position.

Because even if they only had a few contacts, Pariston knew it very well.


He's definitely not the kind of guy who's... good at running a huge organization.

Talking about combat effectiveness, talking about the cultivation of mind.

Rocky was gifted in a unique way.

Even Pariston had to admit it.

Rocky is an absolute monster.

But when managing a huge organization, not whoever has the best fighting ability is suitable to be the leader.

Back in his room, Pariston sent a quick text message.


A new message appeared on the intelligence website.

Let the world, which was already shaken by the century-old war between Rocky and the Ant King, become turbulent again.

Chapter 465 Target Kukulu Mountain

Chapter 466 Rocky is a good guy

Rocky grabbed Mo Laowu's cell phone.

Look at the text displayed above.

Read it word by word.

But before long, Rocky felt extremely ashamed.

I've never felt so ashamed.

Articles on mobile phones.

It is information released by a hunter who claims to be proficient in analytical skills.

Rocky was valued by Nitro, and he personally taught the practice of mindfulness.

Analyzing the 'hidden' truth behind every sensation Rocky caused.

Rocky was wanted by the Association since the first time.

Analysts pointed out that this is simply unreasonable.

Is Rocky wanted just because he destroyed a building and caused too much impact on society? There must be an unknown secret hidden behind it, a secret that even the president had to compromise.

See the people here.

They all think it makes perfect sense.

"Rocky solved the Phantom Troupe. This group of thieves has always been unscrupulous. Not only did it not have any merits, but it was wanted."

"Now that I think about it, there are indeed many problems!"

Afterwards, bounty hunters and criminal hunters hunted down Rocky.

Rocky killed so many people, but it was actually said to be a self-defense counterattack.

What happened later was even more outrageous.

Attacking the Hunter Association, Rocky just wanted to find President Netero in person and ask for the truth.

The members of the twelve branches were killed out of anger after learning the truth.

Can be forgiven! Seeing this, Rocky was speechless, which can be forgiven.

This is an article that thoroughly helps Rocky clear his name.

This clueless article shouldn't have caught people's attention.

But in this special period.

This special time.

But it made most hunters think it was true.

They think that's the truth of the matter.

As for why people would rather believe something that has no real evidence at all.

The fundamental reason still lies in Rocky.

Rocky showed great strength.

Terrible power.

Worrying hunters.

They will be afraid.

However, if it were another situation.

Rocky is a good man, a kind man and trustworthy.

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