Ten minutes later.

Even hunters who did not check the Hunter Association's information website immediately have received notifications from others.

Log on to the Hunter Intelligence website and watch this video.

Tang De's domineering appearance was also seen by more hunters.

His strong body naturally gives people a very powerful feeling.

Countless hunters who had complained about the Twelve Branches but had not given up completely began to look forward to Tang De.

Cheetos in the Hunters Guild.

After being furious for so long.

She also gradually calmed down.

She began to notice the strange phenomena hidden behind this incident.

But it's too late.

Can't wait until she figures out the key.

The bean-faced man came over in a panic and showed her the video Tang De posted on the hunter intelligence website.

After watching it.

Qi Duo Er finally calmed down, but once again aroused strong anger.

"This bastard"

Qido Er's voice almost echoed through the entire Hunter Association.

Pariston, who was in the vice president's office, leaned on his office chair and looked at the sky outside the association with a faint smile.

"You haven't reacted yet! Qiduoer, Jin is right, she is too easily affected by her emotions to judge and think."


Pariston said with some dissatisfaction.

"It's still fun when the president is here!"

For Pariston, Chittoar is completely incomparable to President Netero.

Still too tender.

Except for the president, that is Jin.

Flickers made Pariston a little afraid.

But it's a pity that Jin doesn't want to be the president of the Hunters Association.

Chapter 407 Disrupted plan

After a wave of anger broke out from Chidor.

She sat in a chair and covered her head.

He said anxiously, "Mr. Bean-faced Man, please contact Jin immediately and tell him about this idiot's situation."

"No matter what, we must first ensure that the crusade mission goes smoothly."

"As for those who are looking for death, if it hinders the plan"

Chidor paused here.

The second half of her original sentence was that it didn't matter even if she killed these people.

But the words came to my lips but I couldn't say them out:.

In the end, Chidor said feebly, "Let him judge for himself! After all, all hope lies with them."

The bean-faced man gave Qi Duoer a very strange look.

Finally withdrew.

Kim received the news.

I didn't expect that Tang De would actually do something like this.

He plans to broadcast the campaign against chimera ants to the world in real time.

This is just plain stupid.

He actually wanted to make a name for himself by dealing with such terrifying creatures as chimera ants.

Even Jin couldn't help but curse.

Do those idiots really think that chimera ants are such easy creatures to deal with! After receiving the news, Jin almost couldn't keep himself calm.

Nakulu stood in front of Jin, and he looked at Jin very seriously.

"Mr. Jin, we must stop them. Once they show up and are discovered, even without the help of the three guards, the Chimera Ant division commander and the others will be unable to resist."

Jin is very clear about what Nakulu said.

To stop those people now would be equivalent to giving up the crusade plan.

This is clear to everyone.

Nakulu undoubtedly chose to save people and give up the plan.

This choice is surprising.

Mo Laowu suddenly stood up and patted Nakulu on the shoulder, "It seems that the master is completely unaware of his disciples this time!"

The two stood together, looking at Jin.

Xiu Tuo shook his head helplessly, and both the master and Nakulu made their choices.

Of course he can't fall behind.

Get up and stand together as well.

Under the gazes of the three people, Jin was a little shaken.

At this time Norbu also stood up.

"It seems that all the previous efforts were in vain. I also left a few coordinates outside the palace. It would be much faster to go directly through the fourth-dimensional apartment."

Hearing Norbu's words, Nakulu looked a little surprised.

Norbu looked at Nakulu coldly, "Do you think that I won't give up my plan due to any accident?"

After Nobu saw what he was thinking, Nakulu scratched his head in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Mr. Nobu, I didn't think that way."

At this time, Jin glanced at Rocky, "You probably changed for some reason!"

Rocky didn't speak and just kept them quiet.

That unshakable look made Jin understand.

Rocky would not be swayed so easily. "Then let's change the plan! Let's attract the enemy's attention. Leza and you will be responsible for the surprise attack on the palace. I will try my best to lure the three guards out."

After saying that, Jin walked towards Norbu.

Killua originally planned to walk over.

But Xiaojieyi

Not even a step moved.

Killua was a little surprised that Gon would make such a choice.

This time Gon didn't look into Killua's eyes.

Night is coming.

Tang De sat up from the stone.

"Everyone has almost rested!"

Three hours and three breaks.

I just regained most of my energy.

Not quite back to his best.

But Tang De couldn't wait any longer.

Rhodes and Richie had no objection at all, and they also wanted to take action as soon as possible.

Attacking in this state is nothing more than killing a few more people and it doesn't matter at all.

Seeing everyone getting up one after another, Tang De was shouting in his heart.

‘The era that belongs to me, Tang De, is about to begin. As long as I successfully deal with those damn ants this time, I will be able to shine in the Hunter Association.

’ ‘The position of the new president belongs to me.

’ Tang De turned around and waved, “Let’s go!”

The team of hundreds of people began to move according to the previous plan.

The open area outside the palace.

Specifically cleaned out by chimera ants.

Prevent anyone from sneaking close to the palace.

So when this huge team appeared.

Nephebido was watching the entire palace with a circle at the top of the palace.

The other party's traces were discovered at a glance.

‘Human’ ‘human soldier! ’ The next second Nephebido slowly stood up.

She looked at the crowd in the distance.

Now I can only vaguely see a small black dot that is constantly moving.

Nephibido's anger.

Start to gather back.

Pufu and Yupi in the palace immediately felt something was wrong.

Nephibido's energy slowly spread in the direction of the crowd.

Just for a moment! Black shadows suddenly appeared above the team and passed by.

Bang! ! ! These black shadows fell in front of the team.

A violent roar stirred up thick dust and smoke.

Tang De was stunned for a moment and suddenly stopped.


The sudden appearance of the black shadow was so fast that Tang De, Richie, and Rhodes, who were at the front of the team, did not react at all.

"Stop it all!"

There was a loud roar in the smoke.

This voice was full of anger, which made Tang De 3 frown.

The wind blew slowly.

A black shadow slowly emerged.

Then the second, third, and fourth figures appeared in front of them one after another, walking towards them.

When a person stepped out of the smoke and revealed his face.

Tang De suddenly shrank his eyes slightly.

His throat moved.


Flix, you. "

"Why are you blocking our actions?"

The moment of appearance.

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