Yupi stood on the side and looked at the two of them with his hands in his arms.

Nephipido squatted on the ground, "It doesn't feel like it was done by an ordinary special person."

Eupi looked at Nephipido.

"Because it's too fast, every once in a while, my puppets are killed at a very fast speed."

Nephipido spread his hands and said, "If it was the result of a single special person acting alone, most of my dolls would not have been lost so quickly."

After listening to Nephipido's words, Pufu thought for a moment, "You mean, there may be a human team that is targeting your dolls, or in other words, targeting us."

Nephibid nodded, "Yes!"

"If it is a single special person, then the opponent is very strong."

"But every time he finishes dealing with the dolls in one place, it takes a long time to rush to the next place. From this, it seems that the opponent's strength is not particularly strong."

Puff: "Your puppet didn't even realize who the other person was?"

Nephipido shook his head, "No, the opponent attacks quickly. Although my puppets are scattered, basically every time I am attacked, all nearby puppets will be eliminated within three seconds."

He killed Nephipeto's puppet without even seeing his figure.

This strength.

Whether it is one human being or multiple human beings cannot be underestimated.

Pufu frowned and continued what Nephibid said, "Many division commanders have come recently. They said they found a group of very strong humans who were constantly attacking them."

"Most of the chimera ant division leaders and chimera ant soldiers have been eliminated by humans, and all of this happened in just one day."

Yupi: "Is that why those guys chose to take refuge with His Majesty the Ant King?"

Pufu nodded to the leaders of the Chimera Ant Division who came to seek refuge.

He didn't have a good impression.

But now we are short of manpower.

Under the circumstances, Puff also chose to accept these chimera ants.

"I feel like something is a little weird! Meow!"

Pufu nodded, "I think so too, but it's just a human being's death struggle."

Weak humans attempt to resist the rule of His Majesty the Ant King.

In Pufu's view, His Majesty the Ant King is the king who stands at the apex of all living things.

Dominance over all living things, including humans, is undisputed.

Human resistance means nothing.

But Nephebido didn't think so.

Judging from the death of the dolls, the strength of the humans who took action far exceeded those captured by them and presented to His Majesty the Ant King for food.

The strength cannot be underestimated.

"It's better to be cautious. Don't those division commanders know something? It's best to cross-examine them carefully."

Nephipido suggested.

But Pufu and Yupi both smiled and said, "No need."

Yupi sneered, "They're just human beings, don't worry about them at all."

"It doesn't matter even if humans really want to struggle to the death. They can never be a threat to His Majesty."

Pufu also said calmly.

The two people's contempt for human beings made Ranifebido even more uneasy.

"It's better not to look down on humans, Pufu, Yupi!"

The two of them still ignored Nephipido's worries.

It seemed like they couldn't get the two of them to take the human threat seriously.

Nephipido could only sigh, "Anyway, I will protect your majesty with all my strength and closely monitor the entire palace."

Although he despises humans, Pufu also attaches equal importance to the safety of His Majesty the Ant King.

"Okay, Peter, your round is very strong, so you will be responsible for monitoring all places except His Majesty's position, while Yupi will stay on the first floor! To prevent any accidents from happening."

"I will personally stay by His Majesty's side. Although it is impossible for humans to hurt the King, I will never allow anything to disturb the King."

Chapter 399 Father and son reunited

In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter. Please read it later and look at the next chapter! ! Have fun reading every day during the summer, recharge 100 and get 500 points coupon! ::: Immediate deposit event time: August 7th to August 9th

Chapter 400 Final preparations before action

Chapter 401 The Hunter’s Shame

Chapter 402 Hunters gather spontaneously

Chapter 403 Difficult Choice

Climb up to the secluded treehouse platform.

Gon and Killua are very interested in this treehouse platform hidden in the big tree.

Although there may still be chimera ants around.

It's very dangerous to stay in such a wild place.

But I always found it interesting.

Build a house on a tree.

I believe many people have had similar thoughts.

Gon and Killua were slow to climb onto the treehouse platform.

They seemed to want to take a good look at this small temporary platform.

After Rocky went up, he seemed to be talking to someone.

"Norbu has set off with Corudo and sneaked into the palace, accompanied by Pom."

"Through Pang Mu's eyes, we can help Norbu understand some of the situation in the palace."

A strange man's voice came.

At this moment, Xiaojie suddenly had a strange feeling.

It seems that this voice is particularly different.

Climb up to the platform step by step.

Xiaojie was soon finally able to see what was happening on the platform.

Xiaojie showing his head.

Looking at the platform.

Mo Laowu, Nakulu, Xiutuo, Paknota, Fei Jie and others were resting under the shade of the tree.

A person blocked by Rocky's figure showed half of his body and was seen by Xiaojie.

The moment he saw this figure, Xiaojie froze on the spot.

Xiaojie has never seen Jin's dress.

But Xiaojie recognized this person at first sight.

Although it's only half a body.

Gon stopped at a position that was neither up nor down, and Killua was a little surprised why Gon didn't leave.

Did he see anyone special before he asked?

Rocky smiled and looked at Jin who was staring at him as he spoke.

"Now there is something you need to deal with personally! Jin."

Jin, who lowered his head to take a nap, was still half asleep and half awake.

When he heard that Rocky wanted him to handle it personally, he looked up at Rocky with some sleepiness.

"What happened?"

Rocky stepped away as he spoke.

Revealing Xiaojie's figure behind him.

Jin sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at Xiaojie blankly as if he hadn't woken up.

suddenly! Everyone seemed to sense the wonderful change in the atmosphere.

He gently raised his head and looked in the direction of the two people.

Killua climbed onto the platform and had a strange feeling when he saw Jin for the first time.

"Why does this man seem so familiar?" Killua looked at Gon.

Suddenly he came to his senses.

"Could he be?" After a few seconds of silence.

Xiaojie opened his mouth "Jin"

Jin suddenly tensed up when he heard Xiaojie's voice.

He stared at Xiaojie with his eyes wide open.

Father and son looked at each other from afar.

One had a face full of surprise, and the other had stars in his eyes.

Seeing Jin Xiaojie, the remaining haze in his eyes was dispelled and light emitted again.

The two of them looked so strange.

It set everyone else on fire with gossip.

"Who is this child?"

Mo Laowu asked.

Nakulu replied, "I met him before on Greed Island."

Rocky looked at the two people, although he didn't know that it was inappropriate for Xiaojie to see Jinhe in such a situation.

But since they met by chance, let the two of them meet.

This picture is quite interesting.

Xiaojie's tone became high-pitched, and he burst out with uncontrollable joy.

On the contrary, Jin, who was called by Xiaojie, looked at a loss.

Jin, who is known as one of the top five telepathic people in the world, is so nervous that he doesn't know where he is putting his hands.

He stood up quickly.

Because he was about to cry when he looked at Xiaojie.

"Xiaojie, please don't get excited about that...you can't cry. An excellent hunter can't shed tears casually, you know?"

Xiaojie swooped into Jin's arms.

Tears and snot just rubbed onto Jin's body.

The powerful Mr. Jin was simply knocked down by a kid.

This situation.

No need to ask.

Everyone else who saw this scene also understood.

This is Jin's son Xiaojie.

The others stared at Jin and Xiaojie with burning eyes.

Being looked at by such an intense gaze, Jin felt almost extremely embarrassed.

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