Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 137 The audience responded with 10 points of

Exploiting Hollywood 1980 https://

After some red tape, the lights in the projection hall dimmed. The words Cannon Group Presents appeared on the screen.

A strong disco drum began to come from the speakers, a large building jumped out of the screen, flags of various countries were flying on the flagpoles outside, and a group of people ran into the building screaming.

It was a good start, Ronald thought to himself. In just a few strokes, the apocalyptic scene in 1994 was outlined. What will happen next? Cold war into hot war? Alien invasion? Or an asteroid hitting Earth?

After thinking about several of the most popular disasters in Hollywood scripts right now, Ronald quickly packed his mind and watched the movie. As a buyer, the main task is to watch the movie from the audience's point of view, not to do any analysis.

Three male and female singers, dressed in sparkling white diamond-encrusted costumes, sang and danced disco-style songs on stage.

Really can't think of it? This building is not a United Nations meeting to deal with the crisis, but a concert.

No, it's not a concert, but a singing and dancing show. The heartbeat of the audience, and the decibel of the shouting, determine whether the contestants will leave or stay.

The second male and female group came on stage. They had no band accompaniment, only an acoustic guitar, and they sang not the current pop music, but more like the country rock that the hippies loved in the 1960s. The audience fell silent without applause. Some stood up impatiently to let them down, while others began to throw objects on the stage.

When the scene changed, two singers, a man and a woman, were still singing with smiles on their faces. The audience gradually sat down and listened carefully. The heartbeat of the audience in the monitoring room gradually reached 150. The director was stunned and decided to put some noise to disrupt the performance.

Ronald was also stunned, the movie was not as good as Roger Coleman. How to put it, it's like a college student visiting director Coleman's set and then going back to his side work.

What follows is even more absurd. The draft director turned out to be Satan. They made noise and deliberately lowered the score of the duo, and then signed female singer Bibi instead of her partner and boyfriend Alfie. Movies have evolved from musicals to mythology.

However, the two names of the protagonists are a bit interesting, and Ronald couldn't help laughing when he saw this. Alfie is the name of the protagonist of the 1966 film of the same name starring Michael Caine, in which he played a lover named Alfie.

The small-budget British production, which cost less than $1 million, sold in America for $18 million. Ronald saw it when he was in class.

And the name of the heroine, Bibi, is known to anyone who is familiar with rock music gossip. This is an insinuation of the well-known rock and roll Bibi Bull, who has slept all over the popular rock band.

Ronald's laughter attracted the eyes of the beautiful woman next to him. She can't stand this shit anymore and is going to leave. "Fortunately, this handsome American guy confiscated his movie ticket money, otherwise he would have to refund the money."

When Ronald saw this, he had given up the idea of ​​buying a movie. The first roll of film (11 minutes) in the opening scene made the audience want to leave, and the immortals in the follow-up plot will not be able to save them.

Most of the audience was out of politeness, unlike the early exits of the festival's opening film. Some of the audience had already started dozing off, then they were woken up by a burst of singing and dancing.

The scene suddenly jumped from the office to a cave, and a group of devils began to sing and dance, persuading the heroine Bibi to take a bite of the big apple.

Ronald looked at the fat producer sitting in the front row, shaking his head happily to the music. The joys and sorrows of human beings in this world are really different. Fatty is immersed in his great movie singing and dancing scenes, but the audience only feels noisy and prevents them from sleeping.

Not even mentioning the next plot, even Ronald can't stand it. There were only two places where he was awakened from his drowsiness.

The first time was Satan-turned-producer and signed the heroine. Immediately her record sales began to skyrocket.

Ronald, who fell asleep with the noisy singing and dancing, suddenly woke up after the background noise disappeared, and looked at the screen twice.

"But I haven't recorded a song yet? Why can I start selling records in the first place?" Bibi asked in confusion.

"This is the true meaning of business, you sell first, and then start making." Satan laughed.

Hey, this idea is interesting, isn't that how Fatty operates movies?

Ronald felt a little interesting and went back to sleep.

The second time, near the end of the film, Bibi finally woke up, no longer under the control of Satan, and ran to find the hero Alfie. The two find a group of people who leave modern technology and live like hippies. Unknown plants are lit on a large lawn and become very "spiritual" in the smoke.

Satan leads the security to catch Bibi, and their family and children are about to be destroyed. Yes, I don't know why the hero and heroine suddenly got married and had children.

At a critical juncture, the screen suddenly lit up, and Ronald was awakened by the strong light.

I saw a Rolls-Royce car glowing white in the sky, and the sound of "BiuBiuBiu" fell from the sky, and an old man with a white beard came out, which saved the hero and heroine and led them to a new planet to start over. Human reproduction.

Ronald rubbed his eyes, is this the special effect that cost a "big price"? It seems to be quite expensive, probably just two dollars and thirty-eight cents.

He yawned greatly, and the beautiful woman next to him was also awakened. The two find out that the movie is over and the beauty is woken up by the reopening of the theater lights.

The fat man who gave Ronald the movie ticket happily walked onto the stage in front of the screen and took the microphone prepared by the organizer, "I'm the director of this film, Minahan Golan..."

"Hey...hey...don't hit anyone."

The audience was already full of fire and wanted to vent. Montreal has been in debt of a billion dollars since hosting the Olympics. Four years have passed, and the main venue for the 1976 Olympics has not yet been completed. The taxes paid every year are largely used to repay debts, and public facilities have not been updated. There is a lot of grievances.

This Montreal International Film Festival is also an idea that the city government came up with to attract investment in the film industry and boost employment and tax revenue. However, the French-speaking area of ​​Montreal has limited the film source and scale of the film festival, and its development is far inferior to that of another Canadian film festival, the Toronto Film Festival, which was established at the same time.

Thinking of the tax that I paid so hard, it was actually this kind of rotten movie. It is better to repair the road and enrich the funds for public education. It happened that they had the mini-disc that was given when they entered the door. The audience imitated the opening scene of the movie and threw the album in their hands towards the fat Minahan.

Fatty Minahan fled from the podium in embarrassment and ran away. The audience didn't give up, and the audience in the back row also began to throw records forward, and their hands were not strong enough to fall on Ronald, who was sitting in the front row.

"Hey, don't throw it away..." Ronald also fled the cinema with his head in his arms.

The beauties around her don't know where to go and get lost. Ronald had to walk slowly back to the hotel by himself. Is the level of the Montreal Film Festival limited? It is also said that it is an A-level film festival. What did you choose for the opening film?

Ronald, who returned to the hotel, made a cup of instant coffee to stabilize his frightened mind.

In fact, in hindsight, the investment in this film is estimated to be not small. With so many dancers taking part in the performance, although many big scenes are ugly, the sets are real.

There are a lot of bad movies because of small budgets and cutting corners. This crap movie is utterly crappy. It's not that you didn't invest money, it's that you didn't invest in places.

The movie is set in 1994, but the props and scenery are like 1954, giving people a very low feeling.

The hero and heroine are hippies to save the world, but they have no hippie flavor. Hippies advocate freedom, and there is no group dance like them.

how to say? It gives the impression that the director only sees the description of hippies in magazines, and then relies on his own imagination of the report text to go to the director's hippie scene, which is specious.

"You can't go, the audience throws the records you gave, and you Cannon Films must compensate."

At the same time, the fat man's cousin, Yoram, another fat man, was held back by the cinema's manager and refused to let him go. It turned out that the record thrown by the audience was thrown onto the screen with too much force, breaking the screen.

The main venue of the Montreal Film Festival is very large, and the supporting big screen is very expensive. After it is broken, it will cost a lot of money to replace it, and the organizing committee will also show other films here. The person in charge of the cinema held Yoram and refused to let go. He was only willing to give up until he had to pay for it.

"It's no use pulling me, only Minahan can sign checks."

"Where did he go?"

Everyone searched the venue for three times, but they couldn't find Minahan.

His cousin and partner Yoram said helplessly, "Maybe Meinahan has already returned to the hotel. He put a lot of effort into this film, and directed and edited it himself. Why don't you go back to the hotel with me, I'm afraid of him receive a blow."

The theater manager, the top of the organizing committee, and Yoram returned to the hotel together. There was no sign of Minahan in the room. Everyone searched for him several times, but they didn't see Minahan, so they had to go back to the lobby to discuss compensation.

"Meinahan won't escape, right?" The theater manager and Yoram had this thought in their hearts at the same time.

"He's here...he's going to jump off the building." A staff member shouted outside.

Everyone ran out of the lobby and saw that outside the room where Minahan lived, a person was standing on the railing of the balcony.

It was "Apple" director and producer Minahan Golan.

Yoram was very anxious, and shouted at the top, "Meinahan, don't think too much, let's go back and continue financing to shoot the next movie, we will definitely succeed."

Minahan glanced down and murmured to himself: "It's useless, the audience doesn't like my movies. I figured it out, I don't have the talent for movies. This time we shoot and distribute the movie in Israel. I lost all the money I made, and I don’t want to live anymore.”

"Think about your wife, think about your child, Minahan..." Yoram cried out louder anxiously when he saw that Minahan hadn't left the railing. The staff of the organizing committee next to him are ready to call the police.

Ronald was also disturbed by the sound of shouting downstairs in the room, opened the door of the balcony, and prepared to go out to watch the fun.

When I walked to the balcony, I saw that many people below were waving their hands to the top and shouting "don't jump".

Ronald looked in the direction they pointed, and saw a fat man standing on the balcony railing in the room next to him, about to jump down.

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