Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 995: Is your daughter-in-law particularly cute (3)

"You don't have to be so polite." The doctor smiled. "This is what we should do."

"Doctor." Julie whispered. "How is he doing now?"

"From the current situation, it should be caused by excessive blood pressure in the liver caused by his excessive activity, resulting in coma caused by blood poisoning. At present, there is no serious problem, but... In view of this situation, I still hope that the operation will be carried out as soon as possible. ”

"I just saw that there is blood in his lips. What happened?" asked Julie.

"Maybe some damage in the lungs, the internal organs are interacting, the liver is a hematopoietic organ, the liver is damaged, the blood coagulation will definitely be affected, and the small wounds may cause internal bleeding, but... Don't worry, this is not the main problem. As long as the liver problem is solved, these can be recovered. Of course, considering the various possibilities, we have to speed up the surgery."

Listening to the doctor carefully, Chu Xinning is also a sigh of relief. "That... can we go in and see him?"

"Of course, but try to keep his mood steady. And he needs rest now, so don't bother him for too long to keep his energy in the surgery. Also..." The doctor frowned and looked at it with blame Li, "From now on, I will never be allowed to leave the hospital again. You must do this!"

Julie did not explain, but instead blamed Qin Zhaoyang for blaming and apologizing. "I'm sorry."

Chu Xinning is also busy talking. "You can rest assured, this is definitely the last time. From now on, I will not let him down even the bed. You are just preparing for surgery. No matter what the price, I hope he... ...can survive this time."

"Well, we will do our best." The doctor focused on Zheng. "You go in. I will observe here one night tonight. If everything is normal tomorrow morning, we will send him back to the original ward. Let him eat a little fluid and digestible. Things, then try to let him rest, when is the nurse ready to find me."

Thanks to the other side, Chu Xinning walked to the front of the rescue room, took a deep breath, raised his right hand and gently pushed the door open.

In the emergency room, two nurses are still there, one is recording the data of Qin Zhaoyang, and one is cleaning up the medical waste left on the ground.

Qin Zhaoyang leaned on the pillow tiredly, his eyes were closed with his eyes closed, the oxygen hall was hung on his nose, the liquid medicine was inserted in his left hand, and the monitor clip was caught on his right hand... because he was worried that he would cough again, bedside adjustment It was a bit high, with white sheets on it, and the face looked paler and bloodless.

At a glance, Chu Xinning’s eyes hurt.

It’s just a few days, and the whole person seems to have lost a circle. The strong man who always flies in the memory, suddenly becomes so weak... How can it not make people feel bad?

Hearing the footsteps on his side, Qin Zhaoyang did not think much about being a doctor or a nurse. He did not open his eyes, and his body was still in a very weak state. Although he was already awake, he was still a little stunned.

"Sir!" Julie whispered softly on the bed. "Mrs. see you."

Qin Zhaoyang's eyelashes trembled, and suddenly opened his eyes, sure enough...

In the sight, Chu Xinning was frowning, licking her lips and looking at him in a complicated look.

His lips trembled and his lips were open, but there was no sound.

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