After the meeting, Ning Xiaofei replaced the clothes, shoes and jewelry that Su Ying took, and found the makeup artist of the company to help her finely decorate.

If it is normal, Ning Xiaofei is not so accidental, but now it is different, Mu Tianye is now lonely, the more so, the more she dresses beautifully.

Everything was ready, she took two bodyguards and Su Ying to the dinner party.

When the car went ahead, she took out her mobile phone and took a look at the news.

As she expected, Chen Ziming’s press conference with Zhang’s drums, I can’t wait for the whole world to know that he is now a member of Mu’s family.

It is gratifying to note that while Chen Ziming released the news, he has also released all kinds of information about Wanghuai Town. All kinds of photos and data are very detailed.

When the news about pollution was seen from the beginning, Ning Xiaofei’s face was already cold and frosty.

"Despicable shameless guy!"

Before Mu Tianye talked to her, the pollution incident caused such a big impact may be related to Chen Ziming. These materials are already full of evidence. Those small places that want to come to Wanghuai Town are his arrangements, and other reporters are not allowed to report. Chen Ziming However, he holds the first-hand information, and Chen Ziming is obviously deliberately promoting the matter.

In order to achieve his goals, he is really unscrupulous.

The car stopped at the front of the A City Hotel. The bodyguard just got off the bus and pulled the door open. Hou Tianye, who was in the hall, had already come over and bent down to extend one arm to Ning Xiaofei.

Because Ning Xiaofei rushed over to drive ordinary cars, the reporters did not care too much about her. When Mu Tianye appeared, everyone immediately came to the spirit and hovered around.

"Mu Zong, what do you want to say about Mu Shi's change?"

"Chen Ziming announced his appointment with Muhammad. Does it mean that Muhammad has been acquired by Goldman Sachs?"


Ning Xiaofei extended his arm from the car and held Mu Tianye's arm. A pair of blind people looked over worriedly.

Although this incident was originally a bureau, she was still somewhat worried about his endurance - after all, it was the hard work of two generations of Mu family, and this time it was a gamble, no one would dare to be sure of it at the last moment. What kind of result is it.

In the line of sight, Mu Tianye's expression was extremely calm, feeling her fear, and he raised his lips to reveal a gentle smile to her.

"Be careful."

Su Ying had already jumped out of the car, separated the reporters with the bodyguards and other hotel staff, and the two went through the lobby into the elevator.

Looking up and down at her, Mu Tianye's lips twitched.

"The skirt is beautiful!"

This dress was brought back to Europe by Mu Tianye from Ning Xiaofei. It is extremely luxurious and the value is naturally high.

Because it was too luxurious, Ning Xiaofei did not pass through several activities. This time, deliberately choosing this dress is nothing more than a smashing group, and he has a few faces for him.

The best fabrics, fine handcrafts, master cuts... the exquisite style of her slim figure, coupled with the deliberately refined makeup, and the increasingly elegant temperament of the day, all these together, let Ning Xiaofei is full of grace and grace from head to toe.

Hearing his praise, Ning Xiaofei raised his palm with a long glove and gently put his arm.

"Of course, how else would you have the information to be the wife of Mutianye!"

The two looked at each other, she chuckled, he lifted his lips and then walked out of the elevator together.

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