After Chu Feng cut off his tentacles, Qianshou Shijue did not rush to recover, but instead directed the surrounding zombies to attack Chu Feng.

Chu Feng reminded Su Yuyan: "Thousand-Hand Corpse Jue is very cunning, but if the Thousand-Hand Corpse Jue can be killed, the tide of corpses will probably be dispersed.

The emergence of corpse tides often has a backbone.

If this backbone is killed, the tide of corpses will dissipate.

Of course, if there is a lot of "food" nearby, the corpse tide will at least consider dispersing after eating up all the food that is visible to the naked eye.

Su Yuyan said: "I can act as bait."

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Do you think it is possible for a Tier 5 decoy?"

Su Yuyan was speechless, she didn't mind taking on the role of bait, but with the wisdom of Thousand-Hand Corpse Jue, she was able to distinguish the threat of Tier 5 abilities.

A bait that can swallow the prey directly, can it still be called a bait?

"Teacher Su, you come to kill all the zombies here, and I will plunder the formation." Chu Feng said.

Su Yuyan nodded, and then started a killing.

Thousand-handed Corpse Jue is a very difficult existence to deal with, but this is difficult to deal with, not really difficult to deal with, it is just harder to kill.

If you can kill all the zombies here, then there is no difference between Thousand-Hand Corpse Jue and Tentacle Corpse Jue.


When Su Yuyan entered the land of no one and the zombies fell in pieces, a zombie roared. At this moment, Chu Feng raised his hand to an ice arrow.


The ice bolt directly penetrated the zombie's eyebrows, causing the existence who wanted to direct the zombie's riot to fall directly.

"Well, what will you do next?"

With Su Yuyan's killing, the number of zombies continued to decrease. Those zombies who wanted to break through the encirclement or come in from the periphery of the encirclement were all beheaded by the outside team.

The weapons in their hands can easily break the defenses of Tier 4 zombies, and it is of course not a problem to deal with ordinary zombies.

Of course, there were still some casualties during this process.

Not everyone is able to quickly adapt to fighting on muddy ground, especially those who have just joined the Dawn Alliance and have not had time to receive special training from Chu Feng. Sometimes, if their focus is unstable, they will die. In the mouth of the zombie.

After all, the zombie serum at this stage has already entered mass production, and Chu Feng has obtained a lot of zombie serum through his own contribution and the relationship between his parents, but zombie serum is not omnipotent.

First of all, the zombie serum can only strengthen the function of resisting the virus. If it directly hits the key, then even the zombie serum will not be saved.

And those zombie viruses are also classified. For some powerful zombie viruses, a higher-level zombie serum or a zombie serum made from a zombie spinal cord taken from the body in a mutated way can be contained. Carried the body over.

But fortunately, after people's physical fitness improves, they also have a certain resistance to the zombie virus, and ordinary scratches can be directly passed.

Chu Feng didn't care about the casualties outside, but used his mental power to perceive the movements of these zombies.

The number of zombies in the encirclement was getting fewer and fewer. Under the slaughter of Su Yuyan, who had broken through to Tier 5, these zombies soon only left 2/3 of the number, and this number is still declining.

If this continues, it only takes less than 20 minutes, and Qianshou Shijue will face the embarrassing situation of no object parasitic.

With the wisdom of Thousand Hands Corpse Jue, it is impossible not to make a dying counterattack before the real arrival of Despair.

What Chu Feng had to do was to rely on his own perception and reaction power to look for Qianshou Shijue's counterattack opportunity to protect Su Yuyan.

At this moment, Chu Feng's pupils suddenly shrank.

He suddenly saw a zombie take off the head of the other zombie, and then threw the head of the zombie away like a shot.

"No, it turned out to use this method to escape!"

Even if a zombie loses its head, it will not die immediately within a short period of time. It will only dry up slowly over time until it is completely dead.

As for the tentacle corpse jue and the thousand-hand corpse jue, the body is not even a zombie, but an alternative existence parasitic in the zombie.

If this zombie had a clone of Thousand-Handed Corpse Jue on its head, then when this head flew outside the encirclement, Qian-Hand Corpse Jue was like a fish swimming into the sea, making it impossible to find a trace.

"Ice Seal Talisman! Burst Flame Talisman!"

Chu Feng raised his hand to be an ice-sealed talisman plus blasting flame talisman. If the abilities of the ice type and the fire type are used at the same time, the two will have the risk of canceling each other out, but if the two abilities are used interlaced, the strength of the interlocking It will increase the damage.

In reality, the power of alternating hot and cold can break even in fine steel.

What's more, the power of cold and heat has become even stronger.

The head of the zombie quickly turned into a mass of fragments, and the faint blue **** fire would not be easily extinguished even in a rainstorm.

However, when Chu Feng shot down the head, two heads appeared in each of the two hands of the two zombies, and then they threw these heads in the surrounding directions.

"Want to run? Not so easy!"

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, and then his left hand flipped, 4 glass beads appeared between the fingers of his left hand, and then shot out.

The 4 glass beads quickly caught up with the 4 heads, and then there was a violent explosion.

These glass beads look like glass, but they are actually made of Youlan Magic Gold. Youlan Magic Gold possesses a special vitality that allows Chu Feng to seal the Yuan Talisman.

Therefore, the glass bead is only the carrier, and the real power is the flaming talisman inside the glass bead.

This time, Chu Feng had already got rid of his poor status in his previous life, and he could use many things like consumables without restraint.

Just after Chu Feng shot down the four heads, Su Yuyan also came to the two zombies. The blood-drinking swordsman in his hand raised his sword and killed the two zombies.

And 30 meters around these two zombies, there are no more zombies.

"Finally resolved." Su Yuyan let out a long sigh of relief.

At this moment, there was a scream from the surrounding circle.


A member of the Dawn Alliance clutched his neck. There was a tentacle there, strangling his neck, and a sharp blade pierced the man's temple.

"No, I was fooled!"

With Chu Feng's temperament, Rao couldn't help feeling a little chilly at this moment. This Thousand-Handed Corpse Lord was able to fool himself with his clone.

"This Thousand-Hand Corpse Lord, can't stay!"

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