As soon as Chu Feng's words fell, a strong murderous intent came.

"Puff, puff~"

The feminine man suddenly felt that the world was quiet, and only his heartbeat was left.

Then, his whole body was stiff, unable to move because of excessive fear.

The people with supernatural powers around were also trembling all over, and they felt a strong murderous aura from Chu Feng's body, which was a murderous aura that only those who walked out of the sea of ​​blood from the dead mountain could carry.

Some of the people behind had originally planned to take the opportunity to make a fuss, but as Chu Feng spoke out, they only felt that Chu Feng had become a scourge.

What kind of murderous spirit is this! How many people did he kill to accumulate such murderous aura?

"Ask you! How did you know?"

Chu Feng's voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Palace, which made people feel the icy cold from the bottom of their hearts.

The feminine man wanted to answer, but was soon stunned by murderous aura.

He didn't know what to do, and now there was only fear in his heart.

The people around had originally thoughts of persuasion, but when they saw Chu Feng's murderous eyes, they couldn't say anything.

They didn't know how many talents Chu Feng had killed to accumulate such murderous aura, but they had no doubt about one thing, that was that Chu Feng could easily kill them all.

At this moment, an ability player who was outside the scope of murderous aura tremblingly said, "Yes, isn't this something everyone knows?"

Even if he didn't have to face Chu Feng's murderous aura, Chu Feng's murderous aura still scared him.

Being able to say this sentence seemed to have exhausted all his energy.

"Oh, I see!"

The murderous spirit on Chu Feng suddenly disappeared without a trace, and then replaced with a gentle smile, "It seems that I have misunderstood."

The feminine man knelt on the ground with a thud, tears and cold sweat streaming down uncontrollably.

Just now, his body instinctively resisted the murderous aura, but when the murderous aura disappeared, his body could no longer support it and collapsed suddenly.

He was shaking all over, trying to say something, but couldn't say anything.

He has become like this, no one will take him seriously.

Even if he knew that this was the reason why Chu Feng was terrifying, but showing such a shameful look in front of the opponent's leader, no one would follow him anymore.

Chu Feng's gaze swept everyone's eyes: "We don't have a fixed point of protection, because the energy shield covers too much, so we will close all the entrances, and then decide to fight according to the enemy's movements. It’s the location, so I’m a little misunderstood. I hope you don’t take it off."

Everyone waved their hands quickly:

"No blame, no blame."

"Leader Chu is also worried about the alliance!"

"Understand, understand!"

"Everything is subject to the arrangements of the leader of Chu!"

The power of Chu Feng just now made them see the most terrifying thing in the world. Of course, no one could oppose Chu Feng anymore.

Otherwise, it is not the feminine man who is kneeling on the ground and weeping, but they.

In any case, they must not let themselves be so embarrassing.

As long as there is one such appearance, all future prestige will be destroyed.

And sincerely speaking, Chu Feng didn't ask too much of them. Since you want to fight side by side with us, you must do something.

Now whether you want to defend together in a safer place, or you want to take advantage of the dark to go out and attack, we all have proper arrangements.

At this time, you still want more, isn't it too much?

"If this is the case, then the defense for your entering this intersection will be handed over to you."

Chu Feng's murderous aura has completely reduced, "The Alliance has made a lot of preparations for street and street fighting. Please restrain your subordinates and don't run around. Otherwise, if you accidentally step on some traps, then our healing staff. They don’t necessarily have a chance to come out."

"It should be."

"We will never run around."

Everyone has no doubt about Chu Feng's decision.

After all, respect for the strong has always been a natural law.

Since Chu Feng showed the power that made them all feel terrified, they didn't dare to make too many attempts, unless they were really treated as cannon fodder.

"Then you have to work, don't worry about the food problem, we will arrange someone to solve it."

As Chu Feng said, he left here with Gu Nanfei.

After Chu Feng left, everyone looked at each other.

They looked at the strong man headed: "Didn't you say that you are great? Why didn't you make a sound just now?"

The burly man smiled bitterly: "You don’t know how big the energy shield of a Tier 5 ability person is. From the size of this energy shield, you should know that the leader here should not be easy to mess with, but you still have to find something. Who can blame this?"

As he said, don't all look at the feminine man with dissatisfaction.

Although they were not as embarrassed as him just now, they were shocked by the murderous intent to speak, which also made them lose face in front of everyone.

For them now, the culprit is this person.

The brawny man waved his hand: "Forget it, aren't we willing to come here because this place is a good place? We have bad intentions, don't blame others for disarming us. We have also inquired about the deeds and style of the leader of Chu. Now, there is nothing wrong with what they do. As long as they fight well, they will definitely treat us as a family."

Everyone nodded.

Since they chose to come to the Dawn Alliance at this time, of course they did not do their homework. In fact, as early as the first worm infestation, they were choosing a suitable residence.

Some people who are extremely conceited about themselves, or have real self-confidence, of course choose to open up a paradise on their own.

But they are all stragglers, and a force of more than 30,000 people can elect 24 or 45 representatives, which shows how scattered they are.

Originally, the newspaper group was able to improve their status, but now it seems that people can let you join in, that is a gift to you.

The Dawn Alliance has never lacked people.

As for Chu Feng who left, he was reminiscing about the feeling he had just now.

Don't get me wrong, he is not enjoying the thrill of being awe-inspired by others, but reminiscing just now.

This is a unique knowledge recorded in ancient books, which can materialize one's own murderous aura, shock the hearts of others, and even cause substantial harm.

And he used this trick for the first time in this life, but unexpectedly it produced unexpected results.

When the murderous aura was revealed just now, part of what he released was the accumulation of previous lives!

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