Seeing Gao Yangsong's appearance, everyone felt a little strange.

Isn't this a simple question?

Is there any meaning behind this question?

After a long time, Gao Yangsong slowly said: "The soldiers are not afraid of any difficulties."

Chu Feng said: "I know that many of you can sacrifice your lives for the faith in your heart, but if you feel that a lot of sacrifices can solve the problem, you feel that a lot of sacrifices can make you feel at ease. If you die, you don’t need to worry about your own affairs. Then you can sacrifice yourself!"

Gao Yangsong had a sullen expression on his face: "Is there no right to blame the sacrificed?"

Chu Feng sneered and said, "What qualifications do I have? Do the 20,000 people protected by the Dawn Alliance have the qualifications? Do I have the qualifications to destroy the biochemical experiment base?"

Gao Yangsong clenched his fists, but in the end he said nothing.

Su Yuyan asked: "Chu Feng, what is going on, what are you talking about?"

Chu Feng said coldly: "Humans have natural disadvantages when facing zombies, because as long as they are injured by zombies, their lives will be in danger. Even zombie serum is not omnipotent, and the number of people who can be treated is limited. Therefore, humans must rely on weapons to be able to fight against zombies."

Su Yuyan was puzzled: "This should be no problem?"

Chu Feng said: "However, when facing zombies, plain warfare and positional warfare can greatly improve the effect of thermal weapons. If you attack the city with a gun, you have seen the lesson of Jinling creatures last time, even if it is Facing an ordinary person who couldn't feel it, the effect of the heat weapon was greatly reduced."

Su Yuyan also remembered the last time he fought with soldiers of Jinling Biology.

Those Jinling creatures quickly defeated the idle team, but when they attacked their residence, they encountered a big setback.

In the terrain of the building, the deterrence of thermal weapons is greatly reduced.

After all, the physical fitness of most people now exceeds the physical limits of the old humans, and basically human hands have weapons.

As long as you hide in a relatively hidden corner and make a violent sneak attack when the enemy passes by, then no matter how powerful the gun in your hand is, it will be of no avail.

In close combat, humans who hate their own county have a higher deterrent power with cold weapons.

However, Su Yuyan still thinks this is very problematic: "But, the last time it was a battle between humans, this time it was to deal with zombies, it should be different! As long as you use a loud sound to draw the zombies out, it should be easy. Get rid of."

Chu Feng said: "If this method is feasible, why should the Southern Military Region send most of the troops there?"

Gao Yangsong was silent for a few seconds before slowly saying: "The current zombies, although their wisdom has not caught up with humans, but they already have basic biological instincts. There are already many zombies who will seek advantages and avoid harm, and they will also know how to command others. The zombies are in battle."

Su Yuyan was shocked.

When she was in the outside world, she encountered a lot of dangers, originally thought that the threat of zombies was actually not great, but it was a threat to ordinary people.

Only those mutant creatures with a certain intelligence quotient can pose a threat to humans.

But what I didn't expect was that the evolution of zombies was so fast.

If the situation really deteriorates to this level, the battle with the zombies will become very difficult.

Chu Feng said, "So, you actually know how to fight, but you have to send a large number of troops to fight in terrain that is not suitable for you. It doesn't matter if you create a large number of students?"

Gao Yangsong suddenly shouted, "However, there are many humans in the magic city."

Chu Feng said, "Don't they have no hands or feet? Since you already have an army past, won't they come out on their own under the cover of your artillery fire?"

Gao Yangsong's face was a little pale. At this moment, the communicator on his waist suddenly heard a voice: "Let me talk to Chu Feng!"

This was the voice of a middle-aged man full of mighty power, and his words were filled with unquestionable majesty.


Gao Yangsong pressed twice on the communicator to amplify the sound and set it on the table.

A voice came from the communicator: "Introduce myself, my surname is Mo, the commander-in-chief of the Southern Military Region."

After hearing these words, Su Yuyan's body trembled.

It turned out to be the commander-in-chief, such a big figure actually negotiated with Chu Feng himself?

And she noticed a detail just now, that is, the communicator is turned on all the time, that is, the commander-in-chief has been monitoring the conversation just now.

She glanced at Chu Feng quietly, but found that Chu Feng had always been expressionless, except for the frost in his eyes, there were no other emotions.

"Mosling, do you think I was right?" Chu Feng asked coldly.

In fact, he still respects this mossling very much, after all, he has been abiding by the guidelines of the military in the darkest time of mankind.

No matter what kind of disaster he is facing, he can always stand at the forefront.

But respect belongs to respect. If the other party does something wrong, and this wrong thing will lead to many tragedies, then stopping is the best way to show respect.

Since he knew the disaster, he couldn't just sit back and watch.

Otherwise, it would not be good for him to allow the army to suffer huge losses.

Mo Sling said, "The information I gave to Gao Yangsong is false."

Gao Yangsong's eyes widened. He didn't expect that the information he had obtained was false, so what was the argument between him and Chu Feng just now?

Chu Feng's body trembled: "What?"

His brain suddenly went blank, and he felt that he seemed to underestimate the world.

Since the information he gave to Gao Yangsong was false, why did he still "monitor" the conversation between the two, the answer is obvious, because he just wanted to see his reaction.

Why did he do this suddenly?

Of course it was because he guessed something.

Chu Feng's heart was full of chills. Since his rebirth, he has been underestimating the people of the world, thinking that he can crush many people with his ten years of experience beyond this era.

But he overlooked one thing, that is, his age adds up to more than 30 years old.

Maybe he has a lot of knowledge, but others are not fools.

Mosling said: "The last sentence I asked them to pass to me was very interesting. When choosing which people to save, don't consider too many numbers, but consider who can live forever. From then on, I became interested in you."

Chu Feng took a deep breath and asked, "What do you want to do?"

What is the purpose of the commander-in-chief of the military region for setting himself up?

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