Sitting next to Chu Xiaorou, Zhang Ziqing comforted: "In fact, there are still many good people in this world. We have also met partners who can entrust our backs, and there are many people who don’t care about their lives to save others, even you Brother also almost killed himself in order to save people."

Chu Xiaorou blinked: "Really?"

She knew that she shouldn't doubt Chu Feng, it's just that the difference between Chu Feng that she saw these days and her impression was too big.

Zhang Ziqing pointed to the person who was headshot by the axe: "Are you willing to be him?"

Chu Xiaorou shook her head: "How is this possible?"

How could she be willing to be a dead person, a dead person who was robbed of supplies.

Zhang Ziqing pointed to the corpse of the murderer killed by Gu Nanfei and asked: "If you knew in advance that he would kill for food, would you stop him?"

Chu Xiaorou was silent.

If it was in the past, of course she would say yes, but now she doesn't know how to choose.

Chu Feng said: "In this new era, we don't actually have too many choices. If we can't use thunder to deal with these robbers, then we can only become the target of being robbed."

Chu Xiaorou struggled for a moment, and said, "I, I understand."

At this time, Gu Nanfei also came to Chu Feng's side and said: "You are right, not everyone is worthy of being saved. We can't save those robbers and let those who are worthy of being saved die together. "

At this time, a woman suddenly yelled at everyone: "You group of murderous demons, you are all butchers and executioners."

She was in a trance. The scene just now had a huge impact on her spiritual world, and her spirit was on the verge of collapse.

Faced with her duties, not only did no one care, but a few people showed killing intent in their eyes.

They didn't do it directly just because of their own image.

Killing robbers can also be said to be a legitimate defense, but killing such a person will inevitably leave the impression of a butcher in the eyes of others.

Chu Feng got up, then shouted: "People from the Dawn Alliance, gather!"

Hearing Chu Feng's voice, the members of the Dawn Alliance who were still in the turbulent stage now seemed to have found their backbone.

And Su Yuan and others also looked at Chu Feng, waiting for his next performance.

Now is the time when the hearts of the alliance members are most vulnerable, and it is also the easiest time to control them in their own hands, and Chu Feng's performance last night undoubtedly made his reputation reach its peak.

How many people will willingly work for Chu Feng, this may be questionable, but they understand that few people dared to betray Chu Feng anymore.

Because the price is too high.

Chu Feng said to the crowd: "We are not very lucky people, because we have encountered this unprecedented disaster. This is a dangerous era, an era in which even survival becomes a very luxurious thing. We have to face it. For countless monsters, we must also beware of sinister hearts."

His words directly touched the hearts of many people, and some even shed tears.

It's not that Chu Feng's speech skills are very high, but that their hearts are touched.

They are an unfortunate generation who have encountered such an era.

"However, China has encountered many disasters in its history. In many war years, China's population did not even exist in ten."

Chu Feng continued, "But our ancestors came over in the disaster. They fought against the sky, against the earth, and fought against their living environment. No matter what environment they were in, they never gave up their hope of survival. This opened up the space for us to live."

If Chu Feng's words made them feel sad at first, then Chu Feng's words now give them hope.

The disaster they are encountering now is indeed unprecedented, but in the history of China, are there few examples of the Chinese nation on the verge of extinction?

This is the pride of the Chinese nation and the pride of the Chinese nation.

Their culture has never been cut off, and their inheritance has never been destroyed. In the midst of disasters, the ancestors of China have shown amazing resilience. No matter what dark environment they are in, they can live steadfastly until Nowadays.

Chu Feng continued: "What flows in our body is the blood that the Chinese ancestors bestowed on us, and the blood that never surrendered. What we carry is the pride that will never give up in the face of any darkness. Our history and culture have given us With the unyielding spirit of courage to fight, I believe that as long as we are willing, we will be able to use the precious wealth that these ancestors have given us."

After hearing what Chu Feng said, countless people were full of enthusiasm.

"Yes, we are Chinese. Our ancestors have faced many storms and waves, but they still survived."

"The wealth that our ancestors gave us is not only land and life, but also their unyielding will."

"We will not give up, we want to live."

Most of the members of the Dawn Alliance have their eyes full of determination, and their eyes are full of spirits.

When the weak people in the fortress led to death with relief food, and when the evil people turned into beasts, they joined the Dawn Alliance and joined this alliance where they can get everything they want by fighting.

When they chose the Dawn Alliance, it proved that their character possessed a positive aspect and the courage to be positive in adversity.

Chu Feng's speech did not endow them with extra qualities, but only inspired and mobilized their own courage.

Chu Feng said: "I can't promise anything to you, but I can assure you that I, Chu Feng, will work hard with everyone, use everything we have, and live!

We want to live, we want to live as a person. "

"Live, live as a person."

"We should be humans, not beasts!"

"Yes, we are humans, not beasts!"

Suddenly, the Dawn Alliance, which was originally an idle organization, began to gradually merge into one under this disaster and under the polishing of the external environment.

The current Dawn Alliance has gradually transformed, like a real iron plate.

Gu Nanfei sighed: "I didn't think the speech just now was so wonderful, but why did it move people's hearts?"

Tian Jing said: "Do you know why religious beliefs can spread so much? Does any cult can harm so many people? It's not because their hearts are too fragile."

Xiaoxi frowned, feeling that something was wrong with what she said, but still couldn't tell where the problem was.

And Zhang Ziqing said: "Anyway, when everyone is united, it should be easier to survive!"

At this time, someone who cowered in the corner asked, "May I join you?"

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