Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1784: Awaken Yi Qiuling

Chu Feng has been looking forward to surprises.

It's not that he is born to like surprises. If he can choose, Chu Feng would rather hold everything in his palm, preferring the feeling that everything is under control.

He was not as extraordinary as Desperate Demon Lord thought.

But Chu Feng also knew that wisdom civilization has never been out of danger.

If it weren't for the existence of a wise civilization, Chu Feng wouldn't have done all kinds of things that he couldn't control.

After working hard for so long now, Chu Feng finally had the illusion of finding a way to survive, but the arrival of the Purple Star Emperor and the intelligence he brought directly shattered the fluke mentality in Chu Feng's heart.

Now, the surprise he was looking forward to finally appeared.

The Desperate Demon itself is the biggest surprise.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng turned around and returned to the cosmic starry sky, and went to reunite with his family.

He just left a divine mind and continued to look after the ancient divine realm.

Of course, the preaching of the Lord of the Valley of Time will continue every month.

Over the years, the reason why Chu Feng has not let go of the situation in the ancient gods is because he knows that any disturbance in the ancient gods may cause a butterfly effect and change the entire world.

Those thoughts of supreme existence are also unthinkable.

So he dared not relax for a moment.

But now, he is no longer necessary.

Because the Demon Lord of Despair has become the Supreme True Demon, it is absolutely impossible for the Demon Lord of Despair to be controlled.

Nowadays, the development of the magic way does not require him to deliberately promote it.

After returning to the cosmic starry sky, Chu Feng glanced at the situation of the earth, walked around on Hongmeng Star, and then left the Milky Way directly.

In less than a day, Chu Feng had already crossed the Tianhe Battlefield and far away from the Milky Way.

On Hongmeng Star, a figure wearing a blue Taoist robe opened his eyes, and there seemed to be Zhoutian stars in his eyes.

After a while, the eyes closed again, as if nothing had happened.

Chu Feng was on his way in the deep space of the cosmic starry sky. Every moment, countless stars were left behind by him.

He hurried forward all the time.

The distance between the universe in light years is the basic distance for him.

As long as he thinks, the law of where he is will change.

When Chu Feng believed that he could cross an entire galaxy in one step, he could really cross an entire galaxy.

It's just that the price is too high to bear.

Even if it is the Domination Realm or the end of the Domination Realm, it can be called the supreme being in the ancient gods, facing the vast universe and starry sky, you should feel your own insignificance.

After a month of flying through the starry sky, Chu Feng finally stopped.

Now his distance, how many galaxies are away from the Milky Way, Chu Feng didn't bother to count it.

Anyway, outside the Milky Way, there are only intelligent life, but no intelligent civilization. The fantastic scenery in the universe can indeed attract some Chu Feng's interest, but he has no time to stay now.

He came to a realm of nothingness.

This is a place between galaxies and galaxies, where there are no stars or even nebulae.

There is nothing but nothingness here.

In such a nih place where there are no stars, there are no steps even into the deep space.

Chu Feng was only able to distinguish the direction in this place by relying on his vague feelings.

"I said, there must be stars here!"

In a single thought, under the influence of the utterance of the law, stars appeared out of thin air in a place that was originally nothing.

Stars are dotted in this silent night sky.

When the stars appeared, Chu Feng stepped into the void of space, and then instantly traversed a distance of hundreds of light years.

When Chu Feng fell from the living space to the endless darkness, the stars all over the sky disappeared again.

After all, Chu Feng didn't have any need to keep those stars running.

Chu Feng stepped forward, but a blue planet suddenly appeared in this endless darkness.

When Chu Feng approached, he discovered that this was actually an ice blue ice and snow planet. Chu Feng found the Eurasian continent, seven continents and four oceans, and the vast land of China.

There are mountains and rivers, a lifelike statue, and even tall buildings in the style of the old earth.

But the life here won't move.

Maybe the lives here are originally moving, but they have lost the meaning of moving.

Chu Feng came to this ice-blue planet, in a familiar mansion in the original location of the City of Dawn.

This is the city lord's mansion of the city of dawn.

There was no statue in the city lord's mansion. Chu Feng walked directly into the backyard and saw an ice coffin surrounded by flowers and flowers.

In the opened ice coffin, a beautiful woman is sleeping soundly.

"Is this playing Sleeping Beauty?"

Chu Feng smiled indifferently, came to the beautiful woman who was sleeping, and kissed gently.

"Yi Qiuling, I'm here to pick you up."

The woman who looked like a statue of ice and snow gradually opened her eyes and her face returned to blood.

Yi Qiuling looked at Chu Feng with a smile: "Have I slept for a long time?"

Chu Feng gently took the stunning beauty into his arms, and said softly: "Yes, you have slept for a long time, and now you are back on Earth, all the juniors can call you an ancestor."

"Who would dare to say that I am old and break my leg directly."

Yi Qiuling pretended to be angry and said, "After all, I am also a hero of the entire earth."

Yi Qiuling did not directly ask Chu Feng if she had solved the opponent. Since Chu Feng appeared here, it meant that she didn't need to worry about anything.

"Yes! My heroine."

Chu Feng lightly kissed Yi Qiuling's cheek, "I wonder if my hero will have a grand triumphant ceremony?"

Yi Qiuling waved her hand indifferently, "Do you think I need that kind of thing? The honor and disgrace in the world have nothing to do with me."

"Then do you want to know, what did the people of the earth do after you fell asleep?" Chu Feng quietly sat in the ice coffin, put Yi Qiuling in his arms, and held her cold little hand .

"Okay! Before I go to see it with my own eyes, I want you to tell me in person." Yi Qiuling smiled.

She knows that she has been away from the earth for too long, too long, long years can obliterate everything and forget everything.

She knew that after she returned to the earth, she must have become a human being.

But how can she not go home?

When she needed to sacrifice herself to bear the cause and effect for Chu Feng, she chose sacrifice without hesitation.

Now that the cause and effect have been broken, she has no reason not to go back.

But before going back, she wanted to find some familiar feelings.

Chu Feng spoke for a long time, a long time.

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