In the eyes of the Gu family, Chu Feng relied on the military's backstage to have such a great influence, and his every move was inspired by the military.

If Chu Feng can really be eliminated, it would be a good thing for them.

This can cut off one arm of the military and at the same time avoid a frontal conflict between the two sides.

After all, if the military really used this as an excuse to attack them, wouldn't it prove that all of Chu Feng's actions were all ordered by the military?

As a result, the core members of the Gu family began to plan urgently.

However, before they had time to act, they heard another news.

"The leader of the Dawn Alliance, Chu Feng, issued an order that all members of the Dawn Alliance should take maintaining the stability and safety of the fort as their own responsibility, and use their own strength to fight the monsters outside the city. As the leader, Chu Feng will Will take the lead and rush to the forefront of everyone.

All those who refused to fight the monsters were expelled from the alliance. "

This news had a huge impact on the country.

Gu Liyu was furious with anger: "How can they dare to be like this? How could he be like this? Is he really going to fight his hard-working forces and monsters to death and death? Isn't he, yes, he is simply a running dog of the military? , How can you be afraid that the military will harm him?"

Gu Nanzhan's face was blue and white.

He originally wanted to push Chu Feng towards the mouth of the sharp wind and waves, but what he didn't expect was that Chu Feng actually jumped inside before they put it into action.

Now that Chu Feng has set an example for people with his actions, then people like the fortress will focus on Gu's family.

The Dawn Alliance of others is willing to share the pressure of defense. Since your Gu family keeps saying that they can replace the army to protect people, what about your actions?

The middle-aged man sighed and said, "Even if we don't make it now, we must do it."

They didn't expect that the Dawn Alliance would act so quickly, and they would take the initiative to stir up a wave of public opinion.

Now their family has no retreat and there is no way.

The killing intent flashed in Gu Liyu’s eyes: “No one can use conspiracy and tricks to frame our Gu family and call the family owner over. Since they use these small means to frame us, then we will use our dignified strength to crush everything and bring everything to us. The enemies are all crushed into pieces!"

They are the Gu family of Xicheng, a family of ancient warriors with a long heritage, and a long enough history allows them to have enough pride in their hearts.

In their eyes, Chu Feng is just a clown.

How dare to calculate them, they must make Chu Feng look good.

The middle-aged man also said: "Yes, we can't have any hands left now. Anyway, the Patriarch and the others are about to finish their affairs. Then we won't have to be so angry. Conspiracy and trickery are not our strong point. The ability to solve problems is what we are really good at."

On the other side, the Dawn Alliance was also a commotion.

In the eyes of many people, Chu Feng is also a mascot.

It wasn't until he swept the entire Xiao family with a submachine gun that they paid a little attention to this leader, but their attention was limited.

Compared to this leader who only exists in the description of others, in their eyes, their direct officials are closer.

However, now the leader actually issued such an order to them.

"Too much, who does he think he is?"

"He thought that if we joined the league, he would be able to send us to death?"

"Too much, we have to quit!"

"We're looking for Deputy Leader Su to comment!"

Many people filled with righteous indignation ran to Su Yuan to beg for justice.

Su Yuan should be the most popular person in the Dawn Alliance. This is inseparable from her appearance. After all, a boss with outstanding appearance and stature, and with good strength, is compared with a rough guy, who would you choose? I believe most normal men will choose the former.

As a result, a large number of members found Su Yuan and asked her to comment.

"The deputy leader, the leader is too much."

A representative sent by an ordinary member stated everyone’s opinions, “We are not afraid of death, but our current strength is not enough. When we have completed our cultivation, of course, we will be the leader of the leader, but now the leader Let us go and die, it makes it hard for us to do it!"

"Yes! It's very difficult for us to do!"

"We will never do anything that makes us die."

"Deputy leader, you are the best person in the alliance, come and judge!"

Then, everyone looked forward to Su Yuan's fairness to them.

Su Yuan is now the goddess in many people's hearts, and it is also the spiritual sustenance of many people. Now they all place their hopes on Su Yuan one by one, hoping to make Chu Feng take back the order.

"You said, you don't want to fight against monsters?" Su Yuan raised her brows.

"It's not unwilling, just don't be so early."

"We are not afraid of death, but we have to give us time to adapt!"

The members of the alliance yelled.

"Since you are not willing, then quit!"

Su Yuan wrote lightly in a very plain tone, but with a slight loss in her tone.

"Quit, what? Quit?"

Each of these members was dumbfounded. They came over to find Su Yuan to seek justice for them, but they didn't expect this in return.

"This, Deputy Leader, are you wrong?"

"Well, we haven't thought about quitting!"

"Have you forgotten the purpose of our alliance?"

Su Yuan's tone is still flat, but with no doubt, "The reason why we teach the exercises is first to let you have the ability to protect yourself, and the second is to find partners who can fight side by side. Now we are going to go outside the city. The monsters fought, but you are unwilling to fight with us. Since everyone has made different choices, what are you left behind for? It’s better to get together and get away."

Su Yuan's attitude made these people dumbfounded.

They did not expect that the goddess in their hearts not only did not help them uphold justice, but did not hold back their departure at all.

But, do they really want to quit?

"Vice leader, we don't mean that."

Some people still want to struggle, but Su Yuan blocked their words.

"But we mean it."

She already understood Chu Feng's approach very well, and she understood why Chu Feng didn't care about the number of these members.

The Dao is not conspiring, let's not mention the issue of loyalty and disloyalty, just say that now the ally is mainly dealing with the monsters outside, and promises that they will stand in the forefront of everyone, these people still dare not keep up.

Does such a member really have any effect on them?

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