Evolution From the Big Tree

Evolution from a Big Tree Chapter 674

There are Ruo countless figures wearing white horse bins around, and further away, there are Ruo a series of figures as tall as soldiers, Yanjing Jiali.

At this time, the eyes of countless people are focused on the center of Wang's laboratory.

There is a very huge and precise instrument, which is running slowly.

The flickering is like the magnetic force of the electric mi in the north and the south, and it is far away from each other.


At this time, Siping noticed that Hu Wangyu was watching. 2 A magnetic voice from the four schools suddenly rose from the center of the experimental space:

"Ya once start the instrument two also means

"Yes / Your Excellency,"

With a response, the staff around the instrument have already started to move their heads.


"Boom, boom, boom"

One sound, followed by a loud bang, and the entire company's equipment started to operate 4

Visible to the naked eye, in the center of the magnetic force of the zigzag path that is indeterminate from the north to the north, there is as much as a door.

House-like cracks slowly open

The face is just behind the crack.

A vast and endless starry sky has been imprinted in everyone's eyes. ""

"Successful straight away"

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

Worthy of being human.

In terms of scientific research, they are already one step ahead of the Fang clan.

Now, with this open hole

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Chapter 764: Enemies from Foreign Lands (First Change)

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Elves + do such creatures really exist?

"What are you thinking 2 Even the three-eyed tribe and the Chitan tribe have appeared, and the elf tribe has appeared, so there are so many strong 2"

"Just what happened? 3

"Just, this

This elf feels very strange to me, as if it is out of tune with us

In the discussion after another, the entire Sky City was left behind.

However, it is true that, as most people say

The elves in this domain are incompatible with this world.

And this is the biggest difference between the foreign land and this world. of.

Sou Mudou r No matter how strange the Titans and the Three-Eyed Race in this world are, they are all inspired by the biological evolution and mutation of this world.

The original genes in their bodies can still find some shadows in this world.

In human terms, the gene chain used by the creatures in this world is actually one.

However, exotic.

In terms of genes, it is very different from the creatures in this world.

that is to say

Even a person with a good knowledge of the back will give birth to a very strange feeling when he sees the elf for the first time.

And that feeling, somewhat like rejection / more is strange.

For this point, Yu Maoyu, and even the top Blue Star executives such as Tiancizhe are all aware of it.

So, a lot needs no explanation.

At the moment when this z elf was surrounded by the heaven and earth by Qianzi,

When each one of them stared at the sky, this sleepy elf, a kind of emotion was already growing in the hearts of many human beings

And at this moment, T seemed to feel the strange emotions of many human beings, and the magneto also smiled, and even lifted this elf with one hand. Funen Road


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"This is the spirit of the domain, and it is our

straight enemy. "

"And this enemy is neither what I said nor what you said"

Speaking of this, the magneto has stepped on the sky fiercely.

"Coffee Mile"

The sky is as grand as a mirror and shatters.

At this moment, a sharp and powerful voice echoed throughout the sky

"It's the blue star, it's the world we live in, tell us at 0, this is the enemy A

Just such a simple sentence, but like a stone, it fell into the lake and splashed, causing countless ripples.


It was Sister You's shock, which exploded in everyone's minds.

In an instant, countless people had z kinds of enlightenment.

That repulsive emotion, not the other


It's just because of the enemy, so I hate it.


Eye z, a strong man from the Free Federation, raised his fist and shouted:

"Now, I finally understand why I fight."

"Just because he is the enemy, the enemy of the world


Alien land, and we can't be together"

The words fell. Countless people looked at each other and nodded slightly, agreeing with this concept 4

The face is here, not just the sky of the Freedom Commonwealth


Even the Huaxia Federation and the sky of Ou Ting were broken one after another.

Accompanied by it, a figure t descended from the sky.

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Chapter 765: New Body—Elf (Second)

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There was a crisp sound, and the naked eye could see that there was a section of purple tree root breaking in a crack in the deepest part of the canyon.

Gao, a kind of severe pain in the sky, coming from the mountain where the roots of the trees are broken, and even Xu Yu rarely frowned."

different from other

The root of the tree, this Yanxiao tree root, is like the empty tree root that the courtier Yue can turn into a sky-reaching purple mosquito. Among the roots of the tree, Ziyu'er is a rare one that Yu Ziyu has carefully cultivated.

To put it simply, cutting off this tree root will reduce Pi Ziyu's combat power by a few points.

Although, compared to Wang Xu's combat prowess, this combat prowess is irrelevant. Also, new

But the Void Tree Root 4, which can be turned into a Void Machine Tree, still carries a small part of Yu Ziyu's power. 1) But now, Yuzi is more than satisfied that this z years can be turned into the roots of the willow tree in the void. cut off

more terrible


Visible to the naked eye, the cracks in the void are closing slowly, as if the HUD is disappearing

"In this way, this piece of void tree root has no connection with my body at all. Even if I die in battle, I will still find my small body and

Mud-feeding worms, deep in the canyon are already caged in the purple brilliance. A humanoid figure slowly raised his right hand.

""Beer 4ka] cable" 1) is so slender that it seems to be slowly rubbing fists for the five sheep fingers playing the piano, and it seems to explode the air.

And these 2 are the bodies of the elves Z clan"


Now, under the guidance of the absolute evolution of natal Wufu, this piece of void tree root of Huang Ziyu has completely evolved into the medicine elf family.

A pair of pointed ears+

Two flowing and waist-length purple long hair

There are also those deep and quiet eyes that are like gem z, but are purple in the stars.

elves. force

And Zhizhong, like Latia, is an elf who masters the power of the void.

It is called by the elves; the people who fell into darkness for embarrassment. -

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