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Nine nights said: "It is too easy to let him die."

The ice-blue scorpion flashed a cold light, and the person with the ambiguous thoughts of the cockroach could make him die too happy.

Mu Qiang nodded: "Also!"

It is not easy to let a person die. It is too easy for Mu Qianxi, and Mu Qianxi has taken out a lot of things directly.

Yan Xueqi said: "Millennium, can I help! This guy is holding me, I will never let him go."

"That's it for you!"

Mu Qianxi told her how to use some of these poisons, and then she did the pickpocket.

Soon, the tiger screamed: "Let me die! Let me die!"

At this time, he has already profoundly realized that what is better to offend the villain is not to offend the woman.

The Yancheng Lord was helpless, and his daughter was together with Ye Chen’s bad and bad poison kid for a long time, and then was taken badly!

The entire inn has become a ruin, and naturally I have to go to other places tonight, and this time a burst of footsteps came.

The first is the owner of Cangcheng. He saw that Mu Qian’s eyes were bright.

"It turned out to be an adult, you are here! I am already good, I am looking for someone to thank you!"

Then, the owners of the sky auction also came.

He said: "Adults, that some of the embers have been solved, but that one demon woman ran away. I have left a living, do not know if the adults need to be interrogated?"

Mu Qian said: "All killed! Ask them they can't ask anything."


Cangcheng Lord did not look good to the city owner, he was about to talk to adults! This guy actually came over to fight!

The owner looked at the inn that turned into a ruin. "This is an inn, it seems that you are an adult. You can't live now. If the adults don't deny me, the auction site is a bit messy, you can live in the sky auction. one night."

Cangcheng main road: "They will have a good living in the auction? If you want to live in the main house of my city, I must be clean and clean."

The main road: "Cangcheng Lord, several adults have a life-saving grace for me, you should not rob people with me."

The city owner said coldly: "Does the adults only have the help for you? If it weren't for adults, I would have been poisoned and killed. I am a city owner, you are not allowed to rob me!"

Ms. Qian said: "Or go to the Cangwu auction first! Thank you for your invitation!"

Was directly rejected, the city owner adults have some heart!

"Since adults go to the Cangwu auction, then I will not force it. It is not too late today. Tomorrow, the city owner has brought a gift to thank a few adults."

Several of them settled in the sky auction site, and there was another place in the interior of the sky auction. The room inside was no worse than the special room of the inn.

The main road said: "Several adults will take a break! Thanks to a few adults today, I will be harassing tomorrow!"

“There are natural hot springs in the backyard. If a few adults are tired, they can go to the bubble and recover a lot.”

After listening to these words for nine nights, holding Mu Qian said: "That leads the way!"


At this time, Mu Qianxi was secretly gnashing his teeth, and he knew that he would seal the mouth of the mouthful!

What hot springs!

This is just great!

It is a place to provide crime to a certain guy.

When I arrived at the hot springs, the owner was very reluctant to retreat, and the monks could not bother.

Ms. Qian said: "Nine nights, let me come!"

"Hey tired, I am coming!"

After two consecutive battles, and all of them are leapfrog battles, Mu Qian’s spiritual power is taken away.


"Although there is not much left in the spiritual power, there is still physical strength!"

There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of nine nights, saying: "Yes! You still have physical strength!"

Mu Qiang almost bit his tongue, what is she talking about?

"Golden nine nights, you are in danger!"

"I was wrong, my mental strength has long been exhausted, don't make trouble!"


Mu Qian cursed, begging for mercy, but useful?


"St. Han Yu! Come out and bring out the holy cold jade to give you this cool down!" Mu Qianqian loudly said.

"In space, there is no need to use it!" The nine-night low road.

Mu Qianxi is going to collapse. "Who said it is not necessary! I think it is necessary or not?"

After soaking up a hot spring, Mu Qiang felt tired compared to three consecutive battles. She didn't know when she was taken back to the room for nine nights.

Anyway, the next day, when the city owner and the landlord came to visit Mu Qianxi, Mu Qian did not wake up.

The two of them were stopped at the door by the expressionless Gu Baiyi. He said coldly: "Missy is still not awake, no one can bother!"

As a result, the city owner and the owner of the scene can only have a big eye in the yard.

The city owner asked: "Old Fu, what do you say that some people are? So even so evil!"

The main road said: "The city owner, I don't know! I am afraid that only adults know something!"

"It seems that I can only wait for her to wake up!"

After the afternoon, the city owner smashed two meals under the suspicion of the owner, and Mu Qiang did not wake up.

The city owner wondered, "Gu Daren, Miss Mu is sick! Why haven't you woke up yet."

Gu Baiyi said: "No!"

Mu Qianxi finally woke up, and she was very close to the nine nights.

A picture of a sleeping beauty is displayed in front of her. I have to say that the quietness of the nine nights is very beautiful and charming, so that the people who see it are full of hearts.

Mu Qianxi looked at it like this, and soon he opened his eyes and said: "Hey, look!"

Mu Qian said: "Do you think more? I just think that when you are asleep, it is harmless, so bully!"

"That's bullying!" closed his eyes for nine nights.

Mu Qianyi rolled his eyes and jumped from the bed!

"Nine nights, you are stupid! You wake up obviously. If I dare to act rashly, it will definitely be me, I will not be fooled!"

Nine nights, the body suddenly stood behind Mu Qianxi, "Give it to me!"

There was a lady's dress on my hand. "Don't think that you are so angry, I have hands and feet, myself..."

Mu Qianxi was directly transferred by the nine nights, and the words were not finished yet, and the lips were blocked again.

What made her even more collapsed was that she could entangle her and plunder her for nine nights while dressing her.

Mu Qiang’s eyes widened and he wanted him to wear faster, but found that the speed was like a snail!

"Hey!" Mu Qianyi wants to protest, but it doesn't work!

"Call!" finally came to an end, and Mu Qiang took a deep breath.

Someone who provoked her anger even asked her for a look of praise: "What do you think I am doing?"

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