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"Booming!" A large number of spirit beasts struck and the entire ground shook.

In the distant Xiqiao forest, there is a piece of black pressure in the crazy close, these are all beasts!

The independent adventurer also has a leader, a strong king of the king of the martial arts, Wang Yi, he said: "The first batch is only a spirit of five or less, it is not difficult to deal with, do not panic."

It’s just a spirit beast below level 5, it’s not difficult to deal with!


The beasts rushed to the wall, and they pulled out their weapons and began to kill them.

This level of spirit beasts can be dealt with as long as they reach the Great Master, but what makes them horrified is that the purple figure is faster than they are.

What makes them feel guilty is that when the place where Mu Qianxi went, there will be a beast falling.

At first, they didn't know how she let these beasts fall. After all, she didn't even take out the weapons!

Some people have observed it carefully, only to find that Mu Qianxi will use a delicate and delicate fine needle, and God unconsciously plunged into the body of the beast. As a result, some of these beasts fell inexplicably.

These spirits are not dead, just fainted.

But to know that the living beast is more valuable than the dead beast, because if the animal trainer is tamed, it will definitely be able to sell for a lot of money.

Throughout the snowy continent, the tame spirits are very gunmen.

These spirit beasts generally do not have the strength of the Millennium, so Mu Qiang intends to keep them first.

Nalan gave her a taming method. Although she has studied it, she hasn’t tried it yet. Now she is looking for a low-level beast to experiment with this hunting meeting!


Mu Qianqi is like a humanoid weapon that generally harvests these beasts, making the adventurers around are too speechless.

God! Is this really a big sorcerer? Even Ling Wang does not have her so devastating lethality!


Although there are many beasts on the right side, the independent adventurers have easily cleaned up and cleaned one, and none of them have fallen.

Although there are many people in the adventurer squad, they are still fighting crazy with the spirit beast. When the wolf sees that their independent adventurer squad is already taking a leisurely break, they are almost vomiting blood.

They... how could they be so fast, what is going on here?

Although these beasts are weak, but the number is quite small, such a killing of them all kills some hands, but the other side has already finished killing.

Mu Qiandao said: "You brothers, these some beasts will not wake up for a while, the next batch of beasts will soon attack, and please ask my brother to help me a little busy, send these some beasts, I personally give a bottle of Sanpin Dan medicine as a reward."

"Hey! Sanpin Dan medicine!" They took a sigh of relief.

One person, one bottle, they are so many people here, add up is not a small amount!

“Really only need us to move?”

They were unbelievable, and such pies came to their heads.

Mu Qianxi nodded: "Well! Then please, please."

They smiled and said: "If you are not a small brother, you are very powerful. We will not spend so easily in the first round of siege. If you don't need to pay for it, your medicine will still be collected by yourself!"

Sanpin Dan medicine is really tempting, but things that are done with them are simply not equal, they are not so greedy.

Many people are powerful, and a large number of spirit beasts solved by Mu Qianxi are loosened.

Mu Qianxi took out a group of Dan Yao Road: "Although you don't want to be a big brother, but you still have to give a good reward. The next spirit beast will become more and more fierce, and you have three more elixir on your big brother. A few lives, you should not shirk it at this time."

"But... this is too much! Or are we alone?"

When they saw the bottle of the drug, they all had to look dazzled.

Mu Qianxi said helplessly: "You should not save us the remedy. My family is buying medicinal herbs. This kind of medicinal medicine is really lacking."

They twitched in the corners of their mouths, and they have not seen the medicinal herbs, but they have never seen the generosity of buying medicinal herbs.

With a wave of hand, I sent out thousands of bottles of Sanpin Dan medicine. At least I have to enroll hundreds of refining pharmacists at home to dare to squander it!

They think that even the young master of the Selangor First Chamber of Commerce will not be as hard as he is.

Mu Qianzhen plundered the other side of the city wall and said: "The things that are rarely sent out will not be recovered anyway. You are free!"

Then I began to carefully observe the movements of the Xiqiao Mountains.

They sighed helplessly: "I really don't know where the stinky boy came from, but it's too extravagant and wasteful!"

"Hey! That little guy is also a good heart, you don't have to be cheap and sell it."

"But I have never heard of it. Xuezhou has such a sturdy family! This is a medicinal herb with a sugar bean. Even the one-star singer who is a singer can’t do this. Let's go!"

They were not surprised by the admiration, and the battle on the side of the adventurer team was finally over.

The madman turned into a blood man at this time, but the blood is not the spirit of the beast.

Everyone else in the Wolf Day Adventurers admire the madman. This kid is really a veritable madman, killing the herd and desperately killing himself regardless of his own danger.

The number of his hunting beasts is no less than a spiritual emperor, showing how this is abnormal.

Regardless of them, they just rested a sigh of relief, and a burst of vibration spread!


On the head is a group of spirits below the sixth order, just the sixth order, it is better to deal with!


The independent adventurer squad, the strong and active take away some of the sixth-order spirit beast, so as not to let some low-order big spirits be injured.

Mu Qianxi is still like the last round of battle, plundering into the herd and starting to kill!

"Hey!" A six-level spirit beast with no long eyes thinks that Muqian is a low-level big man who is very good at dealing with it, and flies directly toward Mu Qianxi.

The independent adventurers were shocked: "Little brother, be careful!"

"Damn, how can a six-level spirit beaded close to the little brother!"

Although Mu Qianshen can fight more than level, but also defeated a fifth-order big spirits, but these six-level spirit beasts are not weaker than the fifth-order big spirits, freigh waste is not a good deal!

They want to go to the rescue, they are already impatient!

It’s also a great surprise for the wolf to see this scene. The **** kid should be torn by the beast!

As a result, Mu Qian’s Yan Longjian came out, and the red-red flame roared out. She screamed coldly: “焱龙绝杀!”

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