Chapter 837 The Five Elements World

Chapter 837 The Five Elements World

Each of the three Five Elements of the Great World has a sacred weapon in his hand. . . These three holy artifacts are a sword, a hammer, and a fan. The sword is sharp and sharp, embodying the Yuan Golden Rule; the hammer is steady, apparently belonging to the Yuan soil rule; when it is fanned, the sky is flaming with fire, and the Yuan Fire rule is operating.

The three sacred artifacts are from the Yuan Jin Realm, Yuan Tu Realm, and Yuan Fire Realm in the Five Elements World. Among them, Yuan Xingjie had actually been in contact with Li Xing. In the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Elephant World, he killed a character from the Yuan and Jin dynasties, who had mastered the great light amulet and was also taken by Li Xing.

The sacred artifact is very powerful, but Li Xing has no fear, and takes out the Five Elements Town Yinyin. The Five Elements Town Tianyin also contains the power of the Five Elements, but it cannot be compared with the pure five elements of the Three Holy Artifacts.

Therefore, he took out something at this moment, only three points were for the enemy, but seven points were to further complete the Five Elements Town Tianyin. After he united the real body for the second time, he was able to fully display the power of this real holy artifact.


The Five Elements Town Tianyin, carrying Li Xing's supreme true power, smashed it in the past. The first one hit was a hammer spurred by Yuan Jin's Law. The two exploded directly, and the latter exploded directly. The rolling Yuan Tu Law was directly absorbed by the Five Elements Town Seal.

In fact, Li Xing didn't know that the Five Elements Tianzhu, which constitutes the Five Elements Town Tianyin, originally belonged to the Five Elements World, and contained the Five Elements Law. At this moment, as soon as he smashed the Yuanmu Hammer, he immediately swallowed it.

Suddenly, a gleam of yellow light was emitted from the Tianyin Seal of Wuxing Town. Then the sword and fan were also smashed one after another, and the Yuan Jin rules and Yuan Huo rules were absorbed by the Five Elements Town Seal.

"Not good!" The three Saints from the Five Elements World retreated, they were not fools. As soon as Li Xing took the shot, he showed such arrogance. They decided to step forward immediately and call for reinforcements.

"Give me back!" Tian Xing, the Five Elements Town of Li Xing, swallowed three rules, and the power surged. He immediately blocked the world and settled all three saints. The Five Elements Town Seal, which can be said to belong to the Five Elements Buster, specifically suppresses the Five Elements. The three are naturally out of control and directly controlled.

"You are brave! Do you know the consequences of offending the Big Five world?" One Zhongsheng yelled, constantly struggling, trying to escape from this place.

Li Xing sneered: "The three of you, just because I and I didn't come to see each other, were really weird, and even murderous. It's really hateful. If I don't get started first, I'm afraid you will be counted."

Another Zhong Sheng said in a deep voice: "This Taoist has something to say, as long as you let us go, we will not blame for the things just now."

"Have no blame? Don't you think you are all idiots like you?" Li Xing sneered. "You three, you don't have to go back."

The three of them had a cold heart, and the other was trying to kill them! Suddenly, the third man said, "There are many saints and even saints who are hunting nearby. If you dare to start, they will find you waiting and kill as many as possible!"

"Good majesty!" Li Xing snorted heavily, and the Five Elements Zhenyin vibrated severely. The three Zhongsheng actually exploded one after another, and the three elements of the five elements in their bodies became the tonic of the Five Elements Zhenyin again.

The six saints around him were astonished. These two were really insidious and just slaughtered the Great Saint, and then killed the three Saints of the World of Five Elements in succession.

Li Xing turned, glanced at the Saints, and said lightly, "I hope you can forget everything that happened today."

"I didn't see anything." Immediately there was a man who went to the Cause, then flickered and disappeared. Then all the saints left, leaving only Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren at the scene.

After the crowd left, Qian Ren said, "Brother Li, my brother is done, we can leave." He paused. "Let ’s go to the monks hunting in the big five-element world nearby. Let's go early to avoid accidents."

"What hunt do they hunt?" Li Xing asked. "Is it a star monster in the star domain?"

"Brother Li was right when he said that although there are not many monsters in the star field, they are tyrannical. And every kind of monster can find something valuable. Therefore, many big worlds will send saints to go out Hunt and kill Star Monsters to get something special. "Qian Ren said.

Li Xing thought for a while and nodded: "That's the case, let's set off immediately and go to Sanqing World." The trip to Sanqing World was already planned. This trip is to establish contact with the Sanqing World.

At that time, he can also claim to be a person in the Sanqing Great World. In this way, he can be regarded as rooted. On the contrary, if he told people that he was a dragon elephant, he would have no deterrent.

After all, the biggest backstage of the Dragon Elephant Grand Celestial Palace has disappeared. The Dragon Elephant World is a subjectless plane. Even if this plane merges with the realm, it is still scary.

Prince Chinen had no objection. The two left the wave world at once, entered the boundless star domain, and marched towards the Sanqing Great World.

The vast star field, Li Xing, can't do it if he wants to advance with the help of martial arts. After all, the Sanqing Great World is very far away, so the two must use the teleportation matrix.

After many generations, all of you have established the teleportation matrix in the infinite star field. However, the Sanqing World was too far away, and Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren walked for a long time before they found an ancient star.

Thanks to Prince Ninja's hands, there is a map of the stars. Li Xing also has a strong sense of space. Pairing them in pairs makes it easy to find a way. If you change people, I'm afraid you will be lost.

The kind of free encounters in the planetary domain ~ ~ is something that Tianzun can do, and Li Xing can't reach it yet.

Seeing it, he was about to fly to the ancient star. Suddenly, he heard a scream of the beast of earth, and saw a golden beast, covered with golden armor, like a cow and a tiger, and tens of thousands of miles across, as ancient as the star.

The monster rushed in, Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren were taken aback and hurriedly dodged. Only then was the figure stooped into the void, and the beast rushed in. Behind it, five polar saints formed a five-element killing array, emitting five-color killing light, and constantly cutting and attacking giants.

The huge body of the giant beast and ancient star was constantly exploding, and the heavy armor was actually blown up by the killing, the flesh fluttered, and the pain roared again and again.

Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren, trembling into the distance, looked at this scene in surprise, Qian Ren said: "It is said that there are three thousand saints in the Five Elements World. It seems that what they say is true, and they can easily meet five extreme people. Holy! "

It didn't take long for the two to see, the beast screamed, the earth was shaking, the stars were shaking, and finally it was motionless. But the five elements killed the light, pierced its eyes, penetrated the brain, and directly killed it.


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