Chapter 97: Ransacking

Relying on strong will to suppress, Li Xing caused the third son to instantly lose his ability to respond and simultaneously shot. Wan Famen is his enemy of life and death. Given such an opportunity to enter the treasure trove, he naturally has to take good care of it. He should take everything that he should take, and by the way kill and set fire.

With the palm of Li Xing, the hidden power can injure the Taoist, but he has no life. The third son is turned into fly ash, and the screams are too late to be issued. A group of mage's origins was absorbed by Li Xingshun's hands and thrown into the altar to offer sacrifice directly.

Using the altar for a long time, Li Xing summed up some rules. Things like the source of the mage can be exchanged for blessing after the sacrifice, the effect is similar to the effect of eating the fruit of power.

Of course, sacrificing a third son is far less effective than a fruit of strength. But the size is a piece of meat, which can increase the first-line strength, which is also a good thing.

After killing the third son, Li Xing didn't take it seriously, his eyes began to scan the entire treasure house. Everything is sealed in the jade pillars, and each jade pillar is connected by a matrix method. Touching one of them will trigger the prohibition in the treasure house and alarm the Wanfa Gate.

However, Li Xing had no intention of sneaking, he turned into a phantom and rushed directly to a jade pillar. With a loud noise, the jade pillars shattered, and the contents inside were taken into Jingtian.

The treasury shook, killing light rising from the ground and besieging Li Xing. Such killing, Taoist progression should also dodge, but Li Xing has no fear. Killing light touched his body and was bounced directly.

After being united in form and spirit, his physique was raised to a horrible level, and he was completely free from these attacks. Instead, he punched one by one, blasting all the jade pillars and collecting the treasures.


With a loud shout, the elder in charge of the treasure house finally appeared. In the void, a young man with a big hand suddenly caught Li Xing.


Li Xing transformed into a chaotic array, and "Si Lingling" strangled up. The big blue hand shattered, and the man who shot it made a groan and suffered a big loss.

True form gathers to form, and scattered form into gas. It can also form a chaotic killing array to fight the enemy. Li Xing made a small test of the dagger, and found that he could completely hurt Taoists. He ignored the people and ignored Yuzhu, instead attacking the elder Wan Famen.

A cloud of chaos and murderous gas shook, shattered the void, and plunged into the fissures of space. A dark space, fragmented, a Tsing Yi elder sat in it, only then he shot.

"Who are you?" Elder Tsing Yi was surprised when Li Xing broke in.

"Kill your people!" Li Xing also punched out without making bullshit. This punch was silent and the space was compressed and then exploded.

Elder Wan Fa was startled and waved to meet the enemy. He was very pure and powerful, but when he met Li Xing's ancient true power, he could hardly beat, his arm cracked.

The golden fist copied into no one's realm and hit his chest. The breastbone shattered and collapsed. Then, the violent antiquity of real affairs spewed out and rushed into the opponent's body.

Elder Wanfa's body swelled up like a ball, and his face was frightened, and he cried, "No ..."


The tyrannical Taoist exploded into pieces, which surprised and delighted Li Xing: "It is not difficult to kill Taoist!"

The root of Taoism must not be wasted. It is collected and sacrificed in exchange for blessing of strength. Compared with the three sons, the Taoist figures are obviously more "valuable". After the sacrifice, the effect is equivalent to a fruit of strength.

After the killing, Li Xing returned to the treasury, quickly smashing the jade pillar and collecting the baby. I saw a streamer, the temple flashed, and in a moment, everything was cleaned up. All kinds of killings are totally ineffective against Li Xing, his physique is too sturdy.

Such a big movement in the treasure house, the people outside were also alarmed, and more senior people arrived. When Li Xing smashed the last jade pillar, two swords came and killed him, Daojian!

At first, Li Xing was seriously injured when the Dadao sword of the killer Taoist hit. But today, facing the attack and killing of two Taoists, Li Xing had no fear and did not turn his head, and behind him he gathered a sword light, divided into two, and cut the enemy.

After condensing the empire star wheel, he can perform nine types of emperor star art. Although there are not many emperor stars, each one has incredible power. It is a means of emperor. This type of emperor star technique is called to kill and kill souls.

"Si Lingling", the glorious Jianguang, the two Jianguang shocked back. Li Xing turned around, looking cold and pointing to the void. A starburst shot out, and the void exploded. Two Tsing Yi Taoists were also elders.

"Huh!" He flickered before him, squeezing his hands down.

In this style, the strength of his whole body is brought together. Star power, ancient true power, divine power, and divine power are merged into a chaotic array, and they carry supreme power. In that palm, there was chaos.


A Taoist bears the brunt of his head, explodes his head, and screams to death. The other was slightly stronger, with cracked skin, yelling, and gave a full blow, forcing Li Xinghuwei.

"Out of your own power!"

The palm of Li Xing shook slightly, and the man turned into a fan, and then died.

Emperor Tianxie could see his eyes straight, and murmured, "Killing a man is like mowing, this ..."

Li Xing killed three people in a row. He was so angry and screamed that it turned into a shock and killed him. The top of the treasure house was punctured.

Wanfa Island trembled a little, but this island can only defend against external enemies. If something happens inside, it can't do anything about it. There is nothing Li Xing can do. A killing light swept across the sky, wherever they went, everything turned into powder.

Wanfamen is a martial arts sect with huge accumulation, not only a treasure house, but also a medicine garden. Li Xing never stopped doing anything, ready to ransack, and rushed directly to the medicine garden.

In the medicine garden, a lot of elixir is cultivated, and even some magic medicine and real medicine are cultivated. The entire medicine garden occupies an area of ​​100,000 acres. This has been cultivated by Wan Famen for thousands of years, and it was built by plundering everywhere. It is the work of generations of Wan Famen.

This time, Li Xing killed a roll, all the elixir was drawn into Baiyang Jingtian, and there was no root weed left.

"Bold madman!" A group of core disciples rushed in the distance.

Near Yaotian is Shengwan, where the core disciples of Wanfamen live, and there are hundreds of core disciples at the level of law and heaven who practice in them. Hearing that someone had broken into Wanfamen, they all came to contain it.

Unfortunately, below the state of affairs, Li Xing is not enough to see. He snorted, waved his hand, and swept across the sky. Ten disciples were beheaded and their heads were different. It was a strange sword light, fast, sharp, and no one could avoid it.

Screams kept coming and going, not long after, more than thirty people were beheaded. The others were terrified and evaded.


A core disciple yelled, 36 disciples formed a ten thousand law-killing formation and wanted to besiege it.

Li Xing smiled "Hey": "I won't play with you, let's go!"

There are many ways here, and if you are not careful, you may be left behind. Something was snatched, and people were killed. Li Xingshi stopped and turned into a dust and disappeared. At this time, with his strength, he can already penetrate the space and fly in the air at different times. This is the prerogative of the characters in the state.

Wanfamen was in chaos and suffered heavy losses, the treasure house was ransacked, the elixir was plundered, three figures of the state were beheaded, and dozens of core disciples fell. The news came like the wind. Several Tao Juns far away from Tiandaomen hurried back, but unfortunately, Li Xing had already left, and it was difficult to find him.

"Little thief! This Daojun will cut you!" Tianxiong Daojun vomited blood with anger, and his third son was also killed by Li Xing.

At this moment, Li Xing was far away from 100,000 miles, hiding in the realm of heaven, taking stock of the harvest. Wan Famen's treasure is truly extraordinary, and he is surprised by many things.

For example, there is an iron rod, about ten meters in length, roughly like a bucket, rusty on it, but extremely heavy. With the terror power of ancient times such as Li Xing, it actually feels a little difficult. The material of the iron rod is an ancient meteorite, which is very tough.

The iron rod is not a magic weapon, nor is it a fetish. In fact, it is an *, and I do not know what its origin is. Li Xing rubbed it, and couldn't help it, trembling: "This one goes on, who can't fight? Unfortunately, it's too long, this stick can't change."

Thinking about this, his eyes brightened and he thought of one thing: "If you use star power to warm up for a period of time, maybe you can make a star soldier."

In the Star Emperor's Scripture, there is finally recorded a "method of raising soldiers", which can be used to make a star soldier. The power of the star soldiers is naturally very powerful. At the time of the show, they stared at the stars and cut off the immortals and killed the gods.

Therefore, this big iron rod was taken into the star wheel of Li Xing by Li Xing, and he was nourished daily with Emperor Star Power, hoping that it would one day become a star soldier and accompany him to sweep the world.

The trip to Wanfamen ~ ~ was an accident. Originally, he just wanted to find out the situation. How could he know he had a chance and grabbed it. The gains this time are great, and they can completely allow Taixu disciples to live a prosperous life for a while.

"My strength at this time can kill Dao people, but it is not enough. Luo Tianmen's great God is very scary. I am far from an adversary. Even when I meet Dao Jun, I can't even fight." Li Xing secretly thought, he felt At the same time as revenge, we must continue to improve our strength.

It can be said that before condensing the true form, he has always been a small person, and at this time it was regarded as the climate. Without strength, everything is empty talk. Only when you are strong can you revitalize and protect the people around you.

"To consolidate the true form, the next step is to be fulfilled, but how on earth is it to be fulfilled?" Li Xing is a little confused. His practice is different from others and is an extraordinary path.

At this time, he is not only real but also real. However, there is still huge room for growth in this real human body. Does it mean that we must start with the real human body in order to achieve perfection?

Cultivation has reached the real state, can it be felt by itself? It's like a person knows if they are hungry or not. Li Xing clearly felt that his true form was far from complete.

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