Chapter 74: The Three Lords

On the seventh day after Li Xing accepted the Honghuang Dragon Ball, he prepared the Dragon Palace for the family for a month, and finally started sending it out. An army of 100,000 dragons escorted, thirty-six characters at the level of law and heaven escorted tens of thousands of servants, and entered the Taixu Gate in a mighty manner.

In order to make sure that the journey was safe, a group of ruthless people in the Dragon Palace were arranged to Pioneer Camp to explore the road ahead and be responsible for safety. In the Xianfeng camp, a large number of talents, including the four Princes of Dragon, were all trained by Falun Gong. The six elders of the Dragon clan are all practised in the state.

Li Xing was in charge of the safety of the five princesses in the palace. At the same time, he is also responsible for the liaison between the Dragon Palace and Taixu Men, and has a heavy responsibility.

Although there were many people accompanying him, several dragon characters, with high means and strong means, flew fast along the way, and it was estimated that they could reach Taixumen within seven days.

Such a big battle, Xiaoxiao retreat, went all the way. Soon, it came to the scope of the demon forest, which can be regarded as a wrong place. However, the Dragons have always acted their way, and did not intend to detour, Li Xing had no choice but to walk forward.

Flying to the middle of the forest, three phobias shook the sky, soaring into the sky, showing three Taoists. The three of them faced coldly, and one yelled, "Who broke into the demon forest?"

An elder of the Long clan snorted coldly: "Here is the army of the Long clan. If you are so knowledgeable, retreat quickly!"

The man sneered: "Good breath, this is the demon forest, not the South China Sea. If you come, you don't have to go!"

In all directions, there was a sound of shouting and killing. Infinite demons came around, looking at the demons billowing, and the magic was overwhelming. At this moment, the elders of the Dragon clan also changed their face, did they fall into the ambush of the demon forest.

Li Xing had a big head and flew out quickly. He arched and said, "Li Xing, who is too fierce, meet the three seniors. How dare you call them?"

"Moving Lord!"

"Master Xiaotian!"

"Holy Thunder!"

Li Xing remembered that in the demon forest, there were a group of people who often appeared, claiming to be one emperor, two princes and three respecters, were all figures of the state. He hurried forward and said: "It turned out to be three lords, Taixumen marrying the five princesses of the Dragon Palace. After this place, he never visited and looked at Haihan."

While talking, he took out a large sum of money. In fact, he didn't have a spectrum in his heart. I don't know if Mr. Qian is the demon emperor. If it is, it will definitely work.

Seeing the big money, the three lords changed their faces slightly and yelled, "Surely it is Li Xiaoyou, he has long been famous." They were actually very kind to Li Xing.

"Dare not dare!" Li Xing was very modest. "The juniors and others passed through this place and disturbed the seniors' retreats. It was really unsatisfactory. It ’s better to ask the three seniors to move to the virtual gate and let the juniors entertain them. I'm going to do my best to apologize for today's reckless compliments. "

Reach out and not smile at people. Besides, Li Xing's large amount of money is no small matter, he must sell face. His Holiness moved with a smile: "Okay, since Xiaoyou is so polite, we won't quit, it is too vain to go with you."

At this point, the demon army retreated like a tide, and Li Xing couldn't help wiping the cold sweat. In case of conflict today, I am afraid that few people can live.

Several elders of the Dragon clan were not so horizontal, they closed their mouths and stopped speaking, leaving the matter to Li Xing.

As a sign of respect, Li Xing released a predatory chariot and asked the three lords to sit among them and take them with them. The three lords are all Taoists, with high eyesight, they can see the extraordinary chariots at once, they are secretly surprised.

Li Xing personally took out the spirit fruit, fine wine, and entertained the three of them in the chariot. The three lords were all heroes in wine and sages. They were very satisfied with Li Xing's performance, and talked with him.

"I wonder if the princess has been doing well recently?" Li Xing asked. The little princess he said naturally meant Xiaoxue, the little fox.

The three respected glanced at each other, and Lord Xiaotian said, "Doesn't the little friend know?"

Li Xingyi: "I don't know what?"

"The little princess is about to marry," said Thunder Lord, "marry Prince Liuxia."

Li Xingru was struck by lightning and froze for a moment, his taste was mixed, and his heart was full of taste.

Watching Li Xing's expression, His Holiness Thunder said, "Little friend, I heard that you are interesting to our little princess?"

Li Xing drank Baiyang wine and said, "It's a fart! It's **** about to marry someone!" He was irritable in his heart, and was rude.

Thunder Taoist respected him very much, saying, "Little friend, if you are interested, it's not too late. It will be half a year before the little bunny at Liuxia's house will marry him."

Li Xing moved, and asked, "Who is Liuxia?"

"Liuxia is a large clan of demon. There have been several large demon in the clan, so it is very powerful, and even the demon emperor also gives a little face." His Holiness Thunder said, "Moreover, the next generation of Liu and the princess's relatives."

"So, the next Liu family is also the Fox family?" Li Xing asked curiously.

"Naturally yes, there are three big demons in the Liuxia tribe. They are all Daojun series, which is not easy to provoke." Xiaotian Taoist said, "This marriage was first proposed by the Liuxia tribe. His Majesty did not agree, but Later, considering the demon clan's plan, I had to temporarily apply. "

"However, His Majesty didn't say death." His Holiness laughed. "His Majesty said that the world is talented, and as long as two conditions are met, the princess can be given priority."

"Which two conditions?" Li Xing asked quickly.

"The first one must be a first-class talent, talented and powerful, in the younger generation, overpowering the heroes." Thunder Tao Zun took the conversation and continued, "The second one, the princess must be willing."

Upon hearing, Li Xing laughed. "Hey," he laughed. These two are not tailor-made for him?

"But ..." Thunder Tao revered the topic, "If no such person appears, then the princess will naturally marry Liu Xia's house or Ling's house."

Li Xing was silent and trembled: "After Xiao Jin's wedding, take a trip to the demon forest!"

The next journey was smooth, and soon arrived at Taixu Beiyuan. Outside Taixu Beyong, Dongxu, Dongji, Dongyin and Tiandao were greeted with 100,000 disciples.

"Welcome to the five princesses!"

Each disciple played his own magical skills and spells, and all of the sky was full of brilliant colors, with powerful powers, brilliant colors, and extremely spectacular.

Speaking of which, Li Xing thought of it. This kind of big scene is too tacky to use fireworks. It is simply replaced by divine magic and spells, and the effect is extraordinary.

The elders of the Dragon clan went down to Qingyun to pay tribute to the senior officials of Taixumen. The three lords also passed, and Li Xing ordered someone to arrange it. A few words, Xiao Jin, should be called Li Xuanbai, wearing a red wedding dress, came over silly and greeted the bride.

However, before arriving at Huajiao, a dragon prince blocked it. The Prince, ranked twelve, Fatian is seven, and he yelled, "If you want to marry my sister, go through my level first!"

Li Xuanbai said nothing, a punch would pass. This punch is so fierce that he has always crashed his brother-in-law and lost his face, so disgraceful, how can he lose in one stroke?

There were a few people who were going to create some trouble, but when seeing Li Xuanbai's fierceness, no one was willing to come forward, and it hurt so much for the kid, why bother?

The five princesses were embarrassed and timid, and were hugged by Li Xuanbai, striding back. There was a good cry from all around, and Li Xuanbai was so proud that she had to go inside.

Suddenly, Li Xing blocked the way.

Li Xuanbai said for a moment, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Li Xing looked up: "Did you forget? I am the right son of Dragon Emperor, and the five princesses are also my righteous sisters. How can you get married so easily?"

This time, the meaning of the people was great, and the dragon fighters shouted out loudly: "The king of Mubei! The king of Mubei! The king of Mubei!"

Li Xuanbai smiled bitterly and looked at Chen Xue's daughters in the distance. A few Chen Xue also learnt badly now, only if they didn't see it.

No way, Li Xuanbai gritted his teeth and said, "Brother, my brother offended!" Putting down the five princesses, he must be right with Li Xingfang.

The two jumped into the field, surrounded by crowds of people, and their voices were loud. Li Xuanbai knew that he was going to be beaten by Li Xing fiercely today, so he tried his best to bring out a powerful combat force.

The dragon of the body of the eighty-one heavy battle was not built, and it was so powerful that it surprised the elders of the dragon clan secretly, and said to themselves how the boy was made? Even the 13 princes feel that if they meet Xiao Jin, they may not have a chance to win.

Li Xing smiled, and fought with Xiao Jin in a trick. With this move, everyone saw the doorway, Li Xing didn't do his best at all, instead he seemed to be feeding. His tricks and styles all contain special charm, extremely masculine, such as a big sun falling to the ground and a giant axe cutting the sky.

After fighting over a hundred moves, Xiao Jin's moves actually contained the charm of Li Xing, just to the yang.

After two hundred strokes, Li Xing patted the small and medium-sized golden head with one palm, and hit a ball of martial arts runes. The latter shouted and screamed: "Do not bend or bend.

At this point, all the people came to understand, where Li Xing was looking for trouble with Li Xuanbai, but to pass him a martial art! At the same time, I was also amazed by Li Xing's methods. We must know that it is not easy to create a master of martial arts.

Martial arts is not to say that it can be transmitted ~ ~ Mu's passers and grantees have extremely high requirements. Li Xing needless to say, chaotic martial arts can dominate the world. Xiao Jin's own fighting characteristics are a fierce road, widening and closing, killing in one hit.

Li Xing actually taught according to his aptitude, and within two hundred strokes allowed Xiaojin to condense the will to martial arts. In fact, even if he didn't take a few years, Xiao Jin would still be able to consolidate martial arts by himself.

Xiao Jin felt that her strength had improved a lot, and hurried forward: "Thank you, Brother."

Li Xing smiled and said, "Still pick up your lady?"

Xiao Jin smiled "Hey", picked up the five princesses again, and walked towards the inner door.

Taixumen, taking Taixu Beiyuan as a welcome base, greeted guests from all directions, and then sent to Taixumen. Dragon Palace and Taixumen alliance, this is a big thing, Tianyuanzhou all the influential martial arts have already known, have sent people to congratulate one after another.

Wanfamen, Troll Gate, Xuanmingjiao, Tianyimen, Dandingmen, Dayijiao, Nanhai four families, scattered repairs from all over the world, and masters from all directions all came to participate.

For a moment, Taixumen gathered, and the guests were full.

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