Chapter 77: Demon Lord

The Yuwen family is now in a state of silence. The owner of the Yuwen family, named Yuwen Tiandu, is a master of Fatian and Tianhe. Because of this, the Yuwen family can gain a foothold in the capital.

Yuwen Tiandu, who was born in Wanfamen, is still an elder of Wanfamen, but he does not ask about Wanfamen's affairs, but concentrates on developing the forces of the Yuwen family.

Not long ago, Yu Wentian got the news that the three more promising young people of the Yu Wen family, Yu Wen De, Yu Wen Hong, and Yu Wen Bing, had been beheaded by an unknown person and seized the ancient writings.

After getting this news, Yu Wentian went out on his own and arrested Guan Chengtian. He was tortured by torture without asking about the origin of Li Xing. In the last wrath, Yu Wentian refined Guan Chengtian's spirit and extracted his memory, but he still had nothing to gain.

"Damn! People who dare to touch our Yuwen family, ancestors, must not let this person go!" A young man shouted in the hall.

Instead, Yuwen Tiandu calmed down at the moment, and said slowly: "Yu Wenguang, Yu Wenli, and Yu Wen slaughtered the three, who have never gone back to Tianchen Kingdom. They have obviously been killed. Yu Wende, Yu Wenhong, Yu Wenbing have also been killed. People killed, didn't you see anything? "

The shouting young man thought for a moment, and suddenly his expression changed dramatically: "I see! Six of them have ancient texts presented by their ancestors! Someone wants to take the heirloom of our Yuwen family!"

Yu Wentian sighed: "It is obvious that the other party killed Yu Wenguang and learned of the nine ancient characters. Then came to seize it, Yu Wende and they died."

There was a gleam of coldness on his face: "However, hitting Yuwen Tiandu's idea will not end well!"

"Oh? Really?" Li Xing suddenly appeared in the hall. He had long since entered here and overheard the conversation of several people.

"Who is it?" Yu Wentian is indeed a mage, and he has the quickest response. He grabbed it with a big hand and overwhelmed the mana.

However, the figure that appeared suddenly broke, it turned out to be just a phantom!

The real Li Xing has appeared behind three young people. All three were young, Yu Wenjie, Yu Wensheng, and Yu Wenjin, each of whom had an ancient script.

The three of them are all practising God. Where is Li Xing's opponent? All of a sudden, he was captured by Yuanshen's big hand, and the ancient text on his body was directly seized, without even the opportunity to use it.

These three ancient characters are the words "gang", "rou", and "ho". Once collected, they will directly enter the first page of the ancient scriptures and become part of the scriptures to expand the scriptures.

Li Xing and the three did not have resentment, so they did not kill. After capturing the text, they immediately laughed and said, "Yu Wentiandu, Yu Wenguang them, they had been conspired with me. Since I seized the text today, this is it Revealed. "

"Huh!" Yu Wentian Fafan locked Li Xing in a yin voice and said, "You killed three of my Yuwen family. Want to forget it?"

"The three of them want to kill my client. I just collect money and help people to deal with disasters. Besides, as a killer, death is also a vain death. You shouldn't blame people, it's not as good as people." Li Xingkan said, Easy tone.

"Give me out!"

Yu Wentian suddenly appeared behind Li Xing and grabbed it.

Unfortunately, this time, still only caught a phantom. Li Xing practiced an extremely powerful great divine technique called "Dawuxianghuanshu", and even the mage couldn't see where his true identity was.

Of course, to be able to perform such magical arts in front of a mage, a person such as Li Xing must be superior.

Li Xing has already left Yuwen's house and got the ancient writings. The goal has been reached. Naturally, he will not fight with Yuwen Tiandu. Yuwen Tiandu is a man of 10,000 methods and a mage. He really wants to fight, not necessarily. Besides, it would be greatly unfortunate if the people of Wan Famen were alarmed.

When he grabbed it, he grabbed an empty space. Yu Wentian was so angry that "Wowa" was screaming, Fa Nian was searching wildly, but how could Li Xing be?

"Well, I didn't expect Yu Wentian to be so shameless. He actually broke the rules and shot Guan Tiancheng himself." On the way to Fei Li, Li Xing sighed, Guan Chengtian's death cannot be said to be related to him.

But when you think about it, you are relieved. Even if he didn't take the shot, Guan Chengtian was going to die, but he would die in the hands of the three Yuwende.

Seizing the ancient characters, Li Xing returned directly to Wanfamen, waiting for the mage to fight three days later.

Above Yutai, most of the mage didn't leave. For the mage, the time in seven is just a snap, not too long. As soon as he came back, Bei Chenchong immediately asked Dong Wenxi, worried that there would be big parties to come and win.

Li Xing smiled: "I went out in stealth without meeting anyone."

Beichen sighed: "You don't know. After you leave, Taixumen, Troll Gate, Wanfamen, Tianyimen, Dayi religion, Xuanmingmen have sent people to ask you where you went more than once. "

Master Tai Yi smiled "Hehe": "Everyone knows that Li Xing will become a strong one in the future. Can't he give birth to a rapport?" He paused, "Li Xing, this next battle has nothing to do with you, Don't participate, either. "

Li Xingyi: "Why? The juniors also want to see the means of the Master."

Master Tai Yi said: "Some of the people present want to win over you, and others want to be unfavorable to you." His gaze turned towards the direction of the mad sword gate, and he said, "More than one person, so you leave early. "

Li Xing thought for a while and nodded: "Thank you for your predecessors' maintenance, and the younger ones will leave." His grievance with Kuang Jianmen is not a mere bit of a star. It is also reasonable for the other party to kill him.

As for the other mages, he probably jealous of his future achievements, so he has a jealous heart, so if he wants to kill him, Li Xing can also feel a few vague anger.

"I'll give you a ride." As soon as Master Tai Yi waved his sleeves, Li Xing suddenly entered an odd space. The space shook three times and he jumped out again.

The green mountains and clear waters in front of him have actually reached his fiefdom and hit the east of Thunder Mountain! He was horrified and trembled, and the Master's method was truly shocking. This time he sent me home!

After looking around, Li Xing was about to return to Qi Yunpai, but suddenly his eyes flashed, and he suddenly concealed his figure.

At the moment he disappeared, a hill below broke suddenly from it, and two divine lights burst out inside, revealing two god-men. Immediately, the hills were closed, and the two gods were both magical, apparently both in the magic gate.

Yi Shenren said anxiously: "Master Mozun once again made a breakthrough. This time, a thousand virgin boys and girls are required. This is not to be found! We only have three days. In case we can't complete it, we will be punished by the elders."

"There is no way. The elder hopes that Lord Mozun will restore his strength as soon as possible so as to rebuild the splendor of our demon religion. No matter you, I and the two soldiers will send two routes to find nearby. Each of them should be able to complete the task. "Another **** is humane.

Having said that, the two flew out of Thunder Mountain and flew towards the east. Obviously, the goal of the two men is to attack his people and rob the boys and girls in his fiefdom.

As soon as they heard the two, they wanted to catch boys and girls, and Li Xing gave birth to a murderous act, performed tactics, and quietly followed the two.

After flying for more than three thousand miles, the two were about to separate and go to work separately. Li Xing suddenly appeared, and Yuanshen's great hand shrouded it. This type of great divine magic, named "Shanhai Handprints", is extremely powerful.

As soon as the big hand came out, there seemed to be countless mountains and seas. They were suppressed from above, and they were extremely powerful and irresistible. The two gods are just threefold in training the gods and cannot resist at all. The physical body exploded directly, and Yuan Shen shattered instantly.

The origin of the god-man was also drawn, leaving only two piles of flesh and blood, and was thrown into the wild mountains.

After killing the two demons, Li Xing observed the memory of the two and immediately knew some of the secrets of the demons. It turned out that the demon statue even practiced in the thunder mountain, and it wouldn't take long for him to resume supreme cultivation.

"Damn thing!" Li Xing's eyes were murderous. It turned out that since this time, the so-called demon statue has sent his subordinates and gods more than a dozen times to collect boys and girls. Then extract the blood of those innocent men and women to practice magic.

"There are three kinds of treasures in this deity, and I don't know what is the way?" Li Xing immediately asked the Emperor of Heavenly Evil, and asked about the origin of eternal **** light, immortal flame, and glorious Tianfu.

Upon hearing this, Emperor Tianxie sneered again and again and again: "It's a delusional wish, this **** monster, obviously wants to cultivate Xuanjie Divine Infant! These three things are extremely precious. Even when they were teachers, they were not easy to get. When congregating the babies, if you incorporate these three feats, you will have the opportunity to achieve the supreme mysterious babies. "

"Xuanjie Shenying?" Li Xing laughed ~ ~ Isn't this for me? This demon revival has not yet recovered. At present, there is only a mage named Cheng Ying around me. As long as I shot, I have a 70% chance to kill this person and seize treasure! "

Li Xing paused and said, "However, they seem to have a magic weapon, called the Temple of Heavenly Demons, which is very powerful. Once the deities enter, I can't kill him."

His eyes turned, and a trick came into his mind. Suddenly, his body changed for a while, and he performed a great divine magic "various changes", which immediately turned into a killed man.

Regardless of temperament, appearance, and cultivation, it is exactly the same. Unless the mage can identify it carefully, he cannot see that he is a Xibei.

This man of God, named Lailai Shun, has a triple practice of God. He has no place in demon religion and often does errands. He was killed by Li Xing during this trip because he was going to plunder boys and girls and was hit and committed a bad star.

Li Xing turned into "dulaishun". He shook the hill that should be returned, and pinched a trick. The hill shook for a while and split from the center. He suddenly entered it.

Through the memory of the two, he was very familiar with this place, and although he encountered some gods along the way, he was not broken.

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