Chapter 69: Sun God

The two fingertips smashed together, centering on the point of impact, and a strong horizontal shock wave was scattered and radiated out, like a circle of ripples emitted when stones were thrown into the water.


The entire Golden Tower was a little shocked, and everyone saw that the Sun God suddenly stopped, Li Xing watched the strange light, suddenly grabbed his big hand, and said, "You want to kill me, I kill you at this moment, you What's talking? Capture! "

"Large Capturing Hand" was exhibited, and the Sun God was pinched directly like a chicken, not even struggling. Just before that big collision, Li Xing had numb his true shape and suffered heavy injuries.

Although the true form is scattered, it is not invincible. If the true form is attacked by absolute superiority, it will be traumatized internally and extremely difficult to recover. Just before, Li Xing used King Kong's extinction finger and almost killed the Sun God on the spot.

You know, before he practiced a thousand great magic skills, his strength was already above this person. Now that the one thousand magical arts have been completed, they have even more advantages. You can suppress them by raising your hand and never turn over.

The divine light shook, and the origin of the heavenly monarch in the sun **** monarch was continuously drawn by Li Xing. Seeing that, he fell from the prince to the tenfold god-man, all the way down, and eventually became an ordinary person.

Li Xing was surprised to find that the god-man of the Sun God is truly magnificent, and he is indeed a talent cultivated by the superpowers. In the source, there are seven types of great magic and twelve types of magic.

While extracting the origin of the god-man, Li Xing searched for the treasure on the Sun God. The sun **** bead was stored in a magic weapon, the **** bead was extremely hot, like a round of sun.

In addition to the sun **** bead, there is a relic, thirty-five gods. The most important thing is that there are actually two seeds of ancient magic in this person. The seeds of ancient magic are extremely precious, and I do not know where he came from.

The Sun God became an ordinary person, and his face finally showed the color of fear. He shouted sternly: "Li Xing! Give me a life! You have extracted my origins, and I will not threaten you in the future!"

"Forgive you?" Li Xing sneered, "give me a reason not to kill you."

The sun **** is silent, if he is Li Xing, he will kill. Now that you've shot it, you must do it, leaving no future trouble.

Suddenly, there was a voice on the Taixumenyutai: "Li Xing, look at me thinly and spare him once."

The voice was very familiar, Li Xing looked at it, saw a woman, nodded with a smile, who was not Princess Yu Rui? This woman, indeed, was the reincarnation of the mage, and I do not know what it is now.

And right next to Yu Rui, the girl Xianglan kept squinting at him. At the beginning, Xiang Lan stayed at Murong Jiaojiao. Later, Yu Rui sent someone to take Xiang Lan away. At that time, Li Xing was not present, only to learn later.

A few years later, Xiang Lan has grown into a big girl, and she looks so beautiful that Li Xing almost didn't recognize it at first sight.

If the old man asks for help, he is not good at killing him anymore. Then he said, "Someone begged for you, forgive you for the time being, and don't let me touch it next time!" .

Li Xing knew, however, that the qualifications of the Sun God were still there. As soon as he returned, he could resume cultivation within ten years. Of course, ten years later, Li Xing's cultivation has no idea how much he has reached, and he is not afraid of him at all.

In the second battle, the Sun God was defeated directly. The mages secretly wondered, and they all looked forward to it. Can this four-man **** man go all the way and defeat all the masters? If this is the case, then this person is indeed qualified to be called the first **** of all ages!

"Star Gate, Li Xingsheng!" After the host announced the result, Li Xing stepped back and returned to Yutai.

Master Taiyi asked with a smile: "Li Xing, how did you meet Master Qinglian of Taixumen?"

As soon as Li Xing's heart moved, he took the opportunity to ask Master Qinglian to ask, "Senior, Master Qinglian and I have only one side, I do n’t know her origin, who is she?"

"This Qinglian mage was once a master of Fatian Qizhong. Later, for some reason, she fell, and now the spirit is reincarnated and practiced again. Now she is Fatian triple, and it won't take long to recover. Cultivation during the heyday. "Tai Yi Master Tao.

Li Xing nodded: "It is said that there is a reincarnation strategy in the world. Presumably she has practiced this method?"

Master Tai Yi smiled slightly: "Forcibly reincarnation is going against the sky, there are many dangers, there are many ways, but very few people are willing to try. Once reincarnation, nine deaths. I have heard of the reincarnation tips you said, it is said that the chance of success Very high, 30%. "

Only 30%? Only then did Li Xing understand why Tian Xie ignored the reincarnation and rebirth tactics. It turned out that this thing was too dangerous and was not worth the risk.

On the golden stage, the battle continued, and the three of Jian Xingtian, Tianlong Shenjun, and Lu Tianjiao were still very strong and they won. However, the three did not have a chance to meet together and could not tell the strength.

Soon, the second round was over and the third round started.

After the elimination of the first two rounds, there are still 20 gods remaining. After this round, the final ten selections will be conducted. This round is very crucial.

The host flew to the golden stage and chanted, "The third round begins!"

The first one to play was Lu Tianjiao. Opposite him was a **** at Troll Gate. The Troll Gate is also a super big school. It is located in the northeast of Tianyuanzhou, in the mountains and dense forests. It is secretive and not well known to the world.

The disciples of Troll Gate have a mysterious cultivation method, which can cultivate "Troll God Infant". Troll Divine Infant is extremely powerful and far more powerful than ordinary Divine Infant.

This disciple called the King of Blackwater. At the time of the divine test, it was as high as 18,900, and he was also a relatively advanced character.

Lu Tianjiao confronted Heishui, and said lightly: "Immediate surrender, forgive you for not dying." It was still the ridiculous and arrogant look.

Heishui looks tall and big, and seems to be a stupid person. He didn't say anything, only opened the stand, ready to fight to the end.

"Huh! I don't know what to do!" Lu Tianjiao reached out and pointed to the sky. In the sky, a sudden cloud appeared, and the heavy pressure dropped, making people feel upset.

"Well! This **** can actually cast a spell, and it really is a masterpiece of Tianxin Island in the South China Sea!"

When Lu Tianjiao shot, he actually cast the spell directly! He did not cast magic spells and did not use magic weapons, but used a divine power to control a group of mana and release it.

This mana wrapped with divine power is released during the battle, which is exactly the means of Tianxin Island in the South China Sea. Many eye-powered mana were immediately recognized.

"It is said that Tianxin Island is extremely mysterious. All the disciples in it are wizards. And every ten years, Tianxin Island only puts one disciple out for training. This Lu Tianjiao must be the character of Tianxin Island, and it is extraordinary."

When everyone talked, the endless thunderfire, thunder bead, and lightning landed in the robbery cloud, bombarding the black water indiscriminately, making him quite embarrassed.

Lu Tianjiao stood aside indifferently, and said lightly, "My little five thunder, how do you feel?"

Hei Shui still did not speak, and suddenly held up his hands, only listening to the sound of "Boom", a cloud of black clouds was over the sky, blocking the downpours of lightning attacks. At the same time, his legs moved slightly, kicking Lu Tianjiao like lightning.

On this foot, there is an unpredictable power of ghosts and gods. The strength is huge.

Lu Tianjiao glanced coldly, waving his sleeves, and there was a divine force to force it. The two collided and there was a loud noise.

In this way, the two have been fighting for nearly half an hour, and the black water has been in a downwind, but has not been defeated, and is extremely tough. Lu Tianjiao couldn't help being furious, he still had to spare more power to compete with Jian Xingtian and other strong players for the first place. How could he spend time on this person?

Immediately, Li Man shot in his eyes and sang, "True cutting!" His body suddenly turned into countless rotating blades. "Si Ling Ling" rushed towards the black water, and surrounded it, cutting it vertically and horizontally.

The body of Heishui, smashed inch by inch, but a more determined look flashed in his eyes, and yelled, "The troll has seven injuries, and he died with the enemy!"

"True shape cutting" is not simply a divine art, it is more appropriate to call it a means of attack. When the god-man condenses the true form, his strength soars, and he can add divine power with every move.

True shape cutting, including the power of six great divine magic, 18 types of small magic, but also contains the supreme power of the true shape itself, and in conjunction with special warfare, it is displayed to produce extremely powerful lethality.

And the monks called the ultimate lethal means of killing the enemy by the real form called "ultimate magic." True shape cutting is an ultimate divine skill with great power.

However, the black water of the Troll Gate is not vegetarian, and it also displays the ultimate divine magic, and it is the ultimate divine magic! Seven Trolls Injured!

"Lin Tianjiao of Tianxin Island made a mistake ~ ~ There is a golden eye on the mage and the score is clear." He should be patient and have a great chance of defeating Trollmen Blackwater. It's a pity that he is so impatient that he will suffer. "

"Yes, the troll's seven injuries are very powerful, hurting himself first, then hurting the enemy. However, hurting one point, but in exchange for hurting the enemy by 10 points, this Lu Tianjiao can still win if he has the courage to fight. But if he Withdraw and immediately lose the battle. "Another mage analyzed.

Sure enough, the troll suffered seven injuries, and this ultimate killing trick came out, Lu Tianjiao was shocked. He felt that the other's power suddenly soared several times! Then he punched out with a punch, and he wanted to die with him!

"How can I live and die with this beast? I am a Wizard of the Tianxin Island. This person is not worthy of dying with me!" At the critical moment, his thoughts flashed and his physique collapsed.

As the mage expected, once he flinched, he would fall into the wind. As soon as Heishui boxed out, the overbearing force locked Lu Tianjiao's "True Shape Cut" and then went straight up.

This punch was issued by him at the cost of manipulating himself. The strength of the punch can almost hurt the mage. How can Lu Tianjiao stop it?


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