Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1351: Female follower

Youxiang Datianzun laughed, "Isn't this great? I met you again, and I can stay with you in the future." Speaking of which, he lightly stripped his shirt and laid the wonderful body in front of Li Xing. Li Xing Squinting his eyes, he said, "I really want to have a child for me?" "Not one" Youxiang Datianzun corrected him, "is several" Li Xing sighed, and said, "Isn't that so exhausting? "He held Youxiang Datianzun in his arms, caressed her smooth skin, and said," This avenue is not easy to cultivate, let me teach you well. "Within the gate of this time, there was a spring, and it erupted slowly. Yin Yin ÷ In fact, the cultivation has reached their level, and men and women are not only in love, but also the exchange of civilization information. In the process, the flower civilization of the fragrant deity and Li Xing ’s The mixed Yuan civilization communicated with each other, supplemented the deficiency and damaged more, and achieved a dual communication of spirit and flesh. The joy of this kind is not comparable to that of ordinary men and women. Both are immersed in the supremely wonderful experience. Tianzun keeps screaming Li Xing also couldn't help sighing that they had forgotten the change of time, and I don't know how long it has passed. When they returned from joy, they were all surprised to launch their own repairs, especially Li Xing. He The mixed Yuan civilization actually unknowingly broke through directly from the sixteenth class to the thirteenth class. A qualitative leap in one civilization took place. He also gained the promotion of several new civilizations and privileges, which made him The next cultivation has greater potential, and it will be in place by then. It will cost no effort to advance to the advanced thirteen civilizations. Even if it is not seen on the entire broken ancient road, you can also benefit from the great fragrance. He feels his flowers. The civilization has reached the most complete state in an instant and obtained a privilege, that is, the right of a civilization to advance. The civilization of the great civilization cannot be fixed. The primary is the primary and it can never be changed. The intermediate The first class is intermediate first class, it is impossible to enter the advanced twenty-fourth class, but there are exceptions. This is the civilization privilege. In the process of communicating with Li Xing civilization, she unexpectedly got this. One privilege, so that her civilization can reach the tenth grade directly. As long as she continues to deepen her enlightenment, she can break through and enter the advanced nineth grade civilization, and even higher civilization. When she discovers this change, Youxiang Datianzhuang is exuberant. Screamed, biting a bite on Li Xing's face and shouting, "You bad guy, you are really my cover." She couldn't help but fall into obsession again, hugged Li Xing, and continuously claimed Li Xingshi as a peerless The macho, the lady is alive, dare not to obey, so he rose up and sent this over-excited woman to Yunxiao again, and the screams resounded twice. When two people walked out of the gate of time, Youxiang's face looked great. Gorgeous, with a very different temperament, similar to the transition from a girl to a young woman. She was like a bird, holding Li Xing's arm, the two talked and laughed, and continued to hunt down the monks in the city. In fact, they closed the retreat. In the past few days, the Tucheng faction has been beheaded, and only a few particularly powerful monks, Li Xing, have joined forces with Youxiang with the help of spying eyes. The monk beheaded and obtained countless merits. Youxiang Datianzun intentionally or unintentionally. When he killed the enemy, he only let Li Xing act. Naturally, the merits also fell into Li Xing's name. She only randomly selected some props to keep on her body. Most of them were also given to a woman Li Xingyu, who has put her full speed energy on her husband, and all of them have been killed without any danger. The Li Xing ’s side won the victory, and this task is considered over. ”For a moment, Li Xing's meritorious monument shows data At this moment, the amount of merits he has obtained has reached 5.7 million points, and the meritorious list ranks within 30,000! In addition, the next task is also listed. The task requires Li Xing to go to the depths of the Chalcedony Pass, in an endless mine, and after searching for twelve kinds of myelin, he will use these marrows to refine a magical instrument and call it myelin. The spirit can find the chalcedony hole, and in the chalcedony hole, it is not difficult to place a task for exchanging the meditation. However, Youxiang Datianzun has changed his face. He showed the task on the monument to Li Xing. The task is to slay Li Xing and rob him of the heavenly power! "How could this be?" He was startled, and then his face was full of rage. "Did that Duan Zixiong still not give up? He followed here?" The task that Youxiang Datianzun received was to kill Li Xing, Capture the chalcedony. In this way, the goals of the two will be in conflict. One must fail. Since then, he has been disqualified from continuing to walk on the ancient road. "Xing brother, this is someone who is calculating us. Your and my tasks should be equal. It may be so coincidental that she wants me to kill you. "She looked at Li Xing and asked," What should I do? "Li Xing raised her eyebrows:" What should I do? Big deal stay at Chalcedony Pass, practice directly to supreme crushing, then crush The ancient road! "Youxiang Datianzun smiled slightly and said," My Xing brother, you are so angry that you want to break the ancient road. I mean, you might as well kill me and continue on the road, okay? "Li Xingnu said: "Nonsense, why did you kill you? Is it because of this **** mission?" Youxiang Datianzun laughed: "In short, one of you and me must be disqualified from the ancient monk. There are two, one Is dead, "I will always be a resident of the ancient road" Li Xing sneered: "Look at your success, what is this ancient road, just go down" Youxiang Datianzun earnestly said: "Xing brother, I said, I am not broken first I do n’t care about the source of civilization. I just want to follow you. You do n’t kill me, how do you go on? You know, according to the rules, you must cut and kill those who rob the chalcedony. If you soften your hands, you will also be disqualified, and even "I was killed by the rules" Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Anyway, I have a death penalty in my hand to die, and we also die together. What is there to be afraid of?" Youxiang Datian is full of sweetness, and said with a smile, "Xing brother, in fact, this matter also Easy to handle, I will become your follower now, and the mission will be cancelled by myself. The so-called follower is a more common choice among the ancient monks. Some monks, after experiencing many ordeals, understand that there is a heaven and a strong one. Some monks who have a strong middle hand and gave up their intentions to compete for the best, will choose to follow some big men, in order to safely leave the ancient road and enter the source of civilization. These monks will also lose their qualifications for obtaining tasks. And forever become a vassal of others

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