” Done !”

Wei Dayong looked at the camp ahead .

Hesitantly in his eyes .

Full of anger at the end .

Hand heavy hammer on the snow .

Splashing little snowflakes scattered .

” We only have 50 people .

It is impossible to surround them .

Kill a few more enemies while they’re in chaos .

Don’t save me the energy version of the laser gun .

finishing this battle , it will be enough to make a profit and make a lot of money !”

As soon as this word comes out .

The members of the entire team are gearing up for it .

” In the name of the sacred relic of the Lord of Dawn , Dawn Guardian !”

Then I saw Wei Dayong take out an ordinary silver ring from his arms .

in devout chants .

A thin layer of pure white energy shield shrouded everyone .

” The power of dawn in this relic can withstand any attack below D -rank .

But there are only ten minutes , and I don’t care what method you use during these ten minutes .

Kill the most sticks with the fastest speed !”

Finished .

Wei Dayong pulled out the alloy warhammer from his waist .

The figure jumped out of the hiding place first .

Go straight to the camp ahead .

The longer you delay .

They are wasting the time of the Dawn Guardian .

The distance between the two sides is about 300 meters .

With Wei Dayong’s B -level strength, it only takes a few seconds .

” Enemy attack !”

It’s just a wide field of vision .

When they were halfway to the Goryeo camp .

has already been discovered .

There was a shrill scream in the camp .

The gunshots erupted immediately .

It’s just that the people shrouded in the Guardian of Dawn simply ignore these gunpowder weapons .

In a blink of an eye, the camp was approaching .

” Earth Hammer !”

About twenty meters from the camp .

Wei Dayong’s figure jumped high .

The alloy warhammer in his hand suddenly fell to the ground with his figure with a terrifying whistling sound .

” Boom !”

The alloy warhammer fell to the ground .

A terrifying energy spread immediately .

Centered on Warhammer .

The terrifying cracks spread .

I saw that the ground was shrouded in a radius of hundreds of meters .

A terrifying aura spreads freely from the shrouded area .

The soldiers of Goryeo, who were shrouded in the shroud, were immediately hit by a force of energy and a terrifying impact .

There was a silent scream .

” Squeaky …”

Before the Goryeo soldiers could react from the chaos of the camp .

The squeaks of countless laser guns have enveloped the entire camp .

One after another lasers run through the entire camp like raindrops .

The chaotic crowd fell to the ground in an instant .

As long as you don’t get hit by a laser .

Even if you don’t die .

You will also lose your combat effectiveness in an instant .

What’s more, the laser gun kills are second .

The most terrifying thing is its high temperature !

I will also kill them with pain .

a time .

The entire camp fell into chaos in an instant .

There are corpses everywhere .

There were also many Goryeogu soldiers who were not hit at the vital point and could only cry helplessly .

Just no matter how much they wailed .

The answer to them is to fill the gun ! well before departure .

Wei Dayong issued an order not to stay alive .

However, this massacre slowly stopped with the rise of three terrifying breaths .

Fortunately, the heart of the Warhammer team has already been prepared .

In the face of E -rank and above, the effect of the laser gun is like a toy .

Laser guns are randomly dropped by Warhammer mercenaries .

A handle of alloy swords was held in their hands .

At this moment, the Goryeo stick on the opposite side slowly stabilized with the appearance of the superhuman .

It’s just that Goryeo Bangja’s original team of several hundred people now has only half of them left .

And most of them are superhumans .

” Axi !”


Chapter 240 The strange beautiful country powerhouse ! Holy Court !

He looked at the corpses of Chinese people on the ground in front of him .

Park Hae-joon couldn’t help roaring .

D -level aura emanating from the other side is .

– joon’s eyes were full of panic again .

The figure that stepped forward – quietly and then took two steps back .

This action is naturally captured by other people .

They all showed contempt .

the whole world knows about the operation that Koreans will only shout “666” in the back .

Not only shameless , but also very arrogant , the most speechless at this time .

” Trash !”

Stephen scolded disdainfully .

“I can’t believe that the Asia-Pacific Federation still has a master like you ? It’s surprising .

Let me introduce myself , the captain of the special operations team in the United States , Stephen Orleans .

Your Asia-Pacific Federation is finished , why do you have to fight for people you don’t know .

n’t you join us , we can make you a second-class citizen like him. ” Regardless of Park Hae-joon’s flushed face .

He stepped forward and looked at the Warhammer mercenary group lightly .

Then said it in broken Asian-Pacific federal language .

“The Asia-Pacific Federation is over ?

People all over the world are dead .

The people of the Asia Pacific Federation are still here !”

As for the second-class citizens you mentioned .

Or let the Goryeo dog beside you be the one .

They like to be dogs .

Kneeling for a long time .

Knees are rooted !

I have never been a dog in the Asia Pacific Federation for thousands of years .

Not because of anything else .

Is the waist is too hard ! Can’t bend down !”

What responded was Wei Dayong’s disdainful sneer .

It seems that there are more people on the opposite side than on my own side .

It didn’t give Stephen the slightest bit of face .

” Also, there are a lot of powerhouses like me in the Asia-Pacific Federation, and I do n’t deserve to be called a powerhouse ! Remember this , or else it will only add to the jokes !”

” Looks like we can’t talk to each other ?”

Stephen was instantly furious .

As for Wei Dayong’s B -level, they are not strong .

He didn’t believe it at all .

Just think he’s bragging .

Accompanied by the anger surging in Stephen’s heart .

Wisps of scarlet energy spread around him .

” I didn’t want to talk to you at all .

Hit if you want !

Where is so much nonsense .

You want to reconcile in just two sentences by massacring my citizens of the Asia-Pacific Federation ?”

Wei Dayong’s momentum suddenly soared !

A fierce aura countered the pervasive blood-colored energy .

” Boom !”

next moment .

Stephen’s figure disappeared in place .

” So fast !”

Wei Dayong’s pupils shrank .

There was a slight tingling in front of him .

A blood-red claw was grabbing at his forehead .

My claws filled with blood-colored energy even left deep traces in the void .

” Strengthening the mountains and rivers !”

Wei Dayong was shocked in his heart .

But the hand holding the hammer was not flustered at all .

I saw that he grabbed the handle of the hammer violently with both hands , and smashed Stephen’s head from the bottom up .

Go straight for a hard hit .

Whether he is dead or not, Wei Dayong does not know .

But if the incoming Stephen was hit by the warhammer , his head would definitely be blown into fine powder .

” What a powerful force !”

The warhammer hasn’t arrived yet .

The terrifying wind pressure had already suffocated him slightly .

The man in front of him who used the warhammer naturally knew what he thought .

How precious is your life ?

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