Star City, Shonan University.

Because Lin Shu publicized the school’s concern on the Internet, it can be said that netizens who knew about it were angry. They didn’t understand why they were embarrassed to care about a student’s graduation situation at this time. It was really very angry. One by one, they went to the official Weibo of Shonan University and asked angrily what was going on.

   "Can you give me an explanation, is it embarrassing Lin Shu?"

   "Please be your own people! I really beg you, don't care about Lin Shu's studies anymore, he has done nothing wrong at all."

   "Hurry up and deal with that person, please!"

   "Could you not be so against Lin Shu, didn't he still save the senior, don't you have the heart?"


   Obviously, Shonan University has received more and more attention, and public opinion has continued to rise. The school has also suspended Yang Gui's teaching work, but only suspended. There are a lot of netizens on the Internet who are on Lin Shu and Lin Yiming's side, but those netizens who support them can't feel the pressure from all directions, they can say this very clearly, or Is it scolding or questioning.

   But some people can’t, or they don’t dare.

  Moreover, even if some people can't feel the pressure, they still look on the sidelines, thinking that Lin Shu's public concern on the Internet is asking for hardship.

  Former company office.

   Those former colleagues naturally know what happened recently at Shonan University in Star City, especially since it is still so popular on the Internet, and they will talk about it from time to time.

   "Heh, Lin Shu is still too young, so it won't do him any good at all."

   A colleague shook his head and said with a sigh: "He doesn't want to think about how he can be against them now in school."

   "I think he is also a little young and energetic, too reckless, and still don't understand."

   Tan Yan curled his lips and said, "He is not young and vigorous, but simply stupid. The school will definitely not end like this, and I don't know what he thinks."

   "Yes, don’t look at this matter now that it is very popular on the Internet, but the memory of the Internet will soon disappear. After a while, the heat of this matter will go down, and you can deal with him how you want to deal with him."

   "That's right, maybe he won't have anything right now, but when things get hot, he will really be in trouble. If you don't know what to do with him, it may be really difficult to graduate."

   "Oh, young, still too young!"

   "Hey, he is a graduate student who has finally passed the exam. It would be a shame if he couldn't graduate."

   Huang Wen on the side heard the conversation, and he only felt very ear-piercing. He didn't know what qualifications these people had to say that Lin Shu was too young to understand, young and energetic, and reckless.

   actually said that Lin Shu was stupid!

   saying these cold words here one by one really made him very annoyed.

   "Can you stop talking, did he make a mistake? If it weren't for Lin Shu, that young man would really have died."

   As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people who were still discussing in the office were embarrassed for a moment. Of course, they also watched the video of Lin Shu saving the young man. It was really shocking.

   They also knew in their hearts that Lin Shu did not do anything wrong in this matter, but this is how the world is, and the right to determine the boundary between right and wrong is in the hands of those people.

   But at least because of Huang Wen's words, these few people at the scene stopped discussing those cool words.

   Huang Wen was sitting in his office. He was a little worried about Lin Shu. In fact, he also knew that just like those people said, when the enthusiasm for this matter goes down, it is really easy for those people to grasp Lin Shu.

   Huang Wen didn't know what Lin Shu was thinking, or how much pressure Lin Shu was facing at this moment.

   sighed and worried.


   In fact, just as those former colleagues in the office said about the discussion, there are also some people at the school who are discussing this way. Of course, they are also full of indignation, but they also know very well that they are here. They must bow their heads and be dumb honestly.

   Shonan University, School of Law.

   "Yichun, don't you go and read Lin Shu?"

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Yichun couldn't help but froze, and immediately understood what the classmates next to her meant when she asked her. She had been contacting Lin Shu before, especially after Lin Shu rescued the senior Lin Yiming, the Internet has been online. Praise Lin Shu, she also went to Lin Shu.

  It's just the forest book behind...

   Now the school has forbidden to discuss this matter, but Lin Shu still talked about that concern on the Internet, it is simply a face slap.

   This is obviously having trouble with school.

  Yes, she didn't understand what Lin Shu thought, and she had to fight against the school. This was a bit self-defeating.

   She admitted that she admired Lin Shu's courage a little in her heart, but she was not as stupid as Lin Shu, she didn't want to cause trouble to her upper body, so she asked for trouble.

   Don't look at this thing so hot now, but it will definitely be settled later in the fall, it will definitely be very troublesome, after all, Lin Shu really made the faces of the people in the school.

   She still wants to graduate to take the postgraduate entrance exam.

   Jiang Yichun shook his head and said, "No, I have asked him before, it's nothing."

   "Moreover, our relationship is not as familiar as you think."

   As soon as these words came out, the eyes of several students next to each other gathered, and their eyes were somewhat meaningful.


In fact, Lin Shu knows that behind the silent eyes cast at him, there are discussions. In those discussions, there is respect for him, but there is also pity for him. The pressure is not only the pressure that the head of the department Zhou Bo put on him. , Now the surrounding environment also gives him a lot of invisible pressure.

   Even if Lin Shu tried his best to let himself ignore the pressure, there was not a lot of pressure from all directions.

Just like at this moment, Lin Shu is still sitting in the classroom, and the eyes of the teacher in the college will fall on him from time to time. He can't see how meaningful the eyes are behind them, but that kind of gaze makes him feel that he is very different. , Faintly even have a very depressed feeling.

   Lin Shu knows that the school will not simply end its care for him, and I don't know what kind of care will be waiting for him later.

   The surrounding area is not quiet, those eyes are exploring.

   Lin Shu could even hear some voices. Those suppressed voices made him a little uncomfortable, and he was not at all pressure-free.

【careful! The Lv3 stress monster is whispering at you, and its ferocious eyes lock you! 】

   Lin Shu has a certain amount of pressure in his heart, he can feel this monster behind him, no, it should be lurking in all directions.

  【Stress Monster】: The skill is stress swallowing, physical and mental torture, causing people to collapse. Remarks: The body is invisible, one-sided and double-sided.

  A monster is whispering.

   Lin Shu's eyes are still firm.

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