In the face of such a lovely and charming [Green Tea Essence], Lin Shu did not kill him after all. After all, what is wrong with [Green Tea Essence].

   is just a little cute and moving, let it continue to sway in the wind.

   Lin Shu feels that he shouldn't be so inhumane and cruel. After all, [Green Tea Jing] didn't hurt him, on the contrary, he always cared for him in her unique way.

   Fighting is not good after all.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you turned your face and ruthlessly destroyed the flowers, slapped Lv1 to seduce the fox demon, and gained 1. experience +158; 2. experience +15.]

   Lin Shu crackled, typing quickly in reply to reject Jiang Yichun’s invitation.

   Still don't get close, although it is very beautiful, but no matter how beautiful and touching, a line of text pops up from time to time, and a fragrance of tea floats out, which still makes him a little unable to adapt.

   This is his fault, he is allergic to green tea, it is definitely not [green tea essence]’s fault.

   Green tea is innocent, and the fragrance of tea refreshes one's heart.


   Lin Shu honestly learned from the morning running exercise.

Because the scores of objective questions in the law test were spread in the school, Lin Shu found that more classmates came to talk to him during the morning run, especially the number of female classmates, and occasionally someone took the initiative to greet him, of course, it did not look like the one in the wall of confession. That kind of enthusiasm, at best, it is just wanting to add him to WeChat.

   After Lin Shuchen ran, he still went to class honestly.

   Although he said that he would still see the [Cannibal], Lin Shu tried hard to ignore it.

Of course, Lin Shu also thought about **** this [cannibal], but he also knew very well that in the place of moral education, where the tutors talked, many tutors are more or less oppressing and squeezing students, but The other instructors weren't scared to this point, and there was no line of "cannibalism" floating on their heads.

   Lin Shu didn't expect a particularly good way to deal with this [Cannibal], of course, because this [Cannibal] had very little contact with him, and only one class a week.

   Lin Shu looked away from [Cannibal], looked at the book, and took notes.

   One class time passed unconsciously.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you continue to check in for 1 hour in class, gain 1. Experience +1590; 2. Gold Coins +158. 】

   Gaining these experience points from this class, Lin Shu is ready to take the book and prepare to leave.

   At exactly this time, his former colleague Huang Wen called him.

   "Brother Lin, I'm at the school gate."

   "Okay, I will come right after class is over."

   After speaking, Lin Shu walked towards the school gate.

   Huang Wen did not go to work today, so he called about Lin Shu to have dinner at Shonan University.

   Actually, Lin Shu didn't know how to make an appointment with him, so naturally he didn't refuse, so he made an appointment at the food court in front of the school.

   found a shop, Huang Wen hadn't seen Lin Shu for a while.

   Today, he happened to have something to do near the annex, so he thought of Yue Lin Shu to have a meal and chat, or to say that he was talking about it.

   "Brother Lin, I really envy you, you are so kind now."

Huang Wen admired Lin Shu from his heart, and he was equally envious. Whether it was Lin Shu resigning very decisively, or successfully taking the postgraduate entrance examination, or Lin Shu going to travel, he passed the law test not long ago, but he learned about it online. A bit about the difficulty of the law test.

   For the senior Lin Shu, he can score 246 points, but he can only kneel down. It's really too strong.

   "Brother Lin, I asked for leave for an interview today. It's a company on the school side."

   Lin Shu was a little surprised, but not particularly surprised.

   After all, it's normal to resign and change jobs.

As soon as Huang Wen talked about his plan to resign, he was full of words and wanted to make complaints, and said, "Brother Lin, you really went too in time. You don't even know how terrible the company is now, even if the benefits are not good. , And madly asking us to work overtime, and to engage in the last elimination system. In fact, this is nothing."

   "I also need to rank overtime hours. Those who have less attendance time will be interviewed. It feels like I'm going to drink tea in violation of the law."

   "The most terrible thing is that it also organizes a monthly job performance mutual evaluation ranking every month, which is to rank office colleagues anonymously."

   Lin Shu actually heard about this again, and when he first heard about it, he thought it was incredible.

   This inner scroll is really getting scarier.

   The upper echelon actually transferred the contradiction and asked employees to rank each other anonymously, which is really terrifying.

   "It's really getting more and more serious. It's simply letting us kill each other first. It's too shameless."

   Lin Shu listened to Huang Wen's anger and helplessness, and felt a little sympathetic, especially when the newcomer in front of him had a lot of fleece in front of him. He couldn't help but said: "Look a little bit, you are leaving your job."

   "I'm just annoying, I just feel sick, they just transfer the contradiction to the bottom."

   Lin Shuxin has relatives, and feels scared. Fortunately, he left early, so there is no need to go through such a thing.

  If he is still there, I'm afraid he will experience this horrible thing too.

   This is all about transforming class contradictions into contradictions among the people. It's really absolute.

   The brain is really a good thing, and Lin Shu has to admire those who came up with such a mutual evaluation system.

   He really didn't expect to get to this point. Although he has always used the most malicious way to speculate about capitalists, he didn't expect it and didn't believe it would be so cruel.

   cruel, really cruel!

too frightening!

   Lin Shu has a sense of fortunate escape.

   Regarding Huang Wen's experience, and the colleagues in the previous office, Lin Shu can only toast and express sympathy.

【Danger! The negative energy ghost skills are released, and a large wave of negative energy aura strikes at you, to encircle and corrode you! 】


   Lin Shu was taken aback, very surprised, without any precautions.

Huang Wen's face was gloomy, his negative energy aura rose horribly, and he continued to complain: "I have had enough, and I have to add half a day on Sunday. Now this mutual evaluation ranking is really disgusting. I don't respect people at all. The key is that. The mutual evaluation form also clearly says Respect and Responsibility."

"I've had enough!"


   Listening to Huang Wen's endless complaints and complaints, Lin Shu already felt something was wrong, and the strong negative energy aura burst out. Looking at Huang Wen's head again, he didn't know when a line of text appeared.

  【LV20 Negative Energy Ghost】: The skill is negative energy radiation, and the negative energy breath envelopes infection.

Lin Shu was taken aback. He looked at Huang Wen in front of him. It wasn't the vigorous, energetic, sunny and cheerful newcomer who had just joined the company. .

   This is much higher level than Qi Yuan’s [Negative Energy Ghost] back then!

   Lin Shu did not have the heart to kill, only sympathy.

   A young man alive, what has gone through, was forced to be like this.

   I was forced to become a ghost this whole life!


   "Fuck his respect!"

   "They are all cannibal capitalists!"

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