Lin Shu knows that besides Aunt Wang, there are still many people who are not optimistic about his resignation for the postgraduate entrance examination. After all, they have been working for several years, and it is simply tossing about it to go for the postgraduate entrance examination.

   For these dissatisfaction and concern, Lin Shu knows that the best response is success.

  Only by success, can we define whether it is correct or not.

   Originally, Lin Shu planned to stay at home for a period of time and planned to travel, but when he thought of the postgraduate entrance examination, Lin Shu naturally had to prepare well. He was quite confident that he would pass the national route. The big deal was to transfer to another school.

   As for traveling, after the retest anyway, if everything goes well, he will be admitted and he will not be able to enroll until September. Among them, there is still a long time to go out and play.

   More importantly, Lin Shu also plans to take the legal professional qualification examination this year, which naturally requires some preparation.

  Lin Shu also deliberately ordered a lot of legal books on the Internet, so I thought I would study hard later.

   Although it is said that Lin Shu now has [four-rate legal skills], we still have to prepare well. After all, there are still many test sites that need to be consolidated.

Illegal undergraduates can also participate in the legal professional qualification examination. Although the latter policy does not know what will become, at least now Lin Shu has found out that the objective questions can be tested around September. The law examination is divided into objective questions and subjective questions. For the content of the test, the objective test is in September, and the subjective test is in October.

The passing rate of the legal professional qualification examination is very low. Eight courses need to be reviewed. There are many systems in each course and a lot of knowledge is required. You must be familiar with civil law, criminal law, procedural law, commercial law, international law, administrative law, etc. The framework of the theoretical method, the detailed knowledge, the golden test sites and the new test sites also need to be studied by Lin Shu.

   Fortunately, Lin Shu used [Copy Gloves] to gain lawyer Jiang’s legal skills experience, and I am still very confident of passing this exam.

   However, seeing the piles of legal professional books in front of him, Lin Shu could not help but feel a little headache. Fortunately, he still has two bottles of [Memory Potion] to use, which is not difficult.

   successfully upgraded to [Lv26], the mysterious gift opened was also a bottle of [memory potion], I have to say that Lin Shu was a little disappointed.

   In his heart, he is looking forward to exploding more powerful equipment.

   It’s just that it is obvious that no artifact like the [Eye of Prophecy] has exploded again.

【Ding! You have triggered a dungeon task: deliberately practice legal skills, use legal weapons, and aspire to pass the legal professional qualification examination. You will receive corresponding rewards depending on the completion time and circumstances. 】

  [Task Level: Normal]

   Okay, here's another dungeon task.

   But for this branch dungeon task, Lin Shu feels that the difficulty level of the task is very ordinary, and the difficulty is not great.

   It seems that he is really floating. He, this illegal book, would actually think that it is easy to pass the legal professional qualification examination. If this is known by those law students, they don't know what it will be fixed.

   Lin Shu felt that the previous dungeon task hadn't been completed yet, and another dungeon task came later, and he couldn't help feeling a little pressure.

   So, study hard and break these two dungeon missions!

   Lin Shu, as always, runs 3 kilometers in the morning, insists on studying for at least two hours a day, brushing up on experience to practice...

   Unknowingly, Lin Shu, who has been idle at home like this, has been concerned about by the folks and elders until the day when the written test results of the first level of the first dungeon mission are announced.

   February 15, 2020, this time to announce the results of the postgraduate entrance examination, it can also be said that the last answer was given a year ago.

  Many postgraduate entrance examination parties are looking forward to it, and Lin Shu is also looking forward to it. He hopes to successfully pass the first level.

  The gods from all walks of life bless him to pass the written test.

   Lin Shu took his admission ticket number to log on to the Shonan University Graduate Admissions Network and inquired about his grades, and then Lin Shu was shocked.

   Ideological and Political Theory: 88

   English 1: 92

   Math 1: 133

  Professional Courses: 140

   Overall score/professional ranking: 453/1

  Shonan University Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, first in the first test!

  First in the first test!

  453 points!

  The four-character head!





Lin Shu was a little excited and a little nervous at the same time. This was his test result. He was excited and crazy. Lin Shu was worried that he had read it wrong. After reading it again and again, the result showed was exactly like this. This is true. That made Lin Shu a little drifting.

   Why did you get the first place in the first exam?

   I really didn’t expect it!

   Can you try to go to the two top universities in Yanjing?

   Knowing that he is so good a long time ago, you should look higher.

   No wonder the system will set the difficulty level of his dungeon task as [Normal].

   Why is he so good?

   Lin Shu really didn't expect that he would accidentally take the first place in the first test. It really made him feel a little floaty, and he felt like he was about to fly.

   Unimaginable results, his strength is so strong.

   I never thought that the first level of this dungeon mission was so good!

   It seems that his strength really broke through with one punch and opened the first It is absolutely powerful.

   Now this result is really something Lin Shu didn't expect. This feeling is really cool.

However, Lin Shu thought that he had taken the postgraduate entrance examination in a nude, every day, killing monsters and rejecting those [Temptation Fox Monsters], insisting on studying, studying for three months, and the bottle of [Memory Potion], Lin Shu felt like this again. The results are taken for granted.

   Who else can wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning every day to go for a morning jog, then study, and then lie on the sofa leisurely and let the [Little Puppet Man] cut fruit for him, just insisting on this for three months.

   During that time, I got up at 6 o’clock and went for a morning run, constantly reviewing experience, learning, and then constantly endorsing, reviewing questions, killing monsters, reviewing experience, reviewing questions, and finally drinking [sleeping pills]...

   The practice of retreat for more than three months is really too hard. Lin Shu feels that he is really strong in spirit and can persist. Okay (╯▽╰), it’s not so hard, just insisting.

   I am so happy!

   Excited Lin Shu did not hesitate, forgiving his tacky thoughts, he quickly took a screenshot of his postgraduate entrance examination results, and after a long period of time, he posted his postgraduate entrance examination score in the circle of friends, and added a simple word——

   "happy (*^▽^*

  The Lin Shu Moments, who disappeared for a long time, said that it is not a positive energy chicken soup literature, but it is a naked show off.

  The mechanical engineering department of Shonan University ranked first in the preliminary test results!

   453 points total!

   Political 88 points!

   92 points in English!

   133 points in math!


   First try!

   This really blows up the entire circle of friends.


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