Lin Shu did not expect [Devil Trading Scale] to be such a terrible item. Although the item is really amazing, especially the ability to see through people's minds, it is really terrible.

   He doesn't want to trade his own organs, and he is not the one who wants to buy kidneys.

  A pair of eyeballs is worth four million?

   Lin Shu thought for a while, and then didn't dare to think about it.

   If this is really very short of money, maybe the devil will take advantage of the fire and make a deal.

too frightening!

   The devil really deserves to be the devil!

   If you really want to trade something, Lin Shu suddenly thought of one thing——

   "Devil, I am willing to exchange my ten-year single for me to get rich overnight."

   The devil woman obviously did not expect Lin Shu to say such a thing.

   "Your ten years of being single is worthless."



   My ten years of being single are worthless?

What does it mean?

   Lin Shu felt that he had been stabbed. It was not very harmful, but it was extremely insulting.

   Why is it worthless?

   He used him to be single for ten years.

   Why do you a devil who likes women's clothing say this? Don't think that you can insult me ​​if you look good.

   His ten years of being single is definitely not worthless.

   He was mentally prepared and planned to use him for ten years of single transactions, but he didn't expect to be lonely in the transaction, nothing.

   Of course, being single for ten years is inherently lonely.

   The devil woman is full of allure, with a faintly fatal voice in her voice. She smiled and said, "You can use your ten-year life to trade."

   Ten-year life span?

   Lin Shu's heart is stagnant.

   A ten-year life span. This year he is twenty-four. Want him to replace it with a ten-year life span?

   This is a bit bad, the key is I don’t know how many years I can live, if I can only live for 30 years, then it’s too bad.

   Lin Shu shook his head, ditched the absurd and terrifying thoughts in his mind, and suddenly asked, "How much can I trade for my one-year lifespan?"

"one million."

   Hemp egg!

   My life span in one year is only worth one million?

   This is too little.

   Lin Shu asked again, "Does it dollar?"


   Lin Shu's heart is stagnant.

   I don't think I should ask any more, I feel hurt every time I ask.

   It seems that the level is still too low, not good.

   How could he trade his one-year life span for one million, he is definitely not such a person.

   Lin Shu waved his hand, motioned to the devil woman to leave, and said directly: "Forget it, I still don't make a deal for now."

   The devil woman smiled and shook her head, and said, "You wake up the devil, how can you let the devil go away easily."

   Lin Shu was taken aback, some unexpected devil and the devil would actually say this, is it necessary to make a deal?

   Isn’t this a forced transaction?

   Lin Shu suddenly thought of what the devil said to him, that talent, soul, body and life can be traded. If body and life skip, then how should talent and soul trade?

   "Devil, my talent can also be traded? Then what talent can I trade?"

   "Your knowledge, your talents, your abilities, including literature, calligraphy, painting, sculpture, architecture, music, dance, drama, film, folk art... etc..."

   "What you said doesn't seem to have much to do with me. My knowledge must not be traded, and I still have to learn."

   Lin Shu felt that he didn't have any special talents.

   Of course, even if he has any talent, he is not willing to trade. After all, talent is so precious, why do you want to trade if you don’t have much money.

   "Then what can my soul trade?"

   "Your emotions, memories, and the light and darkness of your soul."

  Emotion and memory?

   Lin Shuxin was taken aback, inexplicably felt that this might be more terrifying than trading his body, all his memories and emotions shaped him as a whole.

   If he loses a certain aspect of emotion and memory, will he still be who he is now?

   Lin Shu shook his head, he didn't want to lose this.

The devil didn’t see through Lin Shu’s mind, but just continued: “Young man, you own the light and darkness of your soul. You can trade for good and bad, including your shamelessness, selfishness, cunning, hypocrisy, and indifference. ,cowardly……"

   "The devil prefers your darkness, it smells good."

   The gloomy and excited woman's voice is full of temptation, full of seduction, as if someone is touching his ear gently, very exciting.

   Lin Shu's heart is beating.

  Why can the darkness be traded?

   "Then my light means—?"

   "Laughable sense of justice, funny empathy, cheap kindness, bravery, honesty..."

   The voice of the beautiful stunner was scornful.

   "Why are these cheap?"

   Lin Shu doesn't understand why these beautiful ones are cheaper.

   "Young people, those in the devil's world are ridiculous, useless, and funny, don't you think so?"

   "No, it's not."

   "Then trade your dark side with me, the devil loves your shamelessness."

   is also an alluring tone.

   Lin Shu felt a little uneasy inexplicably, and blurted out: "I don't want to trade for the time being."

   The devil woman heard Lin Shu’s words, and the smile on her entire face disappeared in an her face became ferocious and ferocious.

   A glamorous face slowly split from the middle, like a human skin torn apart, but no blood came out.

Gradually, dark stones slowly emerged, eroding the beautiful face of the woman bit by bit. The original beautiful face of the woman's face became terrifying and terrifying. From the beauty skin, the first thing appeared again. In the stone statue of the devil, the human skin of the woman gradually tore off and disappeared.

   The devil's stone is like a hideous face with his mouth wide open, just like howling faintly, like an angry roar.

   In the suppressed roar, the stone statue gradually became smaller and turned into the original devil statue, holding the unfair trade scale motionlessly.

   Lin Shu was taken aback again, his hair was erected all over, and the [Devil Trading Scale] was still in the original position of the inventory, and the devil's eyes were staring at him.

   Lin Shu shuddered. It was really scary. All these bells and whistles didn't know what to do. They could only make people scared and didn't dare to make a deal.

  Lin Shu no longer looks at this same unused [Devil Trading Scale].

   He felt that this item was something he couldn't afford to provoke, and it was better not to trade it lightly. Lin Shu knew very well that this matter was definitely not that simple.

   He felt that he still shouldn't believe the devil without clarifying the trading principles. After all, the devil is the best at manipulating people's hearts.

   If you want to get it, you have to lose it first. No matter how you look at it, the devil will not be a philanthropist, and will definitely not have any good intentions.

   That trading scale has never been fair.

   The tilted trading scale.

   Lin Shu is inexplicably panic, if he really deals with his shamelessness, selfishness, cunning, hypocrisy, indifference, cowardice...

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