Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 38: Awakened Marquis

"Let's go!" Alex didn't care about the etiquette of the nobles at this time, turned around and walked inside.

Count Gremory glanced at the two doctors behind him, then the three entered the room together, and the door closed again.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

As soon as you enter the room, the first is the pungent herbal smell from Marquis Elena on the bed.

The Marquis was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, his hair was brown, and his face was wrinkled by the years, but even so, he could feel a faint majesty.

But the situation for the marquis looked very bad at this time.

The bluish veins on the arms were bluish-purple, even the lips were dark black, and around the bed were the family members of the marquis.

Some were crying at the foot of the bed with sadness, others were standing by, watching everything, and there was an expression of undisguised excitement on their faces that made Gremory wonder if the same would be true when he died.

On the other side, the two doctors brought by the Earl of Gremory have gone up to check.

They gently lifted the Marquis's eyelids, and they could see that the Marquis's eyes had no gods, and then the two discussed it, and then began to try to heal.

half an hour.

The Earl of Gremory watched the two busy themselves, and they also experimented with the Earl's blood sample, but it didn't work at all.

Alex watched all this and closed his eyes.

He had seen the same steps many times, but it didn't work at all.

He suddenly felt that it shouldn't go on like this.

"forget it!"

In the quiet room, Alex spoke.

The two doctors stopped and looked at each other a little helplessly. After testing, the poison in the Marquis' body was very tenacious and could not be removed. It would be fine if the Marquis was a knight, but unfortunately he is just an ordinary person.

"I'm sorry, Lord Count." The two walked towards Count Gremory, bowing their heads.

"I'll send you off." Alex muttered.

The Count of Gremory hesitated. His hand reached into his pocket, and he seemed to hesitate to take out the bottle of medicine, because he didn't know whether it was really useful.

"I still have a bottle of potion here. I got it by accident last year, and it may be able to detoxify!" Count Gremory finally took out the potion.

? ?

Alex looked at the blue-purple liquid in the potion bottle held by the Count and was silent.

Others also looked at the potion, showing a strange look, how could this potion really detoxify.

"Try it." Count Gremory also knew that this was really outrageous, but he still said this sentence in a mysterious way.

"Okay, try." Alex hesitated and nodded.

The last time, just the last time.

Two doctors took blood samples. At this time, the blood was abnormally black. The Count opened the medicine and lowered it a little.

Tick ​​tock!

Just one drop, the blue-purple medicine entered the red-black blood.

Change is sudden.

The blood turned red, and a layer of black material appeared on the blood.

? ?

"My God!" Alex's eyes widened.

Others also had expressions of disbelief.

Alex took a few steps forward, took the blood, and put it in front of his eyes. It was a healthy red color, which made him feel a little trembling all over his body.

"Quick, give it to father!"

Of course, taking it can't be so sloppy. After the medicine has been tested and it is determined that it is harmless to the human body, it is only given to the Marquis.

Everyone looked at the Marquis and seemed to want to see something change.


A mouthful of dark black blood slowly flowed out of the Marquis's mouth, and the Marquis's body began to tremble with fingers and then limbs. Following the flow of blood, the Marquis opened his eyes slowly.

Everyone witnessed all this and dared not speak up.

When the Marquis made a sound, Alex was the first to cheer.

Meanwhile, outside the room.

Earl Munch was chatting with several other earls.

"I told you, the Marquis probably won't be able to survive, we have to prepare."

"Indeed, the monastery and Dr. Rob can't do anything. It seems that there is no help." An earl nodded.

"Teacher, let's go!" said the elegant young man behind the monastery woman.

The woman headed by the monastery nodded.

With their failure this time, they had completely lost hope of saving the Marquis, and after discussing it, they were also ready to leave.

But when they hadn't walked out the door, suddenly, there was a loud noise behind them.

The Marquis' door opened, and a man ran out, shouting, "The Marquis is awake, the Marquis is awake."

Everyone was stunned.

The noisy conference room fell into silence in an instant.

After a few seconds, it returned to normal.

Earl Munch stood there, as if he couldn't believe this fact. How could this be possible? How could the Earl of Gremory solve such a terrible and poisonous thing?

And Rob, who was confident before, also frowned and expressed his doubts in life: "Are my two students so good?"

The monastery also want to know the specific news.

How can such a complex poison be cured? Really do not know how to deal with the relationship between each toxicity.

For a time, everyone in the entire room, from the count to the doctor, had their own thoughts and questions.

No one knows whether the Marquis is really good, and how.

the next day.

Eli gets news that Elena Marquis has recovered.

"It looks like the purple irises have fallen." Eli smiled and continued to experiment.

In the next half month, King's Landing was surging.

The news of the marquis waking up had a bigger impact than Eli imagined. Such a violent poison could not be natural. After the marquis’s thunderous search, it was an earl’s family who got the poison. They secretly mixed it into the marquis’ food. Mixed with poison.

This matter has a great impact, not only is an earl's family removed directly, but also, why would an earl dare to poison the marquis?

And considering that the Elena family is still the family that controls the important iron ore of the empire, the truth behind this, thinking about it, makes people feel full of scalp.

This also made Eli even more fortunate that he was not directly involved in this matter.

He is just an ordinary librarian.

During this period of time, the Count did not ask Eli about the purple irises, and Eli was not in a hurry. The Count sent him a letter, telling him that he would come to him when the storm passed.

In the blink of an eye, another month passed.

The Earl of Gremory did find him, but instead of bringing the purple irises that Eli wanted, he brought another message.

Marquis Elena wants to see him.

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