Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 101 The Journal of Salin Metatlin

new calendar.

First Age 3010

"I have come to the territory of the shadow monitor lizard bloodline warlock. The environment here is good, and there are many interesting materials. I plan to live here in secret for a while.

I merged with the blood of a shadow-type monster, so those warlocks couldn't tell the difference at all, they just thought I was their kind. On the surface, I got along well with them, but in my heart I despised these warlocks who had completely lost their will to explore the truth .

They are no longer worthy of being called wizards. "

The first page of the journal appears to be Salin Metatlin arriving at a place and then preparing to live there.

But what do you mean?

Warlocks should be just one type of wizards, why would Salin say that they lost the will to explore the truth.

It's a bit strange and I don't quite understand it.

Eli continued to look down.

"Oh, I heard that a small wizarding site was found nearby. It may be the site of the former college here. Maybe I can find some good things from there."

"Well, it's completely abandoned there, and it's already been searched for, so there's nothing of value, disappointing."

"Today, I found out that there seems to be a small wizarding force here. I was so surprised. There are still wizarding forces here. I want to find them. I need more knowledge."

"I secretly participated in their exchange meeting, it was really great, this kind of knowledge collision feeling!"

Between the lines, Eli could also feel the psychological changes in Salin at this time.

First of all, they explored a wizard ruin, and then found wizard forces and participated in the exchange meeting.

Everything looks normal, but it doesn't make sense at all.

Why are you so happy to find out about a small wizarding force? Could it be that there is no wizarding force nearby, but didn't he join the warlock's territory before?

Isn't this the act of looking for glasses while wearing glasses?

"Strange!" Eli frowned.

This diary confused him at the very beginning, which was why he had no understanding of the wizarding world at all. How should I put it, the wizarding world seemed a little different from Eli's imagination.

Eli looked down curiously.

Most of the things that followed were all kinds of things that happened in the warlock territory, including some temporary camps, exploration, research and so on.

It seems to be all normal, but Eli always feels a faint...cautious?

Yes, it seems to be cautious.

It seemed that he was afraid of being exposed, and he always showed up as a warlock, and the reason for his fusion of blood also kept him from being exposed at all, but something happened later.

"First Era 3015, damn it, with the improvement of my spiritual power, my lifespan is speeding up, damn it, I have to think of a way."

"Well, I have nothing to do. Maybe I should take the path of a warlock from the beginning. Although I chose to advance to the wizard and then integrate the blood of a warlock, which is indeed stronger, but I also lost a lot of what a warlock can have. , It’s a pity that I didn’t understand the disadvantages of wizards at that time, no, it’s not the disadvantages of wizards, but the disadvantages of this world.”

"If I want to survive, I don't have much choice. Either go to the dark, continue to advance, and break through the second ring. At that time, my vitality will increase again, or choose some other means."

Will the improvement of mental power increase the loss of vitality?

Seeing this, Eli already deeply understands that this is absolutely wrong.

Why the increase in mental power will consume life force faster is simply outrageous.

This is completely against the law!

"It's not right, I don't know what common sense knowledge should be in it." Eli knew there was a problem, but he didn't know where it was?

Just like no one would write in a log that walking requires legs.

Sarin Metatlin did not enter the reason why this happened in the journal either.

Eli took a deep breath to keep himself calm.

If not, analyze it yourself.

Sarin's journal mentions the promotion of warlocks and integration into the bloodline after promotion.

Through previous studies, Eli also knows the difference between the two.

The former is directly integrated into the bloodline when advancing to the first ring, and then it is mainly based on digging the bloodline. It will get the talent of bloodline witchcraft, and basically give up other aspects, especially the elemental. After all, the bloodline will directly affect the wizard, and many elements directly cannot application.

But there are also advantages. This will completely inherit the power of the bloodline, and the lifespan will be greatly enhanced, far exceeding that of ordinary wizards.

The latter is based on the wizard as the main body, and then integrates into the blood and uses the blood. This is just using the blood as a tool to use him. It will not be much different from the previous one, that is, there is no blood. Innate witchcraft, and lifespan growth will only be normal.

The former is like a heretic among wizards, relying on the power of blood, and does not have a strong desire for knowledge, while the latter is to dig knowledge.

There is a sentence that describes it like this.

A warlock's power comes from blood, while a wizard's power comes from knowledge.

However, the warlock in the log seems to be more extreme, and he even described it as completely losing the will to explore the truth, which is very strange.

Because even if it is a warlock, there are very few warlocks who are so extreme.

There are also disadvantages of combining the back world.

Eli faintly felt that there might be a problem in this world.

"Is there a problem in this world?" Eli was taken aback by his own thoughts. After all, this idea is too whimsical, even outrageous.

"It shouldn't be, no, it's okay." Eli was confused.

In fact, he discovered that he actually knew nothing about this world.

His exploration of this world is still in the mortal world such as the Byrne Empire, but is the real world of wizards, or the extraordinary world, really what he thinks?

This is an unknown.

"Forget it, keep reading." Knowing that there is a problem, but it doesn't solve anything, Eli decided to continue reading.

"I participated in the blood sacrifice of wizards. They seem to want to exchange life force with unknown existences through this method. I resist this idea, because real wizards should be seekers of truth.

But I finally said yes.

The blood sacrifice has begun, damn it, we've been found.

Warlocks discovered our "evil" deeds, and I was hunted down, but fortunately, I managed to escape. "

This group of wizards seems to be bothered by the speed of life force loss, so they used blood sacrifices. Is this why they were hunted down? It does seem a bit evil!

At this time, Eli didn't think so much anymore, so let's wait until after reading it.

"I escaped."

"But I was promoted too late, and my vitality was indeed not enough."

"However, I found a secret realm of Antonio, the four-ring true spirit wizard 5,000 years ago. The location is in the west, a place called the southern desert. There is no place that wizards are willing to go to. It is a barren land."

"This is a wizard who is still left after the cataclysm. I heard that the secret realm can also slow down the speed of life, and there may be remnants of true spirit wizards in it. It is said that there is a life-extending panacea. I decided to go."

"Southern desert, here I come!"

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