Eternal Tranquility

Chapter 496 Carelessness and Danger

Huge spiritual power poured into the jade talisman like a torrent. Liu Qinghuan observed the reaction of the jade talisman. More than half of the lines on it had already lit up, emitting an extremely sharp light that made it almost impossible to look directly at it or get close to it.

The spiritual power was draining away faster than he imagined. It was different from writing the lines on the animal skin. At that time, it was slowly extracted step by step, but now it was like a flood that had opened.

In terms of preparation, the former is like making a rune, while the latter is activating the already made rune.

This makes Liu Qinghuan both happy and worried. What makes Liu Qinghuan happy is that judging from the current reaction of the jade talisman, its power is undoubtedly very powerful. The worry is that just activating it requires so much spiritual power, and the speed is far from fast, so its usefulness in the ever-changing battle is very limited.

Moreover, if he wanted to make another one, he didn't know if his current cultivation level could support it.

Production is obviously more spiritually intensive than activation.

These concerns flashed through his mind. Liu Qinghuanxu observed the jade talisman in mid-air and took note of all the changes.

The remaining 20% ​​of his spiritual power didn't last long, and he finally ran out when only half of the lines were left.

Liu Qinghuan decisively cut off the spiritual power and continued to transmit it. The unactivated jade talisman shone for a while, and all the light gradually faded.

Although I still don’t know what these weird words are, it’s good to figure out their purpose.

Liu Qinghuan sat cross-legged in the aquatic wood energy formation, holding two green wood spirit stones in his hands, and began to restore his bottomed mana. It took three days to adjust his condition to the best.

After that, he walked around the Songxi Cave Sky Map. Everything in the teahouse was as usual, no one came to cause trouble, and no big news happened. The Eagle's Nest City still had a depressed but calm atmosphere.

After dealing with some trivial matters, he returned to the quiet room in the picture again.

First, sit quietly and collect your mind, get rid of all distracting thoughts, and make the spiritual platform clear and clear.

The next thing requires his full attention, and there is no room for any negligence.

The pure incense in the corner burned quietly, and the smoke slowly dispersed. Liu Qinghuan slowly opened his eyes, the light in his eyes was restrained, like the deep starry sky on a summer night.

Jumping up, he came to the center of the quiet room, flicked his sleeves, and a piece of extremely fine spiritual jade was placed in front of him at half a person's height. Liu Qinghuan pointed like a knife, brushed it a few times, and then It was cut into the same shape as the jade talisman.

Regarding the materials, he had studied them carefully. The three items all seemed ordinary, yellow cloth, animal skin, and jade charms, but they were all made of materials that Liu Qinghuan had never come into contact with.

This situation is very similar to the original version of "The Sutra of Sitting and Forgetting Immortality". They are both made of seemingly ordinary materials, but are unusually tough. Liu Qinghuan had to suspect that there were rules that he couldn't understand for the time being, so that ordinary things could change their characteristics.

This can no longer be classified as coincidence or accident, because the biggest thing they have in common is that they are all carriers of some kind of text. The Sutra of Sitting and Forgetting the Immortality was written in the Yunmeng Zezhengxian script, while the animal skins and other texts were written in an unknown script.

So Liu Qinghuan tried his best to find a piece of spiritual jade that was similar to the material of the jade talisman, hoping that his guess would be successful.

After sharpening the jade talisman, he did not use the brush again this time, but directly concentrated his spiritual power on his fingertips and firmly carved the first point.

The jade talisman is only three inches long, but there are many lines on it, which makes it much more difficult. Not only can there be no mistakes in the middle, but it also requires very precise and detailed control of spiritual power.

There can be no deviation in the position of each small dot, and the length of each curve cannot be one point longer or one point less. Liu Qinghuan's mind is extremely focused, and the fingers of the pen are as steady as a rock, and a very thin cyan light thread is wrapped around it. Holding the blank jade talisman in mid-air, he carved strokes on it.

The jade talisman rotated back and forth, both light and heavy, and was slowly engraved with nearly half of the lines.

Liu Qinghuan calmed down, and then the whole production process really began.

With the slight movement of the fingertips, the spiritual power is no longer just wrapped around the surface of the jade talisman, but integrated into the lines. The light filaments also gradually thickened into beams, until they turned into torrents.

The sharp energy was strong again, the sound of Qingyue's sword seemed to ring in his ears, and a strange scene appeared in front of his eyes.

As if in a vast wilderness, the sky and the earth were dim. The wildly dancing wind made a sharp whistling sound and was raging everywhere. Black ghostly shadows ran through the flying sand and rocks, and a strong bloody smell began to permeate the air.

Because of the slight dizziness and emptiness caused by the rapid withdrawal of spiritual power, and then being aroused by the bloody smell, Liu Qinghuan almost lost her mind.

He bit the tip of his tongue sharply, and the taste of rust filled his mouth. His eyes shone with light, and he cut away the illusion and returned to the jade talisman in mid-air.

He couldn't help but feel shocked. This illusion was so powerful that he almost fell into trouble without realizing it. Fortunately, although there was a slight pause, the spiritual power transmission was not interrupted and there was no need to start over.

He concentrated completely on his fingers, but the illusion did not disappear, but continued around him.

Just when the bloody smell was getting thicker and thicker, one after another straight sword-like rays of light penetrated the fog, like hot sunlight, pricking holes in the darkness that could not be dispelled.

Those ghostly black figures also let out desperate howls in the brighter and brighter light, melting like snow into puddles of black water, and then quickly shrunk until they completely disappeared.

The illusion continued, but Liu Qinghuan began to feel labored. His mana became less and less as the lines on the jade talisman increased.

The mana was lost too quickly and too much, which also made his meridians feel swelling and pain. His whole arm immediately turned red, as hot as if he had just been taken out of the fire.

His heart gradually sank. With his strong magic power, he couldn't support the engraving of a small jade talisman?

There are still two blank lines on the jade talisman. With its characteristic of requiring double the mana, it seems to be destined to fail.

Liu Qinghuan considered whether to give up. This jade talisman is obviously not something that can be made by the Golden Core cultivation level, even if he is not an ordinary Golden Core cultivator.

This is not a life-or-death moment, so there is no need to continue taking risks.

On second thought, if that time comes, he may not have the time or opportunity to make it again.

Liu Qinghuan suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly. Thinking of the raging war in the outside world, thinking of wandering on the edge of life and death many times in the past year, thinking of Mu Yinyin going to Hidden Dragon Abyss and other Jedi who don't know how they are doing, a violent emotion suddenly arose!

He raised his hand to eat a few spiritual recovery pills, and then took out a high-grade spiritual stone to quickly absorb spiritual power. Liu Qinghuan activated the two golden pills in his dantian.

Their rotation speed suddenly accelerated, circling each other like two stars attracting each other, which also caused the entire spiritual sea to become turbulent and rolled up huge waves.

As the double elixir accelerates, more pure spiritual power trickles out and merges into the increasingly empty meridians.

A line of stripes was engraved on the jade talisman. With each stroke, Liu Qinghuan felt that he was one step closer to the limit, and then the real limit came!

The Dantian has gradually turned into a mass of shadows. The Dantian has never been so empty as it is now. The emptiness and pain caused by dryness drive people almost crazy. However, Liu Qinghuan is as dull as a bystander with a cold eye. A beautiful curve, like spreading wings Goofy's long lines were carved again.

And the last two strokes, he thought coldly and furiously, as if the physical pain happened to someone else.

He had noticed that something was wrong with his state. It was as if the murderous intent pouring out from the depths of his soul was rushing through his body, causing his facial features to gradually become distorted and his eyes to turn deathly black.

However, he could no longer stop, and could only hold on to the last trace of clarity. Only the small jade talisman was left in his eyes, and it fell on his finger again!

A huge suction force came from the fingertips, and the high-grade spiritual stone just taken out by his left hand immediately turned into a pile of powder. As the spiritual power was withdrawn, bright red gushed out!


A hoarse roar burst out, and endless murderous intent swept through the entire quiet room. Only a few bangs were heard, and the magic array disks buried in every corner exploded!

In the remaining consciousness, Liu Qinghuan used the last bit of strength to press down her fingers and put down the last stroke. She caught a glimpse of a fiery red shadow from the corner of her eye and lost consciousness.


Endless pain!

He groaned, and an unknown voice sounded in his ears, which made him have a splitting headache. He couldn't help but yell: "Don't make any noise!"

When his ears finally cleared, he felt the unbearable pain again. Soon, a cool feeling came from his mouth, which moistened his dry throat and also made him clear up a lot.

Opening his eyes with difficulty, he dimly saw the two hairy faces of Chu Yi and Xiao Hei: "Huh?"

"Master, you finally woke up!" The little girl's choking voice sounded in his mind, and at the same time Xiao Hei yelled: "If you don't wake up, we will move you out to find someone."

Liu Qinghuan was shocked by Xiao Hei's roar, which made her headache even worse, and she said with difficulty: "What's wrong, I..."

Everything that happened before the coma suddenly flashed before his eyes, as well as the violent, desperate murderous intention that occupied the entire mind!

Liu Qinghuan gasped!

I was so careless that I rashly started making something that I didn’t know the meaning, origin, or use of, and I didn’t even realize when I had caught the Tao!

He swallowed the saliva that smelled strongly of rust a few times with difficulty. He was terrified and asked hoarsely: "What happened when I was in a coma? Shut up, Xiao Hei. You are making my whole body hurt because of the noise. Let me tell you in the first year of junior high school."

Chu Yi opened a pair of big eyes that were about to cry, and said aggrievedly: "Master, you almost overturned the quiet room at that time. Brother Xiaohei, I, and Ying Niang were by the stream at the bottom of the mountain. Ying Niang suddenly When I stood up, I heard a loud sound of the magic circle breaking from the top of the mountain, and then she disappeared. When we came back, Master, you were covered in blood and unconscious."

Only then did Liu Qinghuan notice that the place where he was lying was no longer in the quiet room: "So, Lady Ying saved me?"

Chu Yi nodded hurriedly: "Yeah, Lady Ying was by your side at that time, constantly transferring her magic power to you."

He looked left and right, but the five-tailed fire fox was nowhere to be seen: "I know, I will go and thank her when I can get up. By the way, how many days have I been asleep?"

Xiao Hei raised a thick finger.

"One day? That's fine."

Xiao Hei shouted, wagging his finger: "Who said one day is five days!"

Liu Qinghuan was speechless. If he hadn't had the strength, he would have really wanted to give the monkey a shudder: "Have you seen a jade talisman that is three inches long?"

At the last moment, with the help of Lady Ying, the jade talisman should have been successfully made.

Xiao Hei took out the jade talisman and stuffed it into his hand, and said angrily: "Master, you are so careless, you almost lost your life just to refine this crap!"

Liu Qinghuan looked at the jade talisman left and right, and it was really successful. He smiled bitterly and said: "I was too careless this time. I didn't know that making this thing would be so dangerous. When I made another similar thing before, nothing abnormal happened. , so I relaxed my vigilance.”

He reluctantly raised his hand to touch the little head that Chu Yi had leaned towards, and recalled: "It should be because the words on the animal skin were incomplete to begin with, or maybe the two are more or less powerful, and the jade talisman is obviously more powerful. ”

The more he thinks about it, the more afraid he becomes. The previous situation was too dangerous. The Destruction of Illusion method can still confuse his mind and make him almost get fucked. The power contained in this unknown text is really terrifying!

If it weren't for the five-tailed fire fox, he might not only have been seriously injured, but he might have been lost in the boundless killing intent and finally his body collapsed and died.

It seems that I can no longer try to make jade talismans until I reach the Nascent Soul stage.

After comforting the two spirit beasts who were worried about him, Liu Qinghuan lay down for another day before finally feeling able to get up.

Walking into the courtyard, the five-tailed fire fox was lying by the spiritual eye spring as usual, while Chu Yi and the pulse soul were rolling around under the tree.

Seeing him appear, Pulse Soul jumped up immediately, grinning at him with a fierce look on his face.

Liu Qinghuan smiled and said hello to him, but the other party looked offended, yelled and wanted to pounce on him, but Chu Yi suppressed him.

Pulse Soul was several levels higher than Chu Yi in terms of strength, but he did not struggle hard at this time, but allowed her to press on him.

Liu Qinghuan couldn't help but laugh a little, and lamented the "good popularity" of the first year of junior high school.

It is said that the Chongming Bird can command all beasts, drive away wolves and tigers, and is an absolute deterrent to demons and ghosts. Chu Yi has the blood of the Chongming Bird. I wonder if he has inherited such a talent.

He walked to the five-tailed fire fox who had his head buried all the time and bowed deeply: "Thank you so much, Miss Ying, for saving your life! If you hadn't spared no effort to take action when the situation was in danger, Liu would have died standing here today. Please accept my homage."

The five-tailed fire fox remained motionless, but an impatient snort suddenly sounded in Liu Qinghuan's mind, and then there was no sound again.

Liu Qinghuan was overjoyed because this was the first time the five-tailed fire fox had communicated with him, even though it was just a cold snort.

He thought for a while and rummaged through the ring. When he was in the Eastern Wasteland before, he got a lot of trophies after fighting with monks from other worlds. He didn't have time to sort them out, they were all piled up in a mess in the corner of Najie.

Finally, he found a bead, and he didn't know who it was from.

He tentatively approached the five-tailed fire fox and gently placed it next to her: "This is a soul-raising bead. The quality is pretty good. I don't know if it will work on you... Well, although it's not as good as you, Lady Ying." It’s not a small favor from Liu, but please don’t take it personally. Alternatively, you can tell me what you need and I can try my best to find it.”

After waiting for a moment, the five-tailed fire fox finally raised his head, looked at the soul-raising bead with a little disdain, moved it under his body, and looked at him coldly with a pair of jewel-like round eyes.

For the first time, Liu Qinghuan received a response from the proud fox, and the expression on his face became more sincere.

The five-tailed fire fox opened its mouth, and a lazy and melodious voice came out of its mouth: "In that case, you can go find Fu Shen Soul Fusion Wood."

Thanks to People Crossing the Sea of ​​Suffering, The Emperor of Truth, Green Grass Flying Sword, Blue Wang Family, Yan Like,, Idle Man 323, Sister Niba, Phantom Ye Chen, GTX666, Book Friends 11042300, n for the rewards!

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