Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 473: Feeling sleepy

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Chi Changjian is slightly afraid of Song Ning at the moment. His attack on Song Ning just did not resist at the moment, but it was offset by a force on Song Ning ’s body surface. Chi Changjian could feel the power faintly faintly. I knew that Song Ning concealed the cultivation behavior, but under the test, Song Ning showed the cultivation behavior of Brother Wen Dao. In Chi Changjian's view, this was already amazing. Not smelling but false fairy?

Thinking of this, Chi Changjian felt a sudden pain in his heart. If Song Ning was not a false immortal, how could he kill his own younger brother, and it would be exterminated, and even the ashes would be left?

"Song Ling, you return my second brother's order!" Chi Changjian roared.

However, at the moment, Song Ning did not have any intention of war. He was swaying, walking forward step by step, his eyes dull. After hearing the roar of Chi Changjian, he seemed to have just woke up and looked up at Chi Changjian: "He ... is your second brother, he chased me down, I didn't kill him."

Song Ning's words are weak, and it sounds like an explanation, but how can this explanation be convincing? If Song Ning did not kill the other party, why did the other party disappear?

Chi Changjian was angry at the moment, and he didn't even care about Song Ning's explanation, but Chi Ruolan felt that Song Ning was a bit wrong.

She can't say how much she understands Song Ning, but she can see Song Ning's mood through Song Ning's eyes. At this moment, Song Ning's mood should be filled with sadness and confusion. Everything else can't be in Song Ning's mind Even if he is about to be killed now, he remains indifferent.

Chi Changjian's attack looked at Song Ning, and the more Song Ning didn't respond, the more vigilant Chi Changjian was in his heart. He didn't use his full strength because he wanted to take this opportunity to see Song Ning's true strength what exactly is it.

But before Chi Changjian's attack fell on Song Ning, Chi Ruolan moved, blocking Song Ning.

Chi Changjian hurriedly stopped, he looked at Chi Ruolan in shock: "Ruolan, what are you doing?"

"Grandpa, can you ... Can you not ..." Chi Ruolan bit her lower lip, she didn't know what she was doing at this moment, she didn't even know why she couldn't help but stand in front of Song Ning, I don't know why She just didn't want Song Ning to die, she just didn't want to see Song Ning so sad.

She still remembers that day, if she was not so sentimental to see Song Ning, I am afraid she would not fall in love with Song Ning deeply, but now, with the appearance of Song Ning, Chi Ruolan feels that Song Ning may have encountered another feeling. There were some questions, but why did he become like this after he came out of the ground? Chi Ruolan didn't know.

What Chi Ruolan knew was that she didn't want Song Ning to die, and she didn't want it anyway.

At this time, Song Ning stepped forward step by step. He walked past Chi Ruolan like that, and stepped down. It seemed that it took a lot of effort to lift the next step. He dragged his head and muttered in his mouth: "I did not Kill him, he chased me, I didn't kill him, he chased me. "

Song Ning said this in his mouth, but his heart was all that happened in the fairy tomb. At this time, in addition to the woman, Song Ning's mind is the Guqin, that is the Qin sound.

The woman's face fell on Song Ning, and Song Ning's heart could no longer be calm, that is Leng Yuexiao, not even a trace!

Song Ning walked past Chi Ruolan step by step, his eyes were blank, and he looked at the ground in confusion, like a walking dead.

Chi Changjian gritted his teeth: "He is pretending to be crazy and selling stupidity, don't you have to report the hatred of your second grandpa?"

With that said, Chi Changjian is the seal of both hands, and Song Ning will be hit, but Chi Ruolan's body is once again in front of Song Ning.

Chi Changjian looked at his granddaughter in confusion, for a moment, he really wanted to slap his granddaughter flying, and then killed Song Ning.

But Chi Changjian hadn't waited to do this, he heard Chi Ruolan's lower voice: "If he died, the child in my stomach ... there would be no father!"

Weng Ran in Chi Changjian's mind stepped back several steps in a row. He looked at his granddaughter in disbelief. Did she and Song Ning do that kind of thing in the room that day? But it's impossible, it's too fast, how can you know so quickly?

But the realm is different from the ordinary, and the monk is different from the mortal. The monk can feel the change of his body, even if it is only ten days and a half, if he wants to be aware, it is not impossible.

After Chi Ruolan finished speaking, her body shook weakly, and she looked at Song Ning with a complicated mood.

Song Ning seemed to hear Chi Ruolan's words, stopped and looked at her inexplicably: "What do you ... say?"

Chi Changjian was furious: "How can such a scum be my son-in-law? Children can be okay, but this person can't help but kill, Ruolan, you let go, I will kill this irresponsible man for you ! "

Chi Ruolan was shocked. She never thought that what she said was counterproductive. Grandpa still wanted to kill Song Ning, but how can Song Ning resist her now?

This time, Chi Ruolan still wanted to help Song Ning, but was restrained by Chi Changjian's fairy power. Chi Changjian's anger had reached its zenith at this time, and he couldn't bear his granddaughter to be pregnant before he even got married. At this moment, he looked at Song Ning as if he had killed his enemies.

Behind Chi Changjian appeared a ghost image of a dragon. This ghost image was composed of fairy power. Under Chi Changjian's tactics, the dragon rushed out, the mouth opened, swallowed by Song Ning .

"Kowloon tactics!" Chi Changjian shouted.

The dragon head formed by this spiritual force rushed towards Song Ning, with a destructive trend, and all the Chi family monks around were frightened to retreat, seeming to be afraid of being affected.

Song Ning felt the fluctuation of the fairy power, looking sideways at the dragon head, and in a trance, his memory hidden in his heart seemed to be dug out. This dragon head reminded him of what happened at the top of Taihe Mountain in the past. At that time, the dragon on the top of Taihe Mountain looked like that.

That day ... he lost everything, as if the entire world had become dim.

Today, in that fairy tomb, Song Ning felt that he had also lost everything, but when he already felt that he had no value in survival, he was suddenly stimulated by this leader when he was like a corpse.

Without the scene of Taihe Mountain, how could he reach this step today?

Faucet, faucet again!

Song Ning roared, and a whine broke out in her heart, which screamed out like Long Yin.

Even if everyone couldn't see it, it seemed that there was a dragon flying out of Song Ning's body. This dragon was like air, driving the sound and hitting the leading shadow of Chi Changjian.

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