Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 141: Despair

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

In a blink of an eye, four days passed.

In the cave, Song Ning exhaled for a long time, watching the burning sky sword which was already 90% translucent in his hand, wiping the sweat from his face.

"It's really difficult. I don't know how powerful it will be." Song Ning thought, taking the panacea, and started.

This time Song Ning speeded up again, and within half a day, he was done.

When the last trace of spiritual power filled the Burning Sky Sword, the Burning Sky Sword's body made a slight buzz. Song Ning held the long sword, feeling the spiritual power in it, and was excited.

"Sure enough, if you don't say anything, you should go all out and kill the late stage of the formation of the Dandan, it should not be a problem." Song Ning happily put away the Tianjian sword.

After a delay of four and a half days, I do not know what the situation of the Tianyuan School is. He can't joke with the lives of Li Qingling and others. The people of the Liu family are arrogant and cruel, and they may not be able to do anything.

Standing up and walking out of the cave, Song Ning swept subconsciously.


Song Ning violently looked back into the cave.

It was dark and there was no movement.

But just now, he clearly felt that there were two green eyes staring at him in the deepest part of the cave!

Song Ning feels numb and numb. The feeling just now seems to be seen through, but if she doesn't detect it with spiritual knowledge, she can't feel it at all.

When he thought of the depth of the cave, his hair stood up. The cave is strange, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

Song Ning quickly left the cave and escaped in the direction of the Tianyuan School.

But just after he moved several times with ‘Yujianshu, Shift’, he suddenly found that there was a fluctuation of spiritual power below.

This spiritual force fluctuated so strongly that the energy produced was affected even at high altitudes, and he quickly stopped and looked down.

The two below are fighting each other. Look like that, if there is an endless feud, the shot is a killing move.

One of them seems to be the complete consummation of the late Tandan, while the other is the early stage of Tantan.

The people in the early stage of Tandan retreat repeatedly, roaring in the mouth: "Zhang Tianchen, don't deceive people too much!"

"I'm cheating too much? You killed my whole family, hiding my family treasure, I'm cheating too much?" Zhang Tianchen hysterical in the final stage of Jiedan.

Jie Dan complained in the early days: "Don't you also kill my family? Isn't the heirloom also taken back by you? What else do you want?"

"I want you to die! Yao Shan, I want you to die!" Zhang Tianchen roared with exasperation, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes, and it seemed that he was crazy with hatred.

Zhang Tianchen raised countless sword qi in his hand, and his momentum was magnificent. Even Song Ning, who was a few miles away, felt the instability of the sword light under his feet and almost fell.

Yao Shanmulu refused, and secretly raised his finger: "Zhang Tianchen, you forced me, you forced me, and if I die, I will die with you!"

The roar of the two shook the sky, and Song Ning saw that the two were about to fight with their full blows, and they were about to dodge far away, but when he saw the **** of Yao Shan, his body suddenly froze.

That's a broken finger!

This man has become a broken finger? When he thought of the power of breaking the air, Song Ning couldn't help but look down.


This feels wrong. In the same period of knotting, the first finger of the broken finger can kill the other party, but the broken finger displayed by Yao Shan is not right.



Song Ning looked at the fingering, although it looked similar, but it felt a lot worse. Song Ning remembered the broken finger he was showing. It didn't feel like this.


In midair, the spiritual force collided, and the fluctuation of the spiritual force swept across the circle for dozens of miles in an instant. Song Ning felt that the fluctuation passed through his body like a ripple. If he had already defended himself, he might be seriously injured at this moment.

Song Ning heart sighed, looking for the traces of the two.


Under the impact of countless sword qi, Yao Shan has already vanished.

Look at Zhang Tianchen again ...

Dead too? !

In Song Ning's mind, Weng Ran, Zhang Tianchen died, there is only one possibility, that is, Yao Shan's broken finger killed him instantly, but Yao Shan's broken finger ...

Song Ning froze in the air, at this moment he finally understood that it was not Yao Shan who was wrong, but himself!

Every time the scene of casting a broken finger reverberates in Song Ning's mind, at this moment he finally understands that the broken finger he exhibited has only half the power of the first finger of the broken finger.

"It turns out so!" Song Ning's eyes flashed with a fine awn, and said to himself: "I was able to instant kill at the same level because of the cultivation of" Shen Dao Jing ", so I cast the broken finger, even if I did not practice It ’s successful, but it ’s still capable of instant killing at the same level, so I always thought that the finger I was breaking was right, but now it seems ... ”

Song Ning was very excited. The scene when Yao Shan showed his broken finger just now, he remembered it and showed it again. Almost 50% of his confidence was successful.

"Shen Dao Jing" allows Song Ning to be able to kill at the same level in the foundation period now. If he successfully displays the breaking index, can he directly kill the monks in the Jiedan period?

If it can ...

When Song Ning's heart moved, he had to send his escape to Tianyuan.

Click ... click!

When Song Ninggang was about to leave, he suddenly felt a touch in his heart.

The jade paper was crushed, Li family? !

Song Ning glanced at the direction of the Tianyuan School in mid-air. The messengers of the Liu Family in the Tianyuan School should not be easily chaotic. Now things are more urgent in the Li Family. Ning is not there, and it is difficult to guarantee what will happen. Moreover, Song Ning understands that if it is not for the Li family to encounter an emergency, two jade notes will not be crushed at the same time.

Song Ning turned his head and moved away in the direction of the Li family.

At the moment in the Li family, a white-haired messy late Dandan monk filled with blood in his hands, two Li family members died beside him, and he looked at the Li family with a smile.

"Little doll, why don't you want to crush that jade note? Are you afraid of Song Ning's death?"

Li Qingxue stepped back timidly. She originally wanted to smash the jade paper, but after learning that this person was Wang Zhentian, she hesitated to hide the jade paper, but she was snatched and crushed by Wang Zhentian. The jade paper in the hands of his mother was also crushed at the same time.

Even though the jade paper was crushed, the people of the Li family did not have much hope. After all, Song Ning said to go to the Tianyuan School, but he did not show up. Now even if the jade paper is crushed, he will not come to the Li family. .

The people of the Li family were disheartened, but at this moment the jade paper was broken. Wang Zhentian did not continue to kill the Li family, but waited for the arrival of Song Ning.

Take a breath.

Ten interest.

Twenty interest ...

The farewell did not appear, and as time passed, the hope in Li's family became weaker and weaker.

However, almost all Li family believes that the reason why Song Ning is not coming is because he is escaping, but Li Qingxue feels that Song Ning is now on the way to Tianyuan School, or is sending his sister to Tianyuan School, so he ca n’t rush Come.

Wang Zhentian looked at the expressions of everyone in the Li family, his eyes gloomed, and suddenly raised his hand, Li Qingxue's body flew to him uncontrollably.

He grabbed Li Qingxue's head, and his eyes flashed fiercely: "It seems that he will not come, all of you, Li family, will die!"

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