Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 570: War armor gold


The spear of extermination is extremely powerful. Not only does it have the momentum of extermination of the extermination of the devil, it just penetrates the dazzling golden light with a flash of gloom, and finally hits the seal of Jinyang with the momentum of thunder. The horrible waves are also shaking.

The wave oscillated, and when you look at it, you can see that the lines in the Jinyang Seal have begun to crack.

Obviously, even though the seal of Jinyang is very extraordinary, it is still a little worse than Xiao Yun's spear of destruction.

The seal of Jinyang's seal suddenly collapsed in an instant.

Then, the spear of the **** of destruction flashed and hit Gu Feiyang himself.

"This short spear is really powerful!" Gu Feiyang was startled, but he didn't panic.


When the Spear of Destruction appeared, a golden seal was suspended in the air.

When the light flashed, the Spear of Destruction hit the golden seal.


The crisp voice sounded through the void, and the golden seal just shuddered, and even resisted the spear of destruction.

At this time, after the first blow, the power of the Spear of Destruction has decreased, so this blow failed to reach that momentum.

The golden seal trembled, and there was an immense force shaking, Gu Tianlan's body trembled slightly, taking a few steps back.

This gold seal was a treasure, obtained for him in a ruin in Xishan.

"It was resisted!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

Even the spear of the **** of destruction cannot defeat this ancient Feiyang, so it is difficult to win.


Just at this moment, the light flashed in the void, and Gu Tianlan took a spear and attacked Xiao Yun.

This strike was extremely powerful and Gu Tianlan was ready to strike.

Just now he was going to take a shot, but he was always looking for opportunities.

At this point Xiao Yun shot and the power of the destroyer's spear plummeted, just when Yu Li had faded and new power had not been saved.

It's the best time to take a shot.

"Gu Tianlan!" Xiao Yun suddenly flinched when the gun came through.

At this point he can urge the animal beastly.

But Gu Feiyang had already taken precautions, and had urged King Kong to push Xiao Yun's organ beast into a distance.

He did this to facilitate the killing of Xiao Yun here.

In a hurry, Xiao Yun held the halberd and rushed away.


The halberds fought, and the sound waves shook their ears. As the flames bloomed, Xiao Yun trembled and was shaken back 100 meters.

"Xiao Yun, even if you are a natural talent, how can you fight me alone?"

Gu Tianlan grinned, and leaned forward. He held a spear and came towards Xiao Yundong.

Sky Gun Broken Moon!

One shot, aggressive, did not give Xiao Yun a shot at all.

"Good time!" Not far away, Gu Feiyang grinned, condensing another round of Jinyang Seal.

"Holy Seal Palace, suppress me!"

This time, the Holy Seal dazzled, and the breath became stronger.

Vaguely, it seems that there is a palace in the light of the Holy Seal blooming.

Gu Feiyang, Gu Tianlan, the two geniuses shot together, and they were so powerful that Xiao Yun couldn't cope even if he went against the sky.

Yan Yao heaven and earth!

Xiao Yun's shot was frightened, and the power of the martial spirit was fully blessed. He moved his halberd and swept away with the flames of the sky. This time, he tried his best to get out of the way, but his warfare was more intense. The blood was boiling.


A halberd cut out, tearing the sky, and the light covered the seal of the round.


Both Gu Feiyang and Gu Tianlan were trembling, and were shocked and retreated.

"This kid's momentum has become stronger?" Gu Feiyang was surprised, feeling that Xiao Yun's strength seemed to have increased.

This made him feel terrified.

"How is this possible?" Gu Tianlan was surprised, too. This Xiao Yunming Ming was about to be forced into despair.

How could this be?

"Kill!" Xiao Yun's blood boiled at this time, and there was endless fighting intentions flowing from the blood.

He felt a revival of his strength.

Unfortunately, it is too difficult to inspire it completely, so there is only one battle!

He held Tian Yanji and stepped forward, and then attacked Gu Feiyang.

The halberd burst into the sky, as the same light arc crossed the sky, the speed was extremely fast.

But the halberd is sharp, and like a thunder, it can urge mountains and mountains.

Under this kind of warfare, Xiao Yun was as powerful as a rainbow, releasing all kinds of true meaning of martial arts.

Tian Yanji has crossed the sky, and is no longer limited to moves, but only has an artistic mood in it.

Feeling Xiao Yun's sudden soaring momentum, Gu Tianlan and Gu Feiyang were both shocked in their hearts and did not dare to belittle them.

Daikin Hyunshou!

Holy Seal of Jinyang!

Both shots were made with full force, and the strength of the battle body was also motivated.

However, under Xiao Yun's powerful attack, they didn't even have the slightest advantage.

Xiao Yun's shot, without any advancement, there is no fear at all, no fear, there is a great momentum to fight the world, this momentum makes it difficult to compete with, because a person wants to be fearless, it is easier said than done. ?

Xiao Yun was as powerful as a rainbow, attacking step by step forward.

But although he has the advantage, he can't hurt Gu Feiyang.

First, Gu Feiyang has a golden seal for defense, which is difficult to hurt.

Second, Gu Tianlan cooperated very well with them, and the two often shot at critical moments, making Xiao Yun unable to succeed.

"This is not the way to go!" Although completely filled with warfare, Xiao Yun did not lose his mind.

Although it seemed that he had the upper hand at this time, it was clear that Gu Feiyang had not tried his best.

If he doesn't take this opportunity and wait for this ancient Feiyang to show his hole cards, then he probably has no chance.

"It's got to be cruel!" Xiao Yun muttered.

After the halberd was cut out and Gu Fei was lifted up to Zhen Fei, his eyes flickered with frown.


In Xiao Yun's eyebrows, the cyclone evolved, with rain falling down.

This is Xingshui, and even spirits can erode.


The falling star water eroded the golden veins on Gu Feiyang's body.

These light streaks can defend against attacks, but they are one-touch under water.

"What kind of liquid is this?" Hua Feiyang fell, and Gu Feiyang immediately felt the extraordinaryness of this liquid.

Only momentarily, the gold veins of the bodyguard eroded.

And the water dropped and continued to erode, and his clothes were melted.

"What awesome water!" Gu Feiyang was startled, and then there was a cold flash of light in those eyes. "However, if you want to hurt me, you still think too simple."

The corner of Gu Feiyang's mouth set off a cold arc.

"Gold armor!" Gu Feiyang looked up, his eyes flickered, and there was a domineering in it.

All he saw was a long drink, his body was shining, and the clothes outside were broken.

Then a glittering armor appeared on his body.

This armor is quaint, with armour, armour, and gloves, all extended a little bit, covering his skin.

The feeling was as if the armor had melted into his skin and was inspired at this time.

When the armor appeared, a light pattern bloomed to turn into a protective mask, which actually resisted the transformed star water.

Gu Feiyang was wearing a battle armor, and his long hair was rendered golden. When Fei Yang was dancing, the whole person looked imposing.

"Resisted?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun felt a little shocked in his heart, and murmured, "This armor seems extraordinary!"

The Xingshui Lingbing can be corroded, but it cannot dissolve the light blooming from this armor.

Such a scene is too shocking.

On the other side, the ancient bowl of Gu Tianlan was corroded into a depression when it touched the star water!

It is conceivable that Gu Feiyang is so extraordinary!

"You are very good, and you can force me to urge this gold armor of the armor!" The gold garment was in his body, and the momentum of Gu Feiyang became extremely powerful. His eyes were as bright as the king of ancient times, and now he is coming He stared at Xiao Yun faintly, his tone slightly cold.

"Gold suit of the armor?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and he looked dignified when he looked at the gold suit.

This golden coat looks like a armor and a strand of silk, and is quite naturally worn on Gu Feiyang's body.

But on the golden clothes, there is an ancient atmosphere of volatility.

Judging from that breath, this is definitely a rare treasure that has surpassed the Spirit Armor.

"I'll let you know today, I have a terrific combat body!" Gu Feiyang's eyes were cold, his hands were a step forward as the king, and after his words fell, he began to have an ancient blood burst out of him. .

"Condense my battle armor, cast supreme gold body!" A long drink, came out from this ancient Fei Yang mouth.

The sound was low, flickering, as if from outside, giving an ethereal feeling.

But the supreme majesty swept the Quartet like a torrent.

When the sound was heard, Xiao Yun's pupils suddenly shrank, and he felt a great sense of crisis.

Xiao Yun's eyes were staring at the front, watching Gu Feiyang's palms lifted up. The golden clothes on his body turned into armors and merged into his skin. At that moment, his arms were almost covered with a heavy golden Jiayu, showing the simple power.

Supreme body, sweep the world!

Gu Feiyang whispered.

At this moment, his whole person looked very refined, his soles stepped forward, and the arm with the battle suit slammed a punch.


The light of the fist flashed, and it seemed to be covered with gloves, with a golden pattern flashing.

He punched out like that, but the power in it hollowed out the void.

The power of this punch was suppressed, and it was still at the top of Yuandan, but it had reached the extreme.

Looking at the flashing fist, Xiao Yun felt a sense of weakness.

In that boxing light, it seems that there is a simple Taoism flowing in.

Although feeling great pressure ~ ~ Xiao Yun is still a halter!

Until now, he has only one battle!


The fist blasted on Tian Yanji, and the momentum was fierce. Xiao Yun felt shocked and almost cracked.

This punch was too powerful, and it was Xiao Yun who practiced the Tianyan Shenjiajue, otherwise his arm would be crushed.


Rao is so, Xiao Yun is still shocked by a punch, his body tumbling, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"You can die on my armour gold jacket, you should stare!" With a punch, Gu Feiyang continued to step forward.

But at this time, his face was cold, and he could not see the joy and sadness on his face.

At this time, he was like the same **** of war, with a momentum looking down at the world.

In the eyes of Gu Feiyang, Xiao Yun is like an ant, which can be easily wiped out.

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