Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 549: Tianjie Pill

"Do you still want to hide?" Xiao Yun's eyes turned and quickly locked in a corner in front of Lingchi. Haha

There he felt a familiar breath.

The fluctuation came from the dragon cricket they had chased before.

"Which dragonfly is it!" Just taking a look at the swallowtail bird, it was found that the dragonfly was hiding under a lotus flower.

At this time it is no better than the land of mud.

On the outside, there is a quagmire to stop it, making it difficult for people to clearly sense the breath fluctuation.

But here is different. Even if the vitality is strong, you want to distinguish a certain kind of vitality is still very strong.

Not to mention they have chased after Long for so long.


The dragonfly seemed to feel bad, and he was about to run away.

"Soul sea monstrous!" This time, Xiao Yun used the soul monstrous again.

At this time, his people also walked in the direction of that dragonfly.


When the light drink rang, I saw a soul element sweeping out of Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea.

The vastness of this soul element almost covered over half of the Lingchi, and Xiao Yun deliberately urged that soul element to sink into the water.

The soul element is like vitality, powerful to the limit can also be transformed into a substantial general attack.

Under the urging of Xiao Yun, nearly 70% of this soul element invaded the Lingchi.


When the soul element invaded, the dragon's body shivered obviously.

It looked like it was shocked, and there was a brief sluggishness.

"Oh, it's time for me to take a shot." That is, at this moment, the swallowing cockroach came, and its bird's beak pecked into the pond.


Only when there was a splash of water in the Lingchi, the bird's beak swallowed up and immediately emerged from the water.

Immediately, a dragon owl was taken out by it.

In this way, just momentarily, this dragonfly was easily taken down.

It was just that Long Yun was in his hand, but it was hesitant to swallow the Sky Finch for a moment, and his eyes turned a little hard to glance at Xiao Yun.

Look at this, this guy seems to want to swallow the dragon!

"I go."

Seeing the hesitant look of swallowing tits, Xiao Yun almost did not spit out blood, "Do you still want to swallow it?"

This made Xiao Yun speechless for a while. This dragonfly was too valuable. Only by mixing it with various medicinal materials to make Dan can maximize its benefits, but it is obvious that this silly bird looks like a swallowing bird. I want to swallow it alone.

Because it was afraid that it would lose its share.

Xiao Yun stared at the light of contempt, swallowed the water, and the heat in those eyes gradually weakened.

Subsequently, it also showed a bit of embarrassment.

"Cough, no, I just haven't heard the smell of this dragonfly for a long time. Book haha" The swallowing bird grabbed the dragonfly and passed it to Xiao Yun, chuckling after a slight cough, just looking at its appearance, Obviously, there is still a bit of entanglement and I don't want to surrender it.

"You're really out of medicine." Xiao Yun took the dragonfly directly from the claw of the swallowing bird and took it into the seal of the swallowing tower.

He was already speechless about the bird.

When is he less than the elixir of this silly bird?

"Oh, you will give me a copy of the refining elixir later!" I despise Xiao Yun and Ignore the Skyfinch. It shows a charming smile, and Xiao Yun stares at him with a smile. The corners of the mouth were drooling when the light flickered.

"Rest assured." Xiao Yun gave a white glance to swallow the sky tit, and then his eyes turned to set his sight on the Lingchi in front.

"Seven leaves green lotus, Luo Yulan, Shui Yuanguo ..." Xiao Yun glanced across Lingchi, and after seeing the medicine in the Lingchi, a smile appeared slowly in the corner of his mouth. Used to make elixir!

"I'll take the medicine for you!"

The swallowing bird seemed to know what Xiao Yun thought, and immediately showed a smile, and the body started to pick medicine as soon as it moved.

The guy seemed extremely diligent at this time.

Xiao Yun smiled slightly and began to pick herbs.

"I'm going, don't you eat this guy!"

"Your uncle, that is a millennium old medicine. If you dare to steal it, I will practice it for you." After picking some medicinal materials, Xiao Yun's eyes moved and he saw the swallowing **** immediately Stealing medicinal herbs made him almost vomit blood.

At this time in front of this silly bird's mouth, there was a magnificent Luo Yulan with a thousand years, so it was almost not swallowed.

"Oh, this is a misunderstanding, misunderstanding. I just want to smell the medicinal scent of this medicinal material to judge its year."

Sneak food was found, and the gorge quickly smirked.

It's just that its eyes flickered, and the drooling appearance at the corner of its mouth let all people know that this silly bird was really pouting.

In the end, Xiao Yun grabbed the medicinal material in the hands of the Sky Finch to keep it away from the Lingchi.

Otherwise, I do n’t know how many thousand-year-old medicines it will steal.

Even thousands of years old medicine is rare here!

Finally, after more than ten minutes of picking, all the medicinal materials in the vintage were picked by Xiao Yun.

Regrettably, no dragon owl was found in Lingchi.

Not only that, he also found no other spirit fish.

"First, refining these dragon spirits into elixir, and reserve it." Xiao Yun began to organize it into several servings for refining elixir.

First of all, those two dragons with slightly lower power can be used to refining the elixir that restores the root damage.

This elixir is easy to find, and there are many in this pond.

The other is the remedy of soul Tiandan.

These herbs Xiao Yun also happen to have.

For example, the Rotten Heart Fruit he obtained earlier, as well as some Rotten Heart Zhizhi, are excellent medicines for refining soul Tian Dan or raising soul Dan.

Especially the rotten heart cheese, there is also a strain that has reached the millennium.

If you add the medicine of that dragon king, once the medicine is refined, the medicine is definitely better than before.

To this end, he also joined several millennia of old medicine collected in this pond.

If counted, there are a total of six millennia of old medicines, and the remaining ones are more than 700 years old.

This is definitely a big deal.

"Add a few more dew drops of life!" Xiao Yun then took out the dew drops of life.

When everything was ready, his heart moved, and Zi Yan Ding was urged out.

Zi Yanding was taken out, and Xiao Yun began to refine the alchemy.

Swallowing Sky Finch stayed beside it stupidly. The elixir had not been refined yet, and it looked like a mouth watering.

When the medicinal materials were put into the tripod, Xiao Yun shattered the dragon's heart directly and then began to invest in the tripod.

It didn't take long before it turned into a medicinal solution, and there was an overflow of fragrance in Danding.

"It's delicious!" Smell the swallow with the scent of the medicine.


An hour later, Dan Ding was buzzing, and there seemed to be an impact from the dragon, and the strong medicinal fragrance was also diffused.

"It's going to be a panacea." According to previous experience, the larva knew that this was going to be a panacea.


Sure enough, after ten minutes, the buzzing sound was gone, Xiao Yun brushed the lid away, and a panacea appeared in front of him.

"Give me, give me." Seeing Dan Cheng, swallowing the Sky Sparrow's paw out, he called quickly.

"Give you a fart!" Seeing swallowing the sky tits, Xiao Yun rolled his eyes. This elixir was used to restore the foundation. Isn't it a waste to give it now? This bird really does not know when it is, as long as it is good, it will be swallowed!

This makes Xiao Yun very doubtful what kind of bird this bird is.

"Um, I mean, show me what this elixir is." The swallowing queen seemed to be splashed with cold water, and then said quickly.

Xiao Yun ignored it directly and continued to refine the elixir.

An hour later, another elixir came out.

This is the medicine that restores its roots.

"The next thing is soul paradise." After refining the two elixirs, Xiao Yun started to take out the last medicinal material. This time, he will use the dragon king as his medicine. Lead, refining a high-quality soul Tiandan.

At this time, the King of Dragons had already lost his breath and was sealed by Xiao Yun.

But it's not dead yet, and the soul power is still there.

Refining the soul Tiandan must maintain the integrity of this dragon's soul. Only by using this medicine can the spiritual power of the elixir be improved.


Taken out by Xiao Yun, Long Yan roared, his face fierce.

Seeing the fierce look of King Long Ying, Xiao Yun sighed softly and put it into the tripod.

At this time there was a seal blessing, and the Dragon King could not make any waves.

The first is the refining of medicinal materials. When the medicinal solution is formed, Xiao Yun begins to refining the King of Dragon.

The fire broke out, the seal was incinerated, and the dragonfly was able to break free and began to want an impact to get out of the trap.


Long Yan bumped into chaos, and Zi Yanding issued a buzzing sound.

"This guy is so dishonest." The Skyfinch frowned, and quickly stepped forward, "Would you like me to help you?"

"Anyway." Xiao Yun said lightly.

Then his heart moved, urging the formations in Zi Yan Ding.

This Baoding has a built-in pattern to prevent this situation.

But these formations are not what ordinary practitioners can urge.

Obviously, Xiao Yun had such strength at this time.

When the lines touched, a rune fell and began to restrain the dragon king.

Long Yan is bound, but does not affect the true fire to temper its body.

In this way, Dragon King was quickly refined by Xiao Yun's true fire.

At this time, Xiao Yun's Xuanming Wuhun has reached the Seventh Level of Yuandan, and it seems that such power is not something that ordinary people can resist.

Finally, after an hour of hardening in the true fire, the Dragon King also turned into a pure world essence.

In this spirit, there is the soul power that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Not only that, there are various forces in it.

The vastness of that power has suddenly reached an astonishing point.

It is also Xiao Yun's powerful soul at this moment, otherwise he cannot control this terror force at all.

Rao is so, he still uses the power of Zi Yanding.

In the end, he began to control the fusion of these forces with those medicinal materials, so as to change the essence.

It took another half an hour for the elixir to form, and Ding Nei began to blow out the glow.

That Xiaguang sprayed out thinly, hovering in the air like an air dragon, and it looked extremely spectacular.

"Hehe ~ ~ Danqihualong, this is the trend of refining the heavenly elixir!" Seeing this, the swallowing sky bird almost burst into blossom.

Tianjie elixir, the strength of the medicine is not comparable to elixir.

This elixir is hard to find even among some forces in Tiandu domain. Only real masters of alchemy can make it.

Now Dancheng is so excited about swallowing the tits.

The rays of light dazzled, and there seemed to be undulating waves in Ding Ding. After half an hour, the sound of the waves gradually converged.


In the end, the radiant glow from that tripod converged, all of which belonged to tripod.


After two minutes of Xiao Yun's eyes condensing, he opened the lid.

When the lid was lifted away, the rich scent of medicine sprayed out. There is a vast soul element in this medicine. It is not difficult to imagine, if this Dan served, would Xiuwei make a rapid progress?

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