Nine young men in Tianhemen fluttered in clothes and landed on the bank opposite Xiao Yun. Book ww.)

After entering the mountain stream, everyone felt a rather depressed atmosphere.

Although Xiao Yun in front of him was just a newcomer, but at this moment the young man stood with his hands in his hands and his hair fluttered, and there was an imposing presence in the eyebrows, which made them feel inexplicable. Dangerous breath.

This feeling made several old disciples in Tianhemen frown tightly.

"Is this kid stubborn?" Tang Zhengyuan's eyes narrowed, and a little wonder appeared in his heart.

He is the repairer of Yuandan's six major achievements, and is the strongest person in this team.

Even so, he still felt a hint of danger.

"This guy has always been so weird." Tang Zhenghe frowned next to him, and his eyes flickered a little when he turned his eyes forward. "In the beginning, he relied on Yuandan's heavy repair to win the Southern District. Fight first! "

Tang Zhengyuan, his brother, worshipped at Tianhemen.

"Oh?" Tang Zhengyuan's brows frowned, and his eyes were slightly dignified. "So this kid is not easy to deal with?"

"Not careless." Tang Zhenghe said cautiously.

For Xiao Yun, he has always been jealous.

"What's so jealous?" Another Yuandan Liujingjing practitioner next to him smiled coldly. "But it's just a boy in Yuandan Sanjingjing. Even if he is against the sky, he can fight beyond the ranks. It is the battleable Yuandan quadruple. "

"Are so many of us afraid that he will not succeed?" The man raised a brow, his eyes glaring towards Xiao Yun, showing his arrogance.

"Yes, he's just pretending."

Next to him, Zhu Yiwei said viciously, his eyes full of resentment.

At first he was injured by Xiao Yun, but now he has stepped into Yuandan Sancheng Xiaocheng, which seriously affected the progress of repair.

Tang Zhengyuan groaned.

"Brother Tang, let me go and meet this kid for a while." Said the pupil Guang Yining, who was next to the top five peaks of Yuandan.

"You?" Tang Zhengyuan frowned.

"Now the monks are looking for this boy, we can't delay." The monk said.

"Okay," said Tang Zhengyuan, "brother Tan, be careful yourself."

Now that he is afraid of this Xiao Yun, now he just wants this teacher to test it.

"Um." Tan Chengbin's eyes lightened, and after a word of acceptance, his feet limped forward.


Tan Chengbin stepped out, like walking through the void, stepping directly through the river.

Later, he stopped when he was six feet in front of Xiao Yun.

"You are Xiao Yun?" The Tan Chengbin stood up in the air, his eyes flickered, and there was a sharp light in it. When he looked at Xiao Yun, he was so imposing, with a high-spirited look, that tone was like asking a question. The weak are not polite.

"What's wrong with you here?" A clear breeze came from the river, blowing Xiao Yun's robes to the ground. He still had his hands on his shoulders, and looked quite indifferent to the tantalizing Tan Chengbin, even at his place. There was a chill in the eyes.

It's also that these people are not the people from Jiu Li Tian Huo Men, otherwise Xiao Yun has already shot, and he won't say much at all.

"Come here!" Seeing Xiao Yun's stubborn attitude, with his hands still on his back, Tan Chengbin's face was completely gloomy.

"Come here?" Wen Yan said that Xiao Yun's face changed suddenly, and a cold voice appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"I have no grudges and vengeance against your Excellency. It would be a bit embarrassing for you to do this."

Xiao Yun's discourse was still very cold.

"Baiyu?" Tan Chengbin smiled to the sky, "In this battlefield where martial arts are the honour, wouldn't it be naive for you to talk about Bashio with me?"

"Here, there is only interest, there is no right or wrong."

"Oh." Xiao Yun still looked indifferent, "Why did you come here?"

"Tell you the truth." Tan Chengbin hugged his chest with both hands, and the corners of his mouth set off a cold arc. "Xiao Yuanjie rewards the world. As long as someone provides you with clues, you can get a millennium elixir. If you capture it, you will get it. Ten drops of millennium stone crystal milk. "

"Oh, this millennium stone crystal milk can help the practitioners in Yuandan Liujuejing break through!

Speaking of the millennium stone crystal milk, Tan Chengbin's eyes are flashing with fiery light.

If he gets a drop of this kind of treasure, he can step into Yuandan Liujue!

"Millennium stone crystal milk?" Xiao Yun frowned, "That's it."

At this point he also understood why these people were here.

"Is Xiao Yuanjie rewarding the world?" Xiao Yun then looked up, and said with a bit of coldness to Tan Chengbin.

"Yes." Tan Chengbin said, "Who is Xiao Yuanjie? That's one of the few strong men in the southern region. You dare to chop his brother. You are destined to hate it. I urge you to take it. The faction will take you, you are out of nowhere. "

"If you are stubborn, you will only affect your colleagues in the future." At the end, the person's discourse was still a little threatening.

"Same door?" After hearing this, the light in Xiao Yun's eyes was completely darkened.

If you deal with him, it does not matter, you can solve it yourself.

But if he deals with his brother, then he can only worry.

Therefore, this threat will only make Xiao Yun angry, and there is an urge to wipe out all these people.

Because only by doing so can you protect the people around you.

"Give you a chance, catch it." Seeing Xiao Yun's gloomy face, Tan Chengbin didn't want to talk nonsense, his eyes were cold, with a bit of stern tone, said coldly, at the same time a powerful momentum Permeated from him.


The momentum of Yuan Dan's five peaks swept out, as it fell down towards Xiao Yun like the curtain of the sky.

This fluctuation caused a ripple in the void.

Xiao Yun was almost ignored by this imposing oppression.

"Do you mean the same thing?" Xiao Yun didn't bother with Tan Chengbin, but instead turned his eyes and looked at Tang Zhengyuan and others in front of him. The words were very light and very light, but anyone could feel that. Stock Mori meaning.

Apparently, Xiao Yun was really angry at this time.

Seeing Xiao Yun glance towards himself, Tang Zhengyuan and others frowned.

Is this kid really fearless?

"Xiao Yun, I advise you to grab your hands." Another Yuandan six-level practitioner hummed coldly.

Tang Zhengyuan was silent, as if he was going to let Tan Chengbin take a shot. He just waited and watched the changes.

"That being the case, then you will pay for it!" Muguang glanced at the past, and everyone's attitude was clear at a glance.

In this case, Xiao Yun would not be polite.


In the sea of ​​knowledge, the mysterious Wuhun flickers fiercely, beginning to have the flicker of the mysterious fire.

Those dark fires penetrated through the sea of ​​knowledge and penetrated into the body.

On Xiao Yun's body, an extremely cold air began to diffuse, and the fluctuations in the surrounding atmosphere became slightly colder.

"What a stubborn guy!" Seeing himself ignored, Tan Chengbin couldn't help feeling irritated and angry, he stared coldly at Xiao Yun, and his soles stepped forward after a cold hum, and the light pattern on his palm flickered into one Only the big palm grabbed at the latter.

This is a common hand, but it is overbearing and domineering.

This man seems to be planning to win Xiao Yun in one fell swoop.

If Xiao Yun is really just a practitioner of Yuandan's Triple Realm, then it is more than enough to win him in this blow.

Under absolute power, simple attacks can also be turned into irresistible killing moves.

Unfortunately, although Xiao Yun is only the cultivation of Yuan Dan's triple realm, his martial spirit is far more than this realm.

"The one who wants to kill me, die!" Seeing that Tan Chengbin's shot, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and there seemed to be a flash of dark fire.

After a cold drink came out, he could only see that his slender palm was slowly raised.

On the palm of my hand, the atmosphere of Xuanyin dazzling fire filled with a sense of extreme cold.

The lines on his index finger began to emerge, the lines were extremely complicated, and an obscure wave had already gathered at his fingertips.

There are faint flashes of light on the slender fingertips, exuding a sharp breath.

From a distance, the forefinger gives a sharp feeling, it seems that this is not a finger, but a spear.

A spear that can pierce through the void!

"This breath?" In the distance, Tang Zhengyuan kept silently watching Xiao Yun. When he noticed the fluctuation of the breath from his fingertips, his eyebrows flew tightly, and the corners of his eyes could not help beating for a while, somehow He felt a dangerous breath again.


At this moment, Xiao Yun pointed at the void, and the flash of that index finger flashed through the giant palm falling down.

"This is !?" Opposite the river bank, Tang Zhenghe, Zhu Yiwei and others were all surprised expressions.

At this moment, in front of their eyes, they only felt the light flashing. Xiao Yun's finger seemed to be turned into a spear-hole and penetrated the void. The breath fluctuations emitted by the fingertips made people palpitated, making Tang Zhenghe and others breathe for it. Stifled.

The next moment, the flash of that finger was tapping Tan Chengbin's giant palm.


A loud noise rang suddenly, and the void trembled, and a ripple appeared, as if the waves were spreading.

Afterwards, everyone saw that Tan Chengbin's huge palm collapsed, and a stream of Yousen's fire swept across it, which seemed to drown the Quartet.


A scream also followed the loud noise ~ ~ Tan Chengbin shrank his right palm, spreading pain all over his body, his face twisted for it.

It was just a single finger, and the other side even penetrated his palm.

This is more than that, after the dismissal of the giant finger, a horrible aftermath also swept towards him.

This wave is like a torrent, with an irresistible momentum. Immediately submerged this Tan Chengbin to make it impossible to spawn.

"What's going on, isn't he only Yuandan Triple Realm?" When Tan Chengbin was flooded by the aftermath, he looked suspicious, his eyes protruded, he was quite puzzled and regretted, a new disciple. How can there be such terrible strength?

Not only Tan Chengbin, but even a few Tianhemen practitioners on the other side were all shocked.

This result far exceeded their expectations.

With just one finger, the practitioners of the Five Realms of Yuandan were defeated. What kind of combat power should this be?

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